Example usage for org.jfree.data Range getLowerBound

List of usage examples for org.jfree.data Range getLowerBound


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.data Range getLowerBound.


public double getLowerBound() 

Source Link


Returns the lower bound for the range.


From source file:org.tsho.dmc2.core.chart.LyapunovRenderer.java

public void initializeVsTime(VariableDoubles parameters, VariableDoubles initialValues, Range timeRange,
        double stepSize) {

    this.lower = (int) timeRange.getLowerBound();
    this.upper = (int) timeRange.getUpperBound();
    this.stepSize = stepSize;
    this.type = TYPE_VSTIME;

From source file:de.bund.bfr.knime.pmmlite.views.chart.ChartCreator.java

public ChartCreator(Map<String, Plotable> plotables, Map<String, String> legend) {
    this.plotables = plotables;
    this.legend = legend;
    colors = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    shapes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    colorLists = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    shapeLists = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    chartPanel = new ChartPanel(new JFreeChart(new XYPlot())) {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        @Override//from   w  w  w . ja va2s.c  o m
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
            ValueAxis domainAxis = ((XYPlot) getChart().getPlot()).getDomainAxis();
            ValueAxis rangeAxis = ((XYPlot) getChart().getPlot()).getRangeAxis();

            Range xRange1 = domainAxis.getRange();
            Range yRange1 = rangeAxis.getRange();
            Range xRange2 = domainAxis.getRange();
            Range yRange2 = rangeAxis.getRange();

            if (!xRange1.equals(xRange2) || !yRange1.equals(yRange2)) {
                minX = xRange2.getLowerBound();
                maxX = xRange2.getUpperBound();
                minY = yRange2.getLowerBound();
                maxY = yRange2.getUpperBound();

    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    add(chartPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

From source file:net.sf.fspdfs.chartthemes.spring.AegeanChartTheme.java

 *//* ww  w .j  ava  2 s .  c  o  m*/
protected JFreeChart createThermometerChart() throws JRException {
    JRThermometerPlot jrPlot = (JRThermometerPlot) getPlot();

    // Create the plot that will hold the thermometer.
    ThermometerPlot chartPlot = new ThermometerPlot((ValueDataset) getDataset());
    // Build a chart around this plot
    JFreeChart jfreeChart = new JFreeChart(chartPlot);

    // Set the generic options
    configureChart(jfreeChart, getPlot());

    Range range = convertRange(jrPlot.getDataRange());

    if (range != null) {
        // Set the boundary of the thermomoter

    // Units can only be Fahrenheit, Celsius or none, so turn off for now.

    // Set the color of the mercury.  Only used when the value is outside of
    // any defined ranges.
    List seriesPaints = (List) getDefaultValue(defaultChartPropertiesMap, ChartThemesConstants.SERIES_COLORS);

    Paint paint = (jrPlot.getMercuryColor() != null ? (Paint) jrPlot.getMercuryColor()
            : (Paint) seriesPaints.get(0));

    chartPlot.setThermometerStroke(new BasicStroke(2f));

    // Set the formatting of the value display
    JRValueDisplay display = jrPlot.getValueDisplay();
    if (display != null) {
        if (display.getColor() != null) {
        if (display.getMask() != null) {
            chartPlot.setValueFormat(new DecimalFormat(display.getMask()));
        if (display.getFont() != null) {
            //            chartPlot.setValueFont(JRFontUtil.getAwtFont(display.getFont()).deriveFont(Font.BOLD));

    // Set the location of where the value is displayed
    // Set the location of where the value is displayed
    ValueLocationEnum valueLocation = jrPlot.getValueLocationValue();
    switch (valueLocation) {
    case NONE:
    case LEFT:
    case RIGHT:
    case BULB:

    // Define the three ranges
    range = convertRange(jrPlot.getLowRange());
    if (range != null) {
        chartPlot.setSubrangeInfo(2, range.getLowerBound(), range.getUpperBound());

    range = convertRange(jrPlot.getMediumRange());
    if (range != null) {
        chartPlot.setSubrangeInfo(1, range.getLowerBound(), range.getUpperBound());

    range = convertRange(jrPlot.getHighRange());
    if (range != null) {
        chartPlot.setSubrangeInfo(0, range.getLowerBound(), range.getUpperBound());

    return jfreeChart;

From source file:org.tsho.dmc2.core.chart.LyapunovRenderer.java

public void initializeVsParameter(VariableDoubles parameters, VariableDoubles initialValues, String parLabel,
        Range parameterRange, int iterations) {

    this.firstParLabel = parLabel;
    this.lower = parameterRange.getLowerBound();
    this.upper = parameterRange.getUpperBound();
    this.iterations = iterations;

    this.type = TYPE_VSPAR;

From source file:org.gumtree.vis.plot1d.KLogarithmicAxis.java

protected List refreshTicksHorizontal(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    List ticks = new java.util.ArrayList();
    Range range = getRange();

    //get lower bound value:
    double lowerBoundVal = range.getLowerBound();
    //if small log values and lower bound value too small
    // then set to a small value (don't allow <= 0):
    if (this.smallLogFlag && lowerBoundVal < SMALL_LOG_VALUE) {
        lowerBoundVal = SMALL_LOG_VALUE;
    }/*from  w w  w .j a v a 2 s  . com*/

    //get upper bound value
    double upperBoundVal = range.getUpperBound();

    //get log10 version of lower bound and round to integer:
    int iBegCount = (int) Math.rint(switchedLog10(lowerBoundVal));
    //get log10 version of upper bound and round to integer:
    int iEndCount = (int) Math.rint(switchedLog10(upperBoundVal));

    //        if (iBegCount == iEndCount && iBegCount >= 0
    if (iBegCount == iEndCount && Math.pow(10, iBegCount) > lowerBoundVal) {
        //only 1 power of 10 value, it's > 0 and its resulting
        // tick value will be larger than lower bound of data
        --iBegCount; //decrement to generate more ticks

    int numberOfGrids = 0;
    int numberOfTicks = 0;
    NumberTick lastTick = null;

    double currentTickValue;
    String tickLabel;
    boolean zeroTickFlag = false;
    for (int i = iBegCount; i <= iEndCount; i++) {
        //for each power of 10 value; create ten ticks
        for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
            //for each tick to be displayed
            if (this.smallLogFlag) {
                //small log values in use; create numeric value for tick
                currentTickValue = Math.pow(10, i) + (Math.pow(10, i) * j);
                if (this.expTickLabelsFlag || (i < 0 && currentTickValue > 0.0 && currentTickValue < 1.0)) {
                    //showing "1e#"-style ticks or negative exponent
                    // generating tick value between 0 & 1; show fewer
                    if (j == 0 || (i > -4 && (j < 2 || j == 4)) || currentTickValue >= upperBoundVal) {
                        //first tick of series, or not too small a value and
                        // one of first 3 ticks, or last tick to be displayed
                        // set exact number of fractional digits to be shown
                        // (no effect if showing "1e#"-style ticks):
                        //create tick label (force use of fmt obj):
                        tickLabel = makeTickLabel(currentTickValue, true);
                    } else { //no tick label to be shown
                        //                            tickLabel = "";
                        if (numberOfTicks == 0) {
                            tickLabel = makeTickLabel(currentTickValue, true);
                        } else
                            tickLabel = "";
                } else { //tick value not between 0 & 1
                         //show tick label if it's the first or last in
                         // the set, or if it's 1-5; beyond that show
                         // fewer as the values get larger:
                    tickLabel = (j < 1 || (i < 1 && j < 5) || (j < 4 - i) || currentTickValue >= upperBoundVal
                            || numberOfTicks == 0) ? makeTickLabel(currentTickValue) : "";
            } else { //not small log values in use; allow for values <= 0
                if (zeroTickFlag) { //if did zero tick last iter then
                    --j; //decrement to do 1.0 tick now
                } //calculate power-of-ten value for tick:
                currentTickValue = (i >= 0) ? Math.pow(10, i) + (Math.pow(10, i) * j)
                        : -(Math.pow(10, -i) - (Math.pow(10, -i - 1) * j));
                if (!zeroTickFlag) { // did not do zero tick last iteration
                    if (Math.abs(currentTickValue - 1.0) < 0.0001 && lowerBoundVal <= 0.0
                            && upperBoundVal >= 0.0) {
                        //tick value is 1.0 and 0.0 is within data range
                        currentTickValue = 0.0; //set tick value to zero
                        zeroTickFlag = true; //indicate zero tick
                } else { //did zero tick last iteration
                    zeroTickFlag = false; //clear flag
                } //create tick label string:
                //show tick label if "1e#"-style and it's one
                // of the first two, if it's the first or last
                // in the set, or if it's 1-5; beyond that
                // show fewer as the values get larger:
                tickLabel = ((this.expTickLabelsFlag && j < 2) || j < 1 || (i < 1 && j < 5) || (j < 4 - i)
                        || currentTickValue >= upperBoundVal || numberOfTicks == 0)
                                ? makeTickLabel(currentTickValue)
                                : "";

            if (currentTickValue > upperBoundVal) {
                if (lastTick != null) {
                    String lastTickText = lastTick.getText();
                    if (lastTickText == null || lastTickText.trim().length() == 0) {
                        ticks.add(new NumberTick(lastTick.getValue(),
                                createTickLabel(lastTick.getValue(), i - 1), lastTick.getTextAnchor(),
                                lastTick.getRotationAnchor(), lastTick.getAngle()));
                if (numberOfTicks < 4) {
                    return getAllTicksHorizontal(g2, dataArea, edge);
                return ticks; // if past highest data value then exit
                              // method

            if (currentTickValue >= lowerBoundVal - SMALL_LOG_VALUE) {
                //tick value not below lowest data value
                TextAnchor anchor = null;
                TextAnchor rotationAnchor = null;
                double angle = 0.0;
                if (isVerticalTickLabels()) {
                    anchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT;
                    rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT;
                    if (edge == RectangleEdge.TOP) {
                        angle = Math.PI / 2.0;
                    } else {
                        angle = -Math.PI / 2.0;
                } else {
                    if (edge == RectangleEdge.TOP) {
                        anchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER;
                        rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER;
                    } else {
                        anchor = TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER;
                        rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER;

                lastTick = new NumberTick(new Double(currentTickValue), tickLabel, anchor, rotationAnchor,
                if (tickLabel != null && tickLabel.trim().length() > 0)
    if (numberOfTicks < 4) {
        return getAllTicksHorizontal(g2, dataArea, edge);
    return ticks;

From source file:org.tsho.dmc2.core.chart.LyapunovRenderer.java

public void initializeVsParameter(VariableDoubles parameters, VariableDoubles initialValues, String parLabel,
        Range parameterRange, double timePeriod, double stepSize) {

    this.firstParLabel = parLabel;
    this.lower = parameterRange.getLowerBound();
    this.upper = parameterRange.getUpperBound();
    this.timePeriod = timePeriod;
    this.stepSize = stepSize;

    this.type = TYPE_VSPAR;

From source file:com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.gui.dialog.ManageZoomDialog.java

 * Updates the x and y axes range values.
 *//* www  . ja  v  a2 s .  co m*/
private void updateValueRange() {
    PlotConfiguration plotConfig = engine.getPlotInstance().getMasterPlotConfiguration();
    Plot plot = engine.getChartPanel().getChart().getPlot();
    int index = rangeAxisSelectionCombobox.getSelectedIndex();
    if (index == -1) {
        index = 0;

    // should be always true..
    if (plotConfig.getRangeAxisConfigs().size() > index) {
        RangeAxisConfig config = plotConfig.getRangeAxisConfigs().get(index);
        double valueLowerBound;
        double valueUpperBound;
        if (plot instanceof XYPlot) {
            ValueAxis rangeAxis = ((XYPlot) plot).getRangeAxis(index);
            if (rangeAxis != null) {
                // this is the actual visible axis
                Range range = rangeAxis.getRange();
                valueLowerBound = range.getLowerBound();
                valueUpperBound = range.getUpperBound();
            } else {
                valueLowerBound = engine.getPlotInstance().getPlotData().getRangeAxisData(config)
                valueUpperBound = engine.getPlotInstance().getPlotData().getRangeAxisData(config)
        } else if (plot instanceof CategoryPlot) {
            ValueAxis rangeAxis = ((CategoryPlot) plot).getRangeAxis(index);
            if (rangeAxis != null) {
                Range range = rangeAxis.getRange();
                valueLowerBound = range.getLowerBound();
                valueUpperBound = range.getUpperBound();
            } else {
                valueLowerBound = engine.getPlotInstance().getPlotData().getRangeAxisData(config)
                valueUpperBound = engine.getPlotInstance().getPlotData().getRangeAxisData(config)
        } else {
            // data bounds, a bit smaller than the visible axis
            valueLowerBound = engine.getPlotInstance().getPlotData().getRangeAxisData(config)
            valueUpperBound = engine.getPlotInstance().getPlotData().getRangeAxisData(config)

From source file:de.unibayreuth.bayeos.goat.panels.timeseries.JPanelChart.java

private void recalcScrollBar(Plot plot) {
    if (plot instanceof XYPlot) {
        XYPlot hvp = (XYPlot) plot;/*from ww w .  j a  v  a2s  . com*/
        ValueAxis axis = hvp.getDomainAxis();


        Range rng = axis.getRange();

        BoundedRangeModel scrollBarModel = this.chartScrollBar.getModel();
        int len = scrollBarModel.getMaximum() - scrollBarModel.getMinimum();
        if (rng.getLength() > 0) {
            scrollFactor = len / rng.getLength();

        double dblow = rng.getLowerBound();
        int ilow = (int) (dblow * scrollFactor);
        int val = ilow;

        double dbup = rng.getUpperBound();
        int iup = (int) (dbup * scrollFactor);
        int ext = iup - ilow;


From source file:org.gumtree.vis.plot1d.KLogarithmicAxis.java

private List getAllTicksHorizontal(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    List ticks = new java.util.ArrayList();
    Range range = getRange();

    //get lower bound value:
    double lowerBoundVal = range.getLowerBound();
    //if small log values and lower bound value too small
    // then set to a small value (don't allow <= 0):
    if (this.smallLogFlag && lowerBoundVal < SMALL_LOG_VALUE) {
        lowerBoundVal = SMALL_LOG_VALUE;
    }//from   ww  w . j av a  2  s .c  o  m

    //get upper bound value
    double upperBoundVal = range.getUpperBound();

    //get log10 version of lower bound and round to integer:
    int iBegCount = (int) Math.rint(switchedLog10(lowerBoundVal));
    //get log10 version of upper bound and round to integer:
    int iEndCount = (int) Math.rint(switchedLog10(upperBoundVal));

    //        if (iBegCount == iEndCount && iBegCount >= 0
    if (iBegCount == iEndCount && Math.pow(10, iBegCount) > lowerBoundVal) {
        //only 1 power of 10 value, it's > 0 and its resulting
        // tick value will be larger than lower bound of data
        --iBegCount; //decrement to generate more ticks

    int numberOfGrids = 0;
    int numberOfTicks = 0;
    NumberTick lastTick = null;

    double currentTickValue;
    String tickLabel;
    boolean zeroTickFlag = false;
    for (int i = iBegCount; i <= iEndCount; i++) {
        //for each power of 10 value; create ten ticks
        for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
            //for each tick to be displayed
            if (this.smallLogFlag) {
                //small log values in use; create numeric value for tick
                currentTickValue = Math.pow(10, i) + (Math.pow(10, i) * j);
                if (this.expTickLabelsFlag || (i < 0 && currentTickValue > 0.0 && currentTickValue < 1.0)) {
                    //showing "1e#"-style ticks or negative exponent
                    // generating tick value between 0 & 1; show fewer
                    //first tick of series, or not too small a value and
                    // one of first 3 ticks, or last tick to be displayed
                    // set exact number of fractional digits to be shown
                    // (no effect if showing "1e#"-style ticks):
                    //create tick label (force use of fmt obj):
                    tickLabel = makeTickLabel(currentTickValue, true);
                } else { //tick value not between 0 & 1
                         //show tick label if it's the first or last in
                         // the set, or if it's 1-5; beyond that show
                         // fewer as the values get larger:
                    tickLabel = makeTickLabel(currentTickValue);
            } else { //not small log values in use; allow for values <= 0
                if (zeroTickFlag) { //if did zero tick last iter then
                    --j; //decrement to do 1.0 tick now
                } //calculate power-of-ten value for tick:
                currentTickValue = (i >= 0) ? Math.pow(10, i) + (Math.pow(10, i) * j)
                        : -(Math.pow(10, -i) - (Math.pow(10, -i - 1) * j));
                if (!zeroTickFlag) { // did not do zero tick last iteration
                    if (Math.abs(currentTickValue - 1.0) < 0.0001 && lowerBoundVal <= 0.0
                            && upperBoundVal >= 0.0) {
                        //tick value is 1.0 and 0.0 is within data range
                        currentTickValue = 0.0; //set tick value to zero
                        zeroTickFlag = true; //indicate zero tick
                } else { //did zero tick last iteration
                    zeroTickFlag = false; //clear flag
                } //create tick label string:
                //show tick label if "1e#"-style and it's one
                // of the first two, if it's the first or last
                // in the set, or if it's 1-5; beyond that
                // show fewer as the values get larger:
                tickLabel = makeTickLabel(currentTickValue);

            if (currentTickValue > upperBoundVal) {
                if (lastTick != null) {
                    String lastTickText = lastTick.getText();
                    if (lastTickText == null || lastTickText.trim().length() == 0) {
                        ticks.add(new NumberTick(lastTick.getValue(),
                                createTickLabel(lastTick.getValue(), i - 1), lastTick.getTextAnchor(),
                                lastTick.getRotationAnchor(), lastTick.getAngle()));
                if (ticks.size() < 2) {
                    double definition = Math.abs(lowerBoundVal - upperBoundVal);
                    int numberOfDigits = 0;
                    if (definition >= 1)
                        numberOfDigits = 0;
                    else {
                        numberOfDigits = (int) Math.ceil((-Math.log10(definition)));
                    if (definition < 2 * Math.pow(10, -numberOfDigits)) {
                    double tickVal;
                    tickVal = lowerBoundVal;
                    if (definition > 1)
                        tickLabel = Long.toString((long) Math.rint(tickVal));
                        tickLabel = (new Formatter()).format("%." + numberOfDigits + "f", tickVal).toString();
                    ticks.add(new NumberTick(new Double(tickVal), tickLabel, TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER,
                            TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, 0.0));
                    tickVal = upperBoundVal;
                    if (definition > 1)
                        tickLabel = Long.toString((long) Math.rint(tickVal));
                        tickLabel = (new Formatter()).format("%." + numberOfDigits + "f", tickVal).toString();
                    ticks.add(new NumberTick(new Double(tickVal), tickLabel, TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER,
                            TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, 0.0));
                return ticks; // if past highest data value then exit
                              // method

            if (currentTickValue >= lowerBoundVal - SMALL_LOG_VALUE) {
                //tick value not below lowest data value
                TextAnchor anchor = null;
                TextAnchor rotationAnchor = null;
                double angle = 0.0;
                if (isVerticalTickLabels()) {
                    anchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT;
                    rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT;
                    if (edge == RectangleEdge.TOP) {
                        angle = Math.PI / 2.0;
                    } else {
                        angle = -Math.PI / 2.0;
                } else {
                    if (edge == RectangleEdge.TOP) {
                        anchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER;
                        rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER;
                    } else {
                        anchor = TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER;
                        rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER;

                lastTick = new NumberTick(new Double(currentTickValue), tickLabel, anchor, rotationAnchor,
                if (tickLabel != null && tickLabel.trim().length() > 0)
    if (ticks.size() < 2) {
        double definition = Math.abs(lowerBoundVal - upperBoundVal);
        int numberOfDigits = 0;
        if (definition >= 1)
            numberOfDigits = 0;
        else {
            numberOfDigits = (int) Math.ceil((-Math.log10(definition)));
        double tickVal;
        tickVal = lowerBoundVal;
        if (definition > 1)
            tickLabel = Long.toString((long) Math.rint(tickVal));
            tickLabel = (new Formatter()).format("%." + numberOfDigits + "f", tickVal).toString();
        ticks.add(new NumberTick(new Double(tickVal), tickLabel, TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER,
        tickVal = upperBoundVal;
        if (definition > 1)
            tickLabel = Long.toString((long) Math.rint(tickVal));
            tickLabel = (new Formatter()).format("%." + numberOfDigits + "f", tickVal).toString();
        ticks.add(new NumberTick(new Double(tickVal), tickLabel, TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER,
    return ticks;

From source file:com.rapidminer.gui.new_plotter.gui.dialog.ManageZoomDialog.java

 * Sets the current {@link PlotConfiguration} for this dialog.
 * //from ww w . jav  a2  s.  c  om
 * @param plotConfig
private void setPlotConfiguration(PlotConfiguration plotConfig) {
    if (plotConfig == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("plotConfig must not be null!");

    Vector<RangeAxisConfig> rangeConfigsVector = new Vector<RangeAxisConfig>();
    String selectedItem = String.valueOf(rangeAxisSelectionCombobox.getSelectedItem());
    for (RangeAxisConfig config : plotConfig.getRangeAxisConfigs()) {
    rangeAxisSelectionCombobox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(rangeConfigsVector));

    // reselect the previously selected RangeAxisConfig (if it is still there)
    if (selectedItem != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < rangeAxisSelectionCombobox.getItemCount(); i++) {
            if (String.valueOf(rangeAxisSelectionCombobox.getItemAt(i)).equals(selectedItem)) {

    // fill in values of current chart
    Plot plot = engine.getChartPanel().getChart().getPlot();
    double domainLowerBound = 0;
    double domainUpperBound = 0;
    boolean disableDomainZoom = false;
    NumericalValueRange effectiveRange = engine.getPlotInstance().getPlotData().getDomainConfigManagerData()
    if (plot instanceof XYPlot) {
        ValueAxis domainAxis = ((XYPlot) plot).getDomainAxis();
        if (domainAxis != null) {
            Range range = domainAxis.getRange();
            domainLowerBound = range.getLowerBound();
            domainUpperBound = range.getUpperBound();
        } else {
            if (effectiveRange != null) {
                domainLowerBound = effectiveRange.getLowerBound();
                domainUpperBound = effectiveRange.getUpperBound();
            } else {
                disableDomainZoom = true;
    } else {
        if (effectiveRange != null) {
            domainLowerBound = effectiveRange.getLowerBound();
            domainUpperBound = effectiveRange.getUpperBound();
        } else {
            disableDomainZoom = true;

    // happens on nominal domain axis
