Java org.jfree.chart.plot SpiderWebPlot fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.jfree.chart.plot SpiderWebPlot fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.jfree.chart.plot SpiderWebPlot.

The text is from its open source code.


org.jfree.chart.plot.SpiderWebPlot has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


SpiderWebPlot(CategoryDataset dataset)
Creates a new spider web plot with the given dataset, with each row representing a series.
Creates a default plot with no dataset.


Returns the axis label gap.
Returns the paint used to draw the axis lines.
Returns the stroke used to draw the axis lines.
Returns the data extract order (by row or by column).
Returns the dataset.
Returns the direction in which the radar axes are drawn (clockwise or anti-clockwise).
Returns the head percent.
Returns the interior gap, measured as a percentage of the available drawing space.
Returns the series label font.
Returns the series label paint.
Returns the maximum value any category axis can take.
Returns the start angle for the first radar axis.
Method to determine if the web chart is to be filled.
voidsetAxisLabelGap(double gap)
Sets the axis label gap and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetAxisLinePaint(Paint paint)
Sets the paint used to draw the axis lines and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetAxisLineStroke(Stroke stroke)
Sets the stroke used to draw the axis lines and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetBackgroundAlpha(float alpha)
Sets the alpha transparency of the plot area background, and notifies registered listeners that the plot has been modified.
voidsetBackgroundImage(Image image)
Sets the background image for the plot and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetBackgroundPaint(Paint paint)
Sets the background color of the plot area and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetBaseSeriesOutlineStroke(Stroke stroke)
Sets the base series stroke.
voidsetDataExtractOrder(TableOrder order)
Sets the data extract order (by row or by column) and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetDataset(CategoryDataset dataset)
Sets the dataset used by the plot and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetDirection(Rotation direction)
Sets the direction in which the radar axes are drawn and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetForegroundAlpha(float alpha)
Sets the alpha-transparency for the plot and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetHeadPercent(double percent)
Sets the head percent and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetInteriorGap(double percent)
Sets the interior gap and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetLabelFont(Font font)
Sets the series label font and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetLabelGenerator(CategoryItemLabelGenerator generator)
Sets the label generator and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetLabelPaint(Paint paint)
Sets the series label paint and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetMaxValue(double value)
Sets the maximum value any category axis can take and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetNoDataMessage(String message)
Sets the message that is displayed when the dataset is empty or null, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetOutlinePaint(Paint paint)
Sets the paint used to draw the outline of the plot area and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetOutlineVisible(boolean visible)
Sets the flag that controls whether or not the plot's outline is drawn, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetSeriesOutlineStroke(Stroke stroke)
Sets the outline stroke for ALL series in the plot.
voidsetSeriesOutlineStroke(int series, Stroke stroke)
Sets the stroke used to fill a series of the radar and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetSeriesPaint(Paint paint)
Sets the paint for ALL series in the plot.
voidsetSeriesPaint(int series, Paint paint)
Sets the paint used to fill a series of the radar and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetStartAngle(double angle)
Sets the starting angle and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetToolTipGenerator(CategoryToolTipGenerator generator)
Sets the tool tip generator for the plot and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetURLGenerator(CategoryURLGenerator generator)
Sets the URL generator for the plot and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetWebFilled(boolean flag)
Sets the webFilled flag and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.