Example usage for org.jfree.data.category DefaultCategoryDataset getRowCount

List of usage examples for org.jfree.data.category DefaultCategoryDataset getRowCount


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.data.category DefaultCategoryDataset getRowCount.


public int getRowCount() 

Source Link


Returns the number of rows in the table.


From source file:org.pentaho.plugin.jfreereport.reportcharts.RadarChartExpression.java

private double computeMaxValue(final DefaultCategoryDataset defaultDataset) {
    final int rows = defaultDataset.getRowCount();
    final int columns = defaultDataset.getColumnCount();
    double maxdata = 0.01;

    for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
        for (int cc = 0; cc < columns; cc++) {
            final Number value = defaultDataset.getValue(r, cc);
            if (value == null) {
            }/*from   w w w .  j a  v  a  2 s.  c  o  m*/

            if (value.doubleValue() > maxdata) {
                maxdata = value.doubleValue();
    return maxdata;

From source file:org.jfree.data.category.DefaultCategoryDatasetTest.java

 * Some tests for the getRowCount() method.
 *//*www  .  j  a  v  a  2s .c o m*/
public void testGetRowCount() {
    DefaultCategoryDataset d = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    assertTrue(d.getRowCount() == 0);

    d.addValue(1.0, "R1", "C1");
    assertTrue(d.getRowCount() == 1);

    d.addValue(1.0, "R2", "C1");
    assertTrue(d.getRowCount() == 2);

    d.addValue(2.0, "R2", "C1");
    assertTrue(d.getRowCount() == 2);

    // a row of all null values is still counted...
    d.setValue(null, "R2", "C1");
    assertTrue(d.getRowCount() == 2);

From source file:org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.chart.CategoryDatasetChartComponent.java

public Document getXmlContent() {

    // Create a document that describes the result
    Document result = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
    IPentahoRequestContext requestContext = PentahoRequestContextHolder.getRequestContext();
    setXslProperty("baseUrl", requestContext.getContextPath()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
    setXslProperty("fullyQualifiedServerUrl", //$NON-NLS-1$
            PentahoSystem.getApplicationContext().getFullyQualifiedServerURL()); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$

    String mapName = "chart" + AbstractChartComponent.chartCount++; //$NON-NLS-1$
    Document chartDefinition = jcrHelper.getSolutionDocument(definitionPath, RepositoryFilePermission.READ);
    if (chartDefinition == null) {
        Element errorElement = result.addElement("error"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        errorElement.addElement("title").setText( //$NON-NLS-1$
                Messages.getInstance().getString("ABSTRACTCHARTEXPRESSION.ERROR_0001_ERROR_GENERATING_CHART")); //$NON-NLS-1$
        String message = Messages.getInstance().getString("CHARTS.ERROR_0001_CHART_DEFINIION_MISSING", //$NON-NLS-1$
                definitionPath);/* w ww . j  a v  a  2s.  c o  m*/
        errorElement.addElement("message").setText(message); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return result;
    // create a pie definition from the XML definition
    dataDefinition = createChart(chartDefinition);

    if (dataDefinition == null) {
        Element errorElement = result.addElement("error"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        errorElement.addElement("title").setText( //$NON-NLS-1$
                Messages.getInstance().getString("ABSTRACTCHARTEXPRESSION.ERROR_0001_ERROR_GENERATING_CHART")); //$NON-NLS-1$
        String message = Messages.getInstance().getString("CHARTS.ERROR_0002_CHART_DATA_MISSING", actionPath); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
        errorElement.addElement("message").setText(message); //$NON-NLS-1$
        // System .out.println( result.asXML() );
        return result;

    // create an image for the dial using the JFreeChart engine
    PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(new StringWriter());
    // we'll dispay the title in HTML so that the dial image does not have
    // to
    // accommodate it
    String chartTitle = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
    try {
        if (width == -1) {
            width = Integer.parseInt(chartDefinition.selectSingleNode("/chart/width").getText()); //$NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
        // go with the default
    try {
        if (height == -1) {
            height = Integer.parseInt(chartDefinition.selectSingleNode("/chart/height").getText()); //$NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
        // go with the default
    if (chartDefinition.selectSingleNode("/chart/" + AbstractChartComponent.URLTEMPLATE_NODE_NAME) != null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
        urlTemplate = chartDefinition.selectSingleNode("/chart/" + AbstractChartComponent.URLTEMPLATE_NODE_NAME) //$NON-NLS-1$

    if (chartDefinition.selectSingleNode("/chart/paramName") != null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
        paramName = chartDefinition.selectSingleNode("/chart/paramName").getText(); //$NON-NLS-1$

    Element root = result.addElement("charts"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    DefaultCategoryDataset chartDataDefinition = (DefaultCategoryDataset) dataDefinition;
    if (chartDataDefinition.getRowCount() > 0) {
        // create temporary file names
        String[] tempFileInfo = createTempFile();
        String fileName = tempFileInfo[AbstractChartComponent.FILENAME_INDEX];
        String filePathWithoutExtension = tempFileInfo[AbstractChartComponent.FILENAME_WITHOUT_EXTENSION_INDEX];

        ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
        JFreeChartEngine.saveChart(chartDataDefinition, chartTitle, "", filePathWithoutExtension, width, height, //$NON-NLS-1$
                JFreeChartEngine.OUTPUT_PNG, printWriter, info, this);
        Element chartElement = root.addElement("chart"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        chartElement.addElement("mapName").setText(mapName); //$NON-NLS-1$
        chartElement.addElement("width").setText(Integer.toString(width)); //$NON-NLS-1$
        chartElement.addElement("height").setText(Integer.toString(height)); //$NON-NLS-1$
        for (int row = 0; row < chartDataDefinition.getRowCount(); row++) {
            for (int column = 0; column < chartDataDefinition.getColumnCount(); column++) {
                Number value = chartDataDefinition.getValue(row, column);
                Comparable rowKey = chartDataDefinition.getRowKey(row);
                Comparable columnKey = chartDataDefinition.getColumnKey(column);
                Element valueElement = chartElement.addElement("value2D"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                valueElement.addElement("value").setText(value.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
                valueElement.addElement("row-key").setText(rowKey.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
                valueElement.addElement("column-key").setText(columnKey.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
        String mapString = ImageMapUtilities.getImageMap(mapName, info);
        chartElement.addElement("imageMap").setText(mapString); //$NON-NLS-1$
        chartElement.addElement("image").setText(fileName); //$NON-NLS-1$
    return result;

From source file:org.jfree.data.category.DefaultCategoryDatasetTest.java

 * Some checks for the removeRow(Comparable) method.
 *///from   w w  w.j  ava 2  s .c o  m
public void testRemoveRow() {
    DefaultCategoryDataset d = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    d.addValue(1.0, "R1", "C1");
    d.addValue(2.0, "R2", "C2");
    assertEquals(2, d.getRowCount());
    assertEquals(1, d.getRowCount());

    boolean pass = false;
    try {
    } catch (UnknownKeyException e) {
        pass = true;

    pass = false;
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        pass = true;

From source file:org.jfree.data.category.DefaultCategoryDatasetTest.java

 * Some basic checks for the removeValue() method.
 *///from w w w.  j  a v  a  2  s .c  o m
public void testRemoveValue() {
    DefaultCategoryDataset d = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    d.removeValue("R1", "C1");
    d.addValue(new Double(1.0), "R1", "C1");
    d.removeValue("R1", "C1");
    assertEquals(0, d.getRowCount());
    assertEquals(0, d.getColumnCount());

    d.addValue(new Double(1.0), "R1", "C1");
    d.addValue(new Double(2.0), "R2", "C1");
    d.removeValue("R1", "C1");
    assertEquals(new Double(2.0), d.getValue(0, 0));

    boolean pass = false;
    try {
        d.removeValue(null, "C1");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        pass = true;

    pass = false;
    try {
        d.removeValue("R1", null);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        pass = true;

From source file:spec.reporter.Utils.java

public static void generateMainChart(double compositeScore, TreeMap<String, Double> scores) {

    // Valid benchmarks + room for all possible extra - compiler, crypto, scimark, scimark.small, scimark.large, startup, xml, composite score
    Color[] colors = new Color[scores.size() + 8];

    // create the dataset...
    DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    int count = 0;

    Iterator<String> iteratorBenchmarks = scores.keySet().iterator();
    while (iteratorBenchmarks.hasNext()) {
        String key = iteratorBenchmarks.next();
        Double score = scores.get(key);
        if (Utils.isValidScore(score)) {
            dataset.addValue(score, key, key);
            colors[count++] = (Color) colorMap.get(key);
        }/* w  w w.  jav a2s.  c  o  m*/

    if (Utils.isValidScore(compositeScore)) {
        dataset.addValue(compositeScore, Utils.CSCORE_NAME, Utils.CSCORE_NAME);
        colors[count++] = (Color) colorMap.get(Utils.CSCORE_NAME);

    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart("Scores", // chart title
            "", // domain axis label
            "", dataset, // data
            PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL, // orientation
            false, // include legend
            false, // tooltips?
            false // URLs?

    CategoryItemRenderer renderer = chart.getCategoryPlot().getRendererForDataset(dataset);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        Color paint = (Color) colors[i];
        if (paint != null) {
            renderer.setSeriesPaint(i, paint);

    try {
        ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(new File(getFullImageName("all")), chart, 600,
                50 + (dataset.getRowCount()) * 20);
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:org.datacleaner.widgets.result.PatternFinderResultSwingRendererCrosstabDelegate.java

protected void displayChart(DCTable table, DisplayChartCallback displayChartCallback) {
    final int rowCount = table.getRowCount();
    final DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
        final Object expressionObject = table.getValueAt(i, 0);
        final String expression = extractString(expressionObject);

        final Object countObject = table.getValueAt(i, 1);
        final String countString = extractString(countObject);
        final int count = Integer.parseInt(countString);
        dataset.addValue(count, expression, "");
    }/*from  w w  w .java2s  .com*/

    // only show legend if there are not too many patterns
    final boolean showLegend = dataset.getRowCount() < 25;

    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart("", "", "Match count", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL,
            showLegend, true, false);

    final ChartPanel chartPanel = ChartUtils.createPanel(chart, true);


From source file:org.jfree.data.category.junit.DefaultCategoryDatasetTests.java

 * Some basic checks for the removeValue() method.
 *//*from ww  w . j  a v  a  2 s.  c om*/
public void testRemoveValue() {
    DefaultCategoryDataset d = new DefaultCategoryDataset();

    // if we try removing with unknown keys, we expect an exception
    boolean pass = false;
    try {
        d.removeValue("R1", "C1");
    } catch (UnknownKeyException e) {
        pass = true;

    d.addValue(new Double(1.0), "R1", "C1");
    d.removeValue("R1", "C1");
    assertEquals(0, d.getRowCount());
    assertEquals(0, d.getColumnCount());

    d.addValue(new Double(1.0), "R1", "C1");
    d.addValue(new Double(2.0), "R2", "C1");
    d.removeValue("R1", "C1");
    assertEquals(new Double(2.0), d.getValue(0, 0));

    pass = false;
    try {
        d.removeValue(null, "C1");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        pass = true;

    pass = false;
    try {
        d.removeValue("R1", null);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        pass = true;

From source file:com.etest.view.tq.charts.GraphicalInventoryBarChart.java

public GraphicalInventoryBarChart() {
    setModal(true);//from   w w  w .j av  a  2  s . com

    VerticalLayout v = new VerticalLayout();

    //        Panel panel = new Panel();
    DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    for (Curriculum c : cs.getAllCurriculum()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            if (i == 0) {
                dataset.addValue(rs.getTotalCasesBySubject(c.getCurriculumId()), "Cases", c.getSubject());
            } else {
                dataset.addValue(rs.getTotalItemsBySubject(c.getCurriculumId()), "Items", c.getSubject());

    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart("Inventory of Items and Cases", "Subjects", "", dataset,
            PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);

    CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot();
    BarRenderer renderer = (BarRenderer) plot.getRenderer();

    Color color;

    for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getRowCount(); i++) {
        if (i % 2 == 0) {
            renderer.setSeriesPaint(i, new Color(0, 0, 255));
        } else {
            renderer.setSeriesPaint(i, new Color(255, 0, 0));

    //        JFreeChartWrapper wrapper = new JFreeChartWrapper(chart){
    //            @Override
    //            public void attach(){
    //                super.attach();
    //                setResource("src", getSource());
    //            }
    //        };

    v.addComponent(new ReportChartWrapper(chart, null, null));


From source file:com.swordlord.gozer.components.fop.graph.GFopStackedBarChart.java

public GFopStackedBarChart(IGozerFrameExtension gfe, GStackedBarChart chart) {
    super(gfe);/* w  w w. ja v  a  2  s.  co m*/

    DataBindingMember dbMemberRowKey = chart.getDataBindingMemberRowKey();
    DataBindingMember dbMemberColKey = chart.getDataBindingMemberColKey();
    DataBindingMember dbMemberValue = chart.getDataBindingMemberValue();
    DataBindingManager dbManager = chart.getDataBindingManager();

    DefaultCategoryDataset dcd = new DefaultCategoryDataset();

    List<DataRowBase> rowTests = dbManager.getRows(dbMemberValue);
    for (int j = 0; j < rowTests.size(); j++) {
        DataRowBase row = rowTests.get(j);

        String strKey = row.getPropertyAsStringForce(dbMemberRowKey.getRelativePathWithField());

        dcd.setValue(row.getPropertyAsInt(dbMemberValue.getRelativePathWithField()), strKey,

    JFreeChart fc = ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart(chart.getTitle(), chart.getCategoryAxisLabel(),
            chart.getValueAxisLabel(), dcd, chart.getOrientation(), chart.getLegend(), false, false);

    // Do this in a more static way!
    StackedBarRenderer.setDefaultBarPainter(new StandardBarPainter());

    if (chart.getSubTitle() != null) {
        fc.addSubtitle(new TextTitle(chart.getSubTitle()));

    CategoryPlot plot = fc.getCategoryPlot();

    CategoryAxis domainAxis = plot.getDomainAxis();

    ValueAxis valueAxis = plot.getRangeAxis();

    //CategoryItemRenderer renderer = (CategoryItemRenderer) plot.getRenderer();
    for (int j = 0; j < rowKey.length; j++)
       renderer.setSeriesItemLabelGenerator(j, new LabelGenerator(j, rowKey[j]));
       renderer.setSeriesItemLabelsVisible(j, true);
    StackedBarRenderer renderer = new StackedBarRenderer();

    for (int j = 0; j < dcd.getRowCount(); j++) {
        renderer.setSeriesItemLabelGenerator(j, new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator());
        renderer.setSeriesItemLabelsVisible(j, true);

    //renderer.setLegendItemLabelGenerator(new LabelGenerator());


    _image = new ChartImage("chart", fc, chart.getWidth(800), chart.getHeight(800));