Example usage for org.jfree.data.time TimeSeries add

List of usage examples for org.jfree.data.time TimeSeries add


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.data.time TimeSeries add.


public void add(TimeSeriesDataItem item) 

Source Link


Adds a data item to the series and sends a SeriesChangeEvent to all registered listeners.


From source file:org.geoserver.monitor.web.ActivityChartBasePanel.java

BufferedDynamicImageResource queryAndRenderChart(Monitor monitor, Date[] range) {
    Query q = new Query();
    q.properties("startTime").between(range[0], range[1]);

    DataGatherer gatherer = new DataGatherer();
    monitor.query(q, gatherer);//from w  w w  .  j  ava 2  s  . c  om

    HashMap<RegularTimePeriod, Integer> data = gatherer.getData();

    Class timeUnitClass = getTimePeriod(range[0]).getClass();
    TimeSeries series = new TimeSeries("foo", timeUnitClass);
    for (Map.Entry<RegularTimePeriod, Integer> d : data.entrySet()) {
        series.add(new TimeSeriesDataItem(d.getKey(), d.getValue()));

    TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(series);

    final JFreeChart chart = createTimeSeriesChart(getChartTitle(range),
            "Time (" + timeUnitClass.getSimpleName() + ")", "Requests", dataset);

    BufferedDynamicImageResource resource = new BufferedDynamicImageResource();
    resource.setImage(chart.createBufferedImage(700, 500));
    return resource;

From source file:se.six.jmeter.visualizer.statagg.StatAggVisualizer.java

private void addValue(TimeSeries ts, TimeSeriesDataItem item) {
    if (item != null) {
        try {// w  w  w .j  a v  a2 s  .co  m
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("addValue(..): Error at: " + new Date());

From source file:edu.jhuapl.graphs.jfreechart.JFreeChartTimeSeriesGraphSource.java

private TimeSeries buildTimeSeries(TimeSeriesInterface series, int i) throws GraphException {
    Map<String, Object> metadata = series.getMetadata();
    TimeResolution resolution;//from   w ww .j a  v a  2  s  . c  o  m
    if (metadata.get(GraphSource.SERIES_TIME_RESOLUTION) instanceof TimeResolution) {
        resolution = (TimeResolution) metadata.get(GraphSource.SERIES_TIME_RESOLUTION);
    } else {
        resolution = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION;

    String title = null;
    if (metadata.get(GraphSource.SERIES_TITLE) instanceof String) {
        title = (String) metadata.get(GraphSource.SERIES_TITLE);
    } else {
        title = "series" + i;

    // This method will throw a graph exception if multiple points with the same resolved date are
    // present
    checkSeries(series, resolution);

    TimeSeries s = new TimeSeries(title);
    for (TimePointInterface point : series.getPoints()) {
        s.add(new MetadataTimeSeriesDataItem(makePeriod(point, resolution), point.getValue(),

    return s;

From source file:Debrief.Tools.FilterOperations.ShowTimeVariablePlot3.java

 * Collate the data points to plot/* w w  w  . j  a  v  a2 s.  c  o  m*/
 * @param primaryTrack
 *          the primary track
 * @param myOperation
 *          the calculation we're making
 * @param theTracks
 *          the selected set of tracks
 * @param start_time
 *          the start time selected
 * @param end_time
 *          the end time selected
 * @param provider
 *          the provider of the time offset used when plotting time-zero data
 * @return the dataset to plot
 * @see toteCalculation#isWrappableData
 * @see toteCalculation#calculate(Watchable primary,Watchable
 *      secondary,HiResDate thisTime)
 * @see Debrief.Tools.FilterOperations.ShowTimeVariablePlot3.CalculationHolder#isARelativeCalculation
 * @see WatchableList#getItemsBetween(HiResDate start,HiResDate end)
 * @see TimeSeriesCollection#addSeries(BasicTimeSeries series)
public static AbstractSeriesDataset getDataSeries(final WatchableList primaryTrack,
        final CalculationHolder myOperation, final Vector<WatchableList> theTracks, final HiResDate start_time,
        final HiResDate end_time, final ColouredDataItem.OffsetProvider provider) {

    final toteCalculation theCalculation = myOperation._theCalc;

    AbstractSeriesDataset theSeriesCollection = null;

    // ok, now collate the data
    VersatileSeriesAdder theAdder = null;
    // sort out the adder for what we're doing
    if (HiResDate.inHiResProcessingMode()) {
        theSeriesCollection = new TimeSeriesCollection();
        theAdder = new VersatileSeriesAdder() {
            public void add(final Series thisSeries, final HiResDate theTime, final double data,
                    final Color thisColor, final boolean connectToPrevious,
                    final ColouredDataItem.OffsetProvider provider1) {
                // HI-RES NOT DONE - FixedMillisecond should be converted
                // some-how to
                // FixedMicroSecond
                final TimeSeriesDataItem newItem = new ColouredDataItem(
                        new FixedMillisecond((long) (theTime.getMicros() / 1000d)), data, thisColor,
                        connectToPrevious, provider1);

                // To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings
                // | File
                // Templates.
                final TimeSeries theSeries = (TimeSeries) thisSeries;

            public void addSeries(final AbstractSeriesDataset collection, final Series thisSeries,
                    final Color defaultColor) {
                final TimeSeriesCollection coll = (TimeSeriesCollection) collection;
                coll.addSeries((TimeSeries) thisSeries);


    } else {
        theSeriesCollection = new TimeSeriesCollection();

        // right, just working with normal dates
        theAdder = new VersatileSeriesAdder() {
            public void add(final Series thisSeries, final HiResDate theTime, final double data,
                    final Color thisColor, final boolean connectToPrevious,
                    final ColouredDataItem.OffsetProvider provider1) {
                // HI-RES NOT DONE - FixedMillisecond should be converted
                // some-how to
                // FixedMicroSecond
                final ColouredDataItem newItem = new ColouredDataItem(
                        new FixedMillisecond(theTime.getDate().getTime()), data, thisColor, connectToPrevious,

                // To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings
                // | File
                // Templates.
                final TimeSeries theSeries = (TimeSeries) thisSeries;

            public void addSeries(final AbstractSeriesDataset collection, final Series thisSeries,
                    final Color defaultColor) {
                final TimeSeriesCollection coll = (TimeSeriesCollection) collection;
                coll.addSeries((TimeSeries) thisSeries);


    // calculate the data variables for our tracks
    final Enumeration<WatchableList> iter = theTracks.elements();
    while (iter.hasMoreElements()) {
        final WatchableList thisSecondaryTrack = (WatchableList) iter.nextElement();

        // is this a relative calculation?
        if (myOperation.isARelativeCalculation()) {
            // yes, but we don't bother with the primary track, see if this
            // is it
            if (thisSecondaryTrack == primaryTrack) {
                // just double check that we have primary data
                final Collection<Editable> ss = thisSecondaryTrack.getItemsBetween(start_time, end_time);

                if (ss == null) {
                    Application.logError2(ToolParent.WARNING, "Insufficient points found in primary track."
                            + "\nPlease check coverage of time controller bars", null);
                    return null;

                // drop out, and wait for the next cycle

        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // step through the track
        final Collection<Editable> ss = thisSecondaryTrack.getItemsBetween(start_time, end_time);

        // indicator for whether we join this data point to the previous one
        boolean connectToPrevious = false;

        // have we found any?. Hey, listen here. The "getItemsBetween"
        // method may return data items, but we may still not be able to do the calc 
        // (such as if we have "NaN" for depth). So we still do a sanity check 
        // at the end of this method to stop us adding empty data series to the collection.
        if (ss == null) {
            Application.logError2(ToolParent.WARNING, "Insufficient points found in primary track."
                    + "\nPlease check coverage of time controller bars", null);
            return null;
        } else {
            // remember the default color for this series
            Color seriesColor;

            // ok, now collate the data
            Series thisSeries = null;
            // sort out the adder for what we're doing
            if (HiResDate.inHiResProcessingMode()) {
                thisSeries = new XYSeries(thisSecondaryTrack.getName());
            } else {
                thisSeries = new TimeSeries(thisSecondaryTrack.getName());

            seriesColor = thisSecondaryTrack.getColor();

            // split into separate processing here, depending on where we're
            // looking
            // at a relative calculation
            if (myOperation.isARelativeCalculation()) {
                // yes, it is a relative calculation.

                // Find out if it's a special case (where we don't have time
                // data)
                if (thisSecondaryTrack.getStartDTG() == null) {
                    // do we have any primary data to fall back on (to
                    // decide the times
                    // for
                    // data points)
                    if (primaryTrack.getStartDTG() == null) {

                        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
                        // CASE 1 - neither track has time data, relative
                        // calc
                        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        // so, we don't have primary or secondary data.
                        // produce data
                        // values at the start and end of the track
                        // produce data points at the primary track
                        // locations
                        final Iterator<Editable> it = ss.iterator();
                        final Watchable theSecondaryPoint = (Watchable) it.next();

                        // get an iterator for the primary track
                        final Collection<Editable> primaryPoints = primaryTrack.getItemsBetween(start_time,

                        // do we have any primary data in this period
                        if (primaryPoints != null) {
                            final Iterator<Editable> throughPrimary = primaryPoints.iterator();
                            final Watchable thisPrimary = (Watchable) throughPrimary.next();

                            // ok, create the series with it's two points in
                            produceTwoPointDataSeries(theCalculation, thisPrimary, theSecondaryPoint,
                                    thisSeries, start_time, end_time, provider, theAdder);

                    } else {

                        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
                        // CASE 2 - secondary track has time data, relative
                        // calc
                        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        // so, we do have time data for the secondary track,
                        // but not on
                        // the primary track
                        // therefore we produce data points at the primary
                        // track locations
                        final Watchable[] theSecondaryPoints = thisSecondaryTrack.getNearestTo(start_time);
                        final Watchable theSecondaryPoint = theSecondaryPoints[0];

                        final Color thisColor = theSecondaryPoint.getColor();

                        // get an iterator for the primary track
                        final Collection<Editable> primaryPoints = primaryTrack.getItemsBetween(start_time,

                        if (primaryPoints != null) {
                            final Iterator<Editable> throughPrimary = primaryPoints.iterator();
                            while (throughPrimary.hasNext()) {
                                final Watchable thisPrimary = (Watchable) throughPrimary.next();

                                final HiResDate currentTime = thisPrimary.getTime();

                                // and add the new data point (if we have
                                // to)
                                connectToPrevious = createDataPoint(theCalculation, thisPrimary,
                                        theSecondaryPoint, currentTime, connectToPrevious, thisColor,
                                        thisSeries, provider, theAdder);

                            } // stepping through the primary track

                        } // whether we have primary points

                } else
                // whether we have DTG data

                    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
                    // CASE 3 - both tracks have time data, relative calc
                    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
                    // yes, we do have DTG data for this track - hooray!

                    // ok, step through the list
                    final Iterator<Editable> it = ss.iterator();

                    // remember the last point - used to check if we're
                    // passing through
                    // zero degs
                    double lastSecondaryValue = Double.NaN; // we we're
                                                            // using NaN but
                                                            // it
                                                            // was failing the equality
                                                            // test
                    HiResDate lastTime = null;

                    throughThisTrack: while (it.hasNext()) {
                        final Watchable thisSecondary = (Watchable) it.next();

                        final Color thisColor = thisSecondary.getColor();

                        // what's the current time?
                        final HiResDate currentTime = thisSecondary.getTime();

                        // is this fix visible?
                        if (thisSecondary.getVisible()) {
                            // the point on the primary track we work with
                            Watchable thisPrimary = null;

                            // find the fix on the primary track which is
                            // nearest in
                            // time to this one (if we need to)
                            Watchable[] nearList;

                            // temp switch on interpolation
                            Boolean oldInterp = null;
                            if (primaryTrack instanceof ISecondaryTrack) {
                                final ISecondaryTrack tw = (ISecondaryTrack) primaryTrack;
                                oldInterp = tw.getInterpolatePoints();

                            // find it's nearest point on the primary track
                            nearList = primaryTrack.getNearestTo(currentTime);

                            // and restore the interpolate points setting
                            if (oldInterp != null) {
                                final ISecondaryTrack tw = (ISecondaryTrack) primaryTrack;

                            // yes. right, we only perform a calc if we have
                            // primary data
                            // for this point
                            if (nearList.length == 0) {
                                // remember that the next point doesn't
                                // connect to it's
                                // previous one
                                // since we want to show the gap represented
                                // by this datum
                                connectToPrevious = false;

                                // drop out, and wait for the next cycle
                                continue throughThisTrack;
                            } else {
                                thisPrimary = nearList[0];

                            // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
                            // NOW PUT IN BIT TO WRAP THROUGH ZERO WHERE
                            // APPLICABLE
                            // ////////////////////////////////////////////////

                            // produce the new calculated value
                            final double thisVal = theCalculation.calculate(thisSecondary, thisPrimary,

                            // SPECIAL HANDLING - do we need to check if
                            // this data passes
                            // through 360 degs?
                            if (theCalculation.isWrappableData()) {
                                // add extra points, if we need to
                                connectToPrevious = insertWrappingPoints(theCalculation, lastSecondaryValue,
                                        thisVal, lastTime, currentTime, thisColor, thisSeries,
                                        connectToPrevious, provider, theAdder, myOperation._clipMax);
                            // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
                            // THANK YOU, WE'RE PLEASED TO RETURN YOU TO
                            // YOUR NORMAL PROGRAM
                            // ////////////////////////////////////////////////

                            // and add the new data point (if we have to)
                            connectToPrevious = createDataPoint(theCalculation, thisPrimary, thisSecondary,
                                    currentTime, connectToPrevious, thisColor, thisSeries, provider, theAdder);

                            lastSecondaryValue = thisVal;
                            lastTime = currentTime;

                        } // whether this point is visible
                    } // stepping through this track
                } // whether we have DTG data

            } else {
                // so, this is an absolute calculation - we don't need to
                // worry about
                // the primry
                // track

                // do we have time data for this secondary track?
                if (thisSecondaryTrack.getStartDTG() == null) {

                    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
                    // CASE 4 - no time data, non-relative calculation
                    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////

                    // it's ok. It we don't have time related data for this
                    // point we
                    // just create
                    // data points for it at the start & end of the track

                    // ok, create the series with it's two points in
                    // ok, step through the list
                    final Iterator<Editable> it = ss.iterator();
                    final Watchable thisSecondary = (Watchable) it.next();

                    // and
                    produceTwoPointDataSeries(theCalculation, null, thisSecondary, thisSeries, start_time,
                            end_time, provider, theAdder);

                } else {

                    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
                    // CASE 5 - with time data, non-relative calculation
                    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////

                    // ok, step through the list
                    final Iterator<Editable> it = ss.iterator();

                    // remember the last point - used to check if we're
                    // passing through
                    // zero degs
                    double lastSecondaryValue = Double.NaN; // we we're
                                                            // using NaN but
                                                            // it
                                                            // was failing the equality
                                                            // test
                    HiResDate lastTime = null;

                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        final Watchable thisSecondary = (Watchable) it.next();

                        // / get the colour
                        final Color thisColor = thisSecondary.getColor();

                        // what's the time of this data point?
                        final HiResDate currentTime = thisSecondary.getTime();

                        // produce the new calculated value
                        final double thisVal = theCalculation.calculate(thisSecondary, null, currentTime);

                        // SPECIAL HANDLING - do we need to check if this
                        // data passes
                        // through 360 degs?
                        if (theCalculation.isWrappableData()) {
                            // add extra points, if we need to
                            connectToPrevious = insertWrappingPoints(theCalculation, lastSecondaryValue,
                                    thisVal, lastTime, currentTime, thisColor, thisSeries, connectToPrevious,
                                    provider, theAdder, myOperation._clipMax);

                        // is this fix visible?
                        if (thisSecondary.getVisible()) {
                            // the point on the primary track we work with
                            final Watchable thisPrimary = null;

                            // and add the new data point (if we have to)
                            connectToPrevious = createDataPoint(theCalculation, thisPrimary, thisSecondary,
                                    currentTime, connectToPrevious, thisColor, thisSeries, provider, theAdder);
                            lastSecondaryValue = thisVal;
                            lastTime = new HiResDate(currentTime);

                        } // whether this point is visible
                    } // stepping through this secondary collection
                } // whether there was time-related data for this track
            } // whether this was a relative calculation

            // if the series if empty, set it to null, rather than create
            // one of
            // empty length
            if (thisSeries instanceof XYSeries) {
                final XYSeries ser = (XYSeries) thisSeries;
                if (ser.getItemCount() == 0)
                    thisSeries = null;
            } else if (thisSeries instanceof TimeSeries) {
                final TimeSeries ser = (TimeSeries) thisSeries;
                if (ser.getItemCount() == 0)
                    thisSeries = null;

            // did we find anything?
            if (thisSeries != null) {
                theAdder.addSeries(theSeriesCollection, thisSeries, seriesColor);

        } // if this collection actually had data

    } // looping through the tracks

    if (theSeriesCollection.getSeriesCount() == 0)
        theSeriesCollection = null;

    return theSeriesCollection;

From source file:org.jfree.data.time.junit.TimeSeriesTest.java

 * Create a TimeSeriesDataItem, add it to a TimeSeries.  Now, modifying
 * the original TimeSeriesDataItem should NOT affect the TimeSeries.
 *//*from  ww  w  . j a va  2  s .co  m*/
public void testAdd_TimeSeriesDataItem() {
    TimeSeriesDataItem item = new TimeSeriesDataItem(new Year(2009), 1.0);
    TimeSeries series = new TimeSeries("S1");
    item.setValue(new Double(99.9));

From source file:com.bdb.weather.display.summary.TemperatureDeviationPlotPanel.java

public void loadData(List<SummaryRecord> list, WeatherAverages averagesCollection) {
    TimeSeriesCollection lowCollection = new TimeSeriesCollection();
    TimeSeriesCollection meanCollection = new TimeSeriesCollection();
    TimeSeriesCollection highCollection = new TimeSeriesCollection();
    TimeSeries highSeries = new TimeSeries(HIGH_SERIES_NAME);
    TimeSeries meanSeries = new TimeSeries(MEAN_SERIES_NAME);
    TimeSeries lowSeries = new TimeSeries(LOW_SERIES_NAME);

    int n = 0;//w ww  .  j ava 2  s.  c om


    DateTimeFormatter dateFormat = interval.getFormat();

    for (SummaryRecord record : list) {
        WeatherAverage averages = averagesCollection.getAverage(record.getDate());

        String dateString = dateFormat.format(record.getDate());
        //tableModel.setValueAt(dateString, n, DATE_COLUMN);

        Temperature deviation = supporter.retrieveLowOutdoorTemperature(record)
        RegularTimePeriod period = RegularTimePeriod.createInstance(interval.getFreeChartClass(),
                TimeUtils.localDateTimeToDate(record.getDate().atStartOfDay()), TimeZone.getDefault());
        TimeSeriesDataItem item = new TimeSeriesDataItem(period, deviation.get());
        //tableModel.setValueAt(deviation, n, LOW_COLUMN);

        deviation = supporter.retrieveAvgOutdoorTemperature(record).subtract(averages.getMeanTemperature());
        item = new TimeSeriesDataItem(period, deviation.get());
        //tableModel.setValueAt(deviation, n, MEAN_COLUMN);

        deviation = supporter.retrieveHighOutdoorTemperature(record).subtract(averages.getHighTemperature());
        item = new TimeSeriesDataItem(period, deviation.get());
        //tableModel.setValueAt(deviation, n, HIGH_COLUMN);



    deviationPlot.setDataset(LOW_SERIES_INDEX, lowCollection);
    deviationPlot.setDataset(MEAN_SERIES_INDEX, meanCollection);
    deviationPlot.setDataset(HIGH_SERIES_INDEX, highCollection);

    deviationPlot.setRenderer(LOW_SERIES_INDEX, lowRenderer);
    deviationPlot.setRenderer(MEAN_SERIES_INDEX, meanRenderer);
    deviationPlot.setRenderer(HIGH_SERIES_INDEX, highRenderer);

From source file:org.jfree.data.time.TimeSeriesTest.java

 * Create a TimeSeriesDataItem, add it to a TimeSeries.  Now, modifying
 * the original TimeSeriesDataItem should NOT affect the TimeSeries.
 */// w ww . ja  va2s . co m
public void testAdd_TimeSeriesDataItem() {
    TimeSeriesDataItem item = new TimeSeriesDataItem(new Year(2009), 1.0);
    TimeSeries series = new TimeSeries("S1");
    item.setValue(new Double(99.9));

From source file:org.jfree.data.time.TimeSeries.java

 * Adds or updates data from one series to another.  Returns another series
 * containing the values that were overwritten.
 * @param series  the series to merge with this.
 * @return A series containing the values that were overwritten.
 *///from  www.  ja  va 2 s .  co  m
public TimeSeries addAndOrUpdate(TimeSeries series) {
    TimeSeries overwritten = new TimeSeries("Overwritten values from: " + getKey());
    for (int i = 0; i < series.getItemCount(); i++) {
        TimeSeriesDataItem item = series.getRawDataItem(i);
        TimeSeriesDataItem oldItem = addOrUpdate(item.getPeriod(), item.getValue());
        if (oldItem != null) {
    return overwritten;

From source file:org.mwc.debrief.track_shift.views.StackedDotHelper.java

 * ok, our track has been dragged, calculate the new series of offsets
 * //ww w.  ja  v  a2 s .c  o m
 * @param linePlot
 * @param dotPlot
 * @param onlyVis
 * @param holder
 * @param logger
 * @param currentOffset
 *          how far the current track has been dragged
public void updateFrequencyData(final XYPlot dotPlot, final XYPlot linePlot, final TrackDataProvider tracks,
        final boolean onlyVis, final Composite holder, final ErrorLogger logger, final boolean updateDoublets) {

    // do we have anything?
    if (_primaryTrack == null)

    // ok, find the track wrappers
    if (_secondaryTrack == null)
        initialise(tracks, false, onlyVis, holder, logger, "Frequency", false, true);

    // ok - the tracks have moved. better update the doublets
    if (updateDoublets)
        updateDoublets(onlyVis, false, true);

    // aah - but what if we've ditched our doublets?
    // aah - but what if we've ditched our doublets?
    if ((_primaryDoublets == null) || (_primaryDoublets.size() == 0)) {
        // better clear the plot

    // create the collection of series
    final TimeSeriesCollection errorSeries = new TimeSeriesCollection();
    final TimeSeriesCollection actualSeries = new TimeSeriesCollection();

    // produce a dataset for each track
    final TimeSeries errorValues = new TimeSeries(_primaryTrack.getName());

    final TimeSeries measuredValues = new TimeSeries("Measured");
    final TimeSeries correctedValues = new TimeSeries("Corrected");
    final TimeSeries predictedValues = new TimeSeries("Predicted");
    final TimeSeries baseValues = new TimeSeries("Base");

    // ok, run through the points on the primary track
    final Iterator<Doublet> iter = _primaryDoublets.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        final Doublet thisD = iter.next();
        try {

            final Color thisColor = thisD.getColor();
            final double measuredFreq = thisD.getMeasuredFrequency();
            final HiResDate currentTime = thisD.getDTG();
            final FixedMillisecond thisMilli = new FixedMillisecond(currentTime.getDate().getTime());

            final ColouredDataItem mFreq = new ColouredDataItem(thisMilli, measuredFreq, thisColor, false,

            // final ColouredDataItem corrFreq = new ColouredDataItem(
            // new FixedMillisecond(currentTime.getDate().getTime()),
            // correctedFreq, thisColor, false, null);

            // do we have target data?
            if (thisD.getTarget() != null) {
                final double correctedFreq = thisD.getCorrectedFrequency();
                final double baseFreq = thisD.getBaseFrequency();
                final Color calcColor = thisD.getTarget().getColor();

                final ColouredDataItem corrFreq = new ColouredDataItem(thisMilli, correctedFreq, thisColor,
                        true, null);

                // did we get a base frequency? We may have a track
                // with a section of data that doesn't have frequency, you see.
                if (baseFreq != Doublet.INVALID_BASE_FREQUENCY) {
                    final double predictedFreq = thisD.getPredictedFrequency();
                    final double thisError = thisD.calculateFreqError(measuredFreq, predictedFreq);
                    final ColouredDataItem bFreq = new ColouredDataItem(thisMilli, baseFreq, thisColor, true,
                    final ColouredDataItem pFreq = new ColouredDataItem(thisMilli, predictedFreq, calcColor,
                            false, null);
                    final ColouredDataItem eFreq = new ColouredDataItem(thisMilli, thisError, thisColor, false,


        } catch (final SeriesException e) {
            CorePlugin.logError(Status.INFO, "some kind of trip whilst updating frequency plot", e);


    // ok, add these new series
    if (errorValues.getItemCount() > 0)


    if (predictedValues.getItemCount() > 0)
    if (baseValues.getItemCount() > 0)


From source file:org.jfree.data.time.TimeSeries.java

 * Creates a new timeseries by copying a subset of the data in this time
 * series.//from   w ww.j  a  v a  2 s  .  c  o  m
 * @param start  the index of the first time period to copy.
 * @param end  the index of the last time period to copy.
 * @return A series containing a copy of this times series from start until
 *         end.
 * @throws CloneNotSupportedException if there is a cloning problem.
public TimeSeries createCopy(int start, int end) throws CloneNotSupportedException {
    if (start < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requires start >= 0.");
    if (end < start) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requires start <= end.");
    TimeSeries copy = (TimeSeries) super.clone();
    copy.minY = Double.NaN;
    copy.maxY = Double.NaN;
    copy.data = new java.util.ArrayList();
    if (this.data.size() > 0) {
        for (int index = start; index <= end; index++) {
            TimeSeriesDataItem item = (TimeSeriesDataItem) this.data.get(index);
            TimeSeriesDataItem clone = (TimeSeriesDataItem) item.clone();
            try {
            } catch (SeriesException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return copy;