Java org.jfree.chart.title LegendTitle fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.jfree.chart.title LegendTitle fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.jfree.chart.title LegendTitle.

The text is from its open source code.


org.jfree.chart.title.LegendTitle has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


The default item font.


LegendTitle(LegendItemSource source)
Constructs a new (empty) legend for the specified source.
LegendTitle(LegendItemSource source, Arrangement hLayout, Arrangement vLayout)
Creates a new legend title with the specified arrangement.


voidaddChangeListener(TitleChangeListener listener)
Registers an object for notification of changes to the title.
Size2Darrange(Graphics2D g2)
Arranges the contents of the block, with no constraints, and returns the block size.
Size2Darrange(Graphics2D g2, RectangleConstraint constraint)
Arranges the contents of the block, within the given constraints, and returns the block size.
voiddraw(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area)
Draws the title on a Java 2D graphics device (such as the screen or a printer).
Objectdraw(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area, Object params)
Draws the block within the specified area.
Returns the background paint.
Returns the current frame (border).
Returns the natural height of the block, if this is known in advance.
Returns the horizontal alignment of the title.
Returns the container that holds the legend items.
Returns the item font.
Returns the item paint.
Returns the padding.
Returns the position of the title.
Returns the legend item sources.
Returns the natural width of the block, if this is known in advance.
Returns a flag that controls whether or not the title should be drawn.
voidsetBackgroundPaint(Paint paint)
Sets the background paint for the legend and sends a TitleChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetBorder(double top, double left, double bottom, double right)
Sets a black border with the specified line widths.
voidsetBorder(BlockBorder border)
Sets the border for the block (use BlockBorder#NONE for no border).
voidsetFrame(BlockFrame frame)
Sets the frame (or border).
voidsetHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment alignment)
Sets the horizontal alignment for the title and sends a TitleChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetItemFont(Font font)
Sets the item font and sends a TitleChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetItemLabelPadding(RectangleInsets padding)
Sets the padding used for the item labels in the legend.
voidsetItemPaint(Paint paint)
Sets the item paint.
voidsetLegendItemGraphicAnchor(RectangleAnchor anchor)
Sets the anchor point used for the graphic in each legend item.
voidsetLegendItemGraphicEdge(RectangleEdge edge)
Sets the location of the shape within each legend item.
voidsetLegendItemGraphicLocation(RectangleAnchor anchor)
Sets the legend item graphic location.
voidsetLegendItemGraphicPadding(RectangleInsets padding)
Sets the padding that will be applied to each item graphic in the legend and sends a TitleChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetMargin(double top, double left, double bottom, double right)
Sets the margin.
voidsetMargin(RectangleInsets margin)
Sets the margin (use RectangleInsets#ZERO_INSETS for no padding).
voidsetNotify(boolean flag)
Sets the flag that indicates whether or not the notification mechanism is enabled.
voidsetPadding(double top, double left, double bottom, double right)
Sets the padding.
voidsetPadding(RectangleInsets padding)
Sets the padding (use RectangleInsets#ZERO_INSETS for no padding).
voidsetPosition(RectangleEdge position)
Sets the position for the title and sends a TitleChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetSortOrder(SortOrder order)
Sets the order used to display legend items.
voidsetSources(LegendItemSource[] sources)
Sets the legend item sources and sends a TitleChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment alignment)
Sets the vertical alignment for the title, and notifies any registered listeners of the change.
voidsetVisible(boolean visible)
Sets a flag that controls whether or not the title should be drawn, and sends a TitleChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidsetWidth(double width)
Sets the natural width of the block, if this is known in advance.
voidsetWrapper(BlockContainer wrapper)
Sets the wrapper container for the legend.