Example usage for org.jfree.data.xy XYDataset interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.jfree.data.xy XYDataset interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.data.xy XYDataset interface-usage.


From source file net.sourceforge.jabm.report.FrequencyByTimeDataset.java

public class FrequencyByTimeDataset extends AbstractDataset implements XYDataset, Serializable {

    protected ArrayList<Frequency> frequencyByTime;

    protected int t = 0;

From source file io.github.mzmine.modules.plots.chromatogram.ChromatogramPlotDataSet.java

 * Chromatogram data set
public interface ChromatogramPlotDataSet extends XYDataset, XYItemLabelGenerator, XYToolTipGenerator {

    String getDescription();

From source file io.github.mzmine.modules.plots.msspectrum.MsSpectrumPlotDataSet.java

 * MS spectrum data set. Implements IntervalXYDataset for centroid spectra support (rendered by
 * XYBarRenderer).
public interface MsSpectrumPlotDataSet
        extends XYDataset, XYItemLabelGenerator, XYToolTipGenerator, IntervalXYDataset {

From source file org.jfree.data.xy.TableXYDataset.java

 * A dataset containing one or more data series containing (x, y) data items,
 * where all series in the dataset share the same set of x-values.  This is a
 * restricted form of the {@link XYDataset} interface (which allows independent
 * x-values between series). This is used primarily by the
 * {@link org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.StackedXYAreaRenderer}.

From source file net.sourceforge.jabm.view.TimeSeriesChart.java

 * A graphical report that renders an underlying time series ({@link Timeseries}
 * ) as a JFreeChart time series chart.  This report listens for events from
 * the underlying Timeseries object and notifies its chart whenever the series
 * is updated.

From source file org.jfree.chart.demo.EmptyXYDataset.java

 * An empty dataset for testing purposes.
public class EmptyXYDataset extends AbstractXYDataset implements XYDataset {

From source file org.jfree.data.xy.AbstractXYDataset.java

 * An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the
 * {@link XYDataset} interface.
public abstract class AbstractXYDataset extends AbstractSeriesDataset implements XYDataset {

From source file org.jfree.chart.demo.SampleXYDataset.java

 * A dummy dataset for an XY plot.
 * <P>
 * Note that the aim of this class is to create a self-contained data source for demo purposes -
 * it is NOT intended to show how you should go about writing your own datasets.

From source file org.jfree.data.xy.DefaultXYDataset.java

 * A default implementation of the {@link XYDataset} interface that stores
 * data values in arrays of double primitives.
 * @since 1.0.2

From source file org.jfree.chart.demo.SampleXYDataset2.java

 * Random data for a scatter plot demo.
 * <P>
 * Note that the aim of this class is to create a self-contained data source for demo purposes -
 * it is NOT intended to show how you should go about writing your own datasets.