Java org.jfree.chart.plot CompassPlot fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.jfree.chart.plot CompassPlot fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.jfree.chart.plot CompassPlot.

The text is from its open source code.


CompassPlot(ValueDataset dataset)
Constructs a new compass plot.
Default constructor.


voidaddDataset(ValueDataset dataset)
Adds a dataset to the compass.
voidsetBackgroundImageAlpha(float alpha)
Sets the alpha transparency used when drawing the background image.
voidsetBackgroundPaint(Paint paint)
Sets the background color of the plot area and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetDrawBorder(boolean status)
Sets a flag that controls whether or not a border is drawn.
voidsetRoseCenterPaint(Paint paint)
Sets the paint used to fill the inner background area of the compass, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetRoseHighlightPaint(Paint paint)
Sets the paint used to draw the circles, symbols and labels of the compass, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetRosePaint(Paint paint)
Sets the paint used to fill the outer circle of the compass, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetSeriesNeedle(int type)
Sets the needle type.
voidsetSeriesOutlinePaint(int series, Paint p)
Sets the series outline paint.
voidsetSeriesPaint(int series, Paint paint)
Sets the series paint.