Example usage for org.jfree.chart.util PaintAlpha darker

List of usage examples for org.jfree.chart.util PaintAlpha darker


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.chart.util PaintAlpha darker.


private static GradientPaint darker(GradientPaint paint) 

Source Link


Create a new GradientPaint with its colors darkened.


From source file:com.bdaum.zoom.report.internal.jfree.custom.CylinderRenderer.java

 * Draws a cylinder to represent one data item.
 * @param g2  the graphics device.//from   w w w  . j ava2 s.c o m
 * @param state  the renderer state.
 * @param dataArea  the area for plotting the data.
 * @param plot  the plot.
 * @param domainAxis  the domain axis.
 * @param rangeAxis  the range axis.
 * @param dataset  the dataset.
 * @param row  the row index (zero-based).
 * @param column  the column index (zero-based).
 * @param pass  the pass index.
public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, CategoryItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, CategoryPlot plot,
        CategoryAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, CategoryDataset dataset, int row, int column, int pass) {

    // check the value we are plotting...
    Number dataValue = dataset.getValue(row, column);
    if (dataValue == null) {

    double value = dataValue.doubleValue();

    Rectangle2D adjusted = new Rectangle2D.Double(dataArea.getX(), dataArea.getY() + getYOffset(),
            dataArea.getWidth() - getXOffset(), dataArea.getHeight() - getYOffset());

    PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation();

    double barW0 = calculateBarW0(plot, orientation, adjusted, domainAxis, state, row, column);
    double[] barL0L1 = calculateBarL0L1(value);
    if (barL0L1 == null) {
        return; // the bar is not visible

    RectangleEdge edge = plot.getRangeAxisEdge();
    float transL0 = (float) rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(barL0L1[0], adjusted, edge);
    float transL1 = (float) rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(barL0L1[1], adjusted, edge);
    float barL0 = Math.min(transL0, transL1);
    float barLength = Math.abs(transL1 - transL0);

    // draw the bar...
    GeneralPath bar = new GeneralPath();
    Shape top = null;
    if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
        bar.moveTo((float) (barL0 + getXOffset() / 2), (float) barW0);
        bar.lineTo((float) (barL0 + barLength + getXOffset() / 2), (float) barW0);
        Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Double(barL0 + barLength, barW0, getXOffset(), state.getBarWidth(), 90, 180,
        bar.append(arc, true);
        bar.lineTo((float) (barL0 + getXOffset() / 2), (float) (barW0 + state.getBarWidth()));
        arc = new Arc2D.Double(barL0, barW0, getXOffset(), state.getBarWidth(), 270, -180, Arc2D.OPEN);
        bar.append(arc, true);
        top = new Ellipse2D.Double(barL0 + barLength, barW0, getXOffset(), state.getBarWidth());

    } else {
        bar.moveTo((float) barW0, (float) (barL0 - getYOffset() / 2));
        bar.lineTo((float) barW0, (float) (barL0 + barLength - getYOffset() / 2));
        Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Double(barW0, (barL0 + barLength - getYOffset()), state.getBarWidth(),
                getYOffset(), 180, 180, Arc2D.OPEN);
        bar.append(arc, true);
        bar.lineTo((float) (barW0 + state.getBarWidth()), (float) (barL0 - getYOffset() / 2));
        arc = new Arc2D.Double(barW0, (barL0 - getYOffset()), state.getBarWidth(), getYOffset(), 0, -180,
        bar.append(arc, true);

        top = new Ellipse2D.Double(barW0, barL0 - getYOffset(), state.getBarWidth(), getYOffset());
    Paint itemPaint = getItemPaint(row, column);
    if (getGradientPaintTransformer() != null && itemPaint instanceof GradientPaint) {
        GradientPaint gp = (GradientPaint) itemPaint;
        itemPaint = getGradientPaintTransformer().transform(gp, bar);

    if (itemPaint instanceof GradientPaint) {
        g2.setPaint(((GradientPaint) itemPaint).getColor2());
    } else {
        g2.setPaint(PaintAlpha.darker(itemPaint)); // bd
    if (top != null) {

    if (isDrawBarOutline() && state.getBarWidth() > BAR_OUTLINE_WIDTH_THRESHOLD) {
        g2.setStroke(getItemOutlineStroke(row, column));
        g2.setPaint(getItemOutlinePaint(row, column));
        if (top != null) {

    CategoryItemLabelGenerator generator = getItemLabelGenerator(row, column);
    if (generator != null && isItemLabelVisible(row, column)) {
        drawItemLabel(g2, dataset, row, column, plot, generator, bar.getBounds2D(), (value < 0.0));

    // collect entity and tool tip information...
    if (state.getInfo() != null) {
        EntityCollection entities = state.getEntityCollection();
        if (entities != null) {
            String tip = null;
            CategoryToolTipGenerator tipster = getToolTipGenerator(row, column);
            if (tipster != null) {
                tip = tipster.generateToolTip(dataset, row, column);
            String url = null;
            if (getItemURLGenerator(row, column) != null) {
                url = getItemURLGenerator(row, column).generateURL(dataset, row, column);
            CategoryItemEntity entity = new CategoryItemEntity(bar.getBounds2D(), tip, url, dataset,
                    dataset.getRowKey(row), dataset.getColumnKey(column));
