Example usage for org.jfree.data.statistics HistogramBin getCount

List of usage examples for org.jfree.data.statistics HistogramBin getCount


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.data.statistics HistogramBin getCount.


public int getCount() 

Source Link


Returns the number of items in the bin.


From source file:org.jfree.data.statistics.HistogramDataset.java

 * Returns the y-value for a bin (calculated to take into account the
 * histogram type).//from  w  w w .  j ava 2 s  . co m
 * @param series  the series index (in the range <code>0</code> to
 *     <code>getSeriesCount() - 1</code>).
 * @param item  the item index (zero based).
 * @return The y-value.
 * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>series</code> is outside the
 *     specified range.
public Number getY(int series, int item) {
    List bins = getBins(series);
    HistogramBin bin = (HistogramBin) bins.get(item);
    double total = getTotal(series);
    double binWidth = getBinWidth(series);

    if (this.type == HistogramType.FREQUENCY) {
        return new Double(bin.getCount());
    } else if (this.type == HistogramType.RELATIVE_FREQUENCY) {
        return new Double(bin.getCount() / total);
    } else if (this.type == HistogramType.SCALE_AREA_TO_1) {
        return new Double(bin.getCount() / (binWidth * total));
    } else { // pretty sure this shouldn't ever happen
        throw new IllegalStateException();

From source file:umontreal.iro.lecuyer.charts.HistogramSeriesCollection.java

public String toLatex(double XScale, double YScale, double XShift, double YShift, double xmin, double xmax,
        double ymin, double ymax) {

    // Calcule les bornes reelles du graphique, en prenant en compte la position des axes
    xmin = Math.min(XShift, xmin);
    xmax = Math.max(XShift, xmax);
    ymin = Math.min(YShift, ymin);
    ymax = Math.max(YShift, ymax);

    CustomHistogramDataset tempSeriesCollection = (CustomHistogramDataset) seriesCollection;
    Formatter formatter = new Formatter(Locale.US);
    double var;
    double margin = ((XYBarRenderer) renderer).getMargin();

    for (int i = tempSeriesCollection.getSeriesCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        List temp = tempSeriesCollection.getBins(i);
        ListIterator iter = temp.listIterator();

        Color color = (Color) renderer.getSeriesPaint(i);
        String colorString = detectXColorClassic(color);
        if (colorString == null) {
            colorString = "color" + i;
            formatter.format("\\definecolor{%s}{rgb}{%.2f, %.2f, %.2f}%n", colorString, color.getRed() / 255.0,
                    color.getGreen() / 255.0, color.getBlue() / 255.0);
        }//from w w  w.ja v  a 2s  .co m

        HistogramBin currentBin = null;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            double currentMargin;
            currentBin = (HistogramBin) iter.next();
            currentMargin = ((margin * (currentBin.getEndBoundary() - currentBin.getStartBoundary()))) * XScale;
            if ((currentBin.getStartBoundary() >= xmin && currentBin.getStartBoundary() <= xmax)
                    && (currentBin.getCount() >= ymin && currentBin.getCount() <= ymax)) {
                var = Math.min(currentBin.getEndBoundary(), xmax);
                if (filled[i]) {
                            "\\filldraw [line width=%.2fpt, opacity=%.2f, color=%s] ([xshift=%.4f] %.4f, %.4f) rectangle ([xshift=-%.4f] %.4f, %.4f); %%%n",
                            lineWidth[i], (color.getAlpha() / 255.0), colorString, currentMargin,
                            (currentBin.getStartBoundary() - XShift) * XScale, 0.0, currentMargin,
                            (var - XShift) * XScale, (currentBin.getCount() - YShift) * YScale);
                } else {
                            "\\draw [line width=%.2fpt, color=%s] ([xshift=%.4f] %.4f, %.4f) rectangle ([xshift=-%.4f] %.4f, %.4f); %%%n",
                            lineWidth[i], colorString, currentMargin,
                            (currentBin.getStartBoundary() - XShift) * XScale, 0.0, currentMargin,
                            (var - XShift) * XScale, (currentBin.getCount() - YShift) * YScale);
            } else if ((currentBin.getStartBoundary() >= xmin && currentBin.getStartBoundary() <= xmax)
                    && (currentBin.getCount() >= ymin && currentBin.getCount() > ymax)) { // Cas ou notre rectangle ne peut pas etre affiche en entier (trop haut)
                var = Math.min(currentBin.getEndBoundary(), xmax);
                if (filled[i]) {
                            "\\filldraw [line width=%.2fpt,  opacity=%.2f, color=%s] ([xshift=%.4f] %.4f, %.4f) rectangle ([xshift=-%.4f] %.4f, %.4f); %%%n",
                            lineWidth[i], (color.getAlpha() / 255.0), colorString, currentMargin,
                            (currentBin.getStartBoundary() - XShift) * XScale, 0.0, currentMargin,
                            (var - XShift) * XScale, (ymax - YShift) * YScale);
                            "\\draw [line width=%.2fpt, color=%s, style=dotted] ([xshift=%.4f] %.4f, %.4f) rectangle ([yshift=3mm, xshift=-%.4f] %.4f, %.4f); %%%n",
                            lineWidth[i], colorString, currentMargin,
                            (currentBin.getStartBoundary() - XShift) * XScale, (ymax - YShift) * YScale,
                            currentMargin, (var - XShift) * XScale, (ymax - YShift) * YScale);
                } else {
                            "\\draw [line width=%.2fpt, color=%s] ([xshift=%.4f] %.4f, %.4f) rectangle ([xshift=-%.4f] %.4f, %.4f); %%%n",
                            lineWidth[i], colorString, currentMargin,
                            (currentBin.getStartBoundary() - XShift) * XScale, 0.0, currentMargin,
                            (var - XShift) * XScale, (ymax - YShift) * YScale);

                            "\\draw [line width=%.2fpt, color=%s, style=dotted] ([xshift=%.4f] %.4f, %.4f) rectangle ([yshift=3mm, xshift=-%.4f] %.4f, %.4f); %%%n",
                            lineWidth[i], colorString, currentMargin,
                            (currentBin.getStartBoundary() - XShift) * XScale, (ymax - YShift) * YScale,
                            currentMargin, (var - XShift) * XScale, (ymax - YShift) * YScale);
    return formatter.toString();