Java org.jfree.chart.plot PolarPlot fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.jfree.chart.plot PolarPlot fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.jfree.chart.plot PolarPlot.

The text is from its open source code.


org.jfree.chart.plot.PolarPlot has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.



voidaddCornerTextItem(String text)
Add text to be displayed in the lower right hand corner and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
Returns the primary axis for the plot.
Returns the primary dataset for the plot.
Returns the primary renderer.
voidsetAngleGridlinePaint(Paint paint)
Sets the paint for the grid lines plotted against the angular axis.
voidsetAngleGridlinesVisible(boolean visible)
Sets the flag that controls whether or not the angular grid-lines are visible.
voidsetAngleLabelsVisible(boolean visible)
Sets the flag that controls whether or not the angle labels are visible, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetAngleTickUnit(TickUnit unit)
Sets the tick unit that controls the spacing of the angular grid lines, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetAxis(ValueAxis axis)
Sets the primary axis for the plot and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetBackgroundPaint(Paint paint)
Sets the background color of the plot area and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetDataset(XYDataset dataset)
Sets the primary dataset for the plot, replacing the existing dataset if there is one, and sends a link PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetRadiusGridlinePaint(Paint paint)
Sets the paint for the grid lines plotted against the radius axis and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetRenderer(PolarItemRenderer renderer)
Sets the primary renderer, and notifies all listeners of a change to the plot.
PointtranslateToJava2D(double angleDegrees, double radius, ValueAxis axis, Rectangle2D dataArea)
Translates a (theta, radius) pair into Java2D coordinates.