Java XYSeries fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java XYSeries fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for XYSeries.

The text is from its open source code.


XYSeries(final String name)
Creates a new empty series.
XYSeries(final String name, final boolean autoSort, final boolean allowDuplicateXValues)
Constructs a new xy-series that contains no data.


voidadd(final XYDataItem item, final boolean notify)
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a SeriesChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidadd(final double x, final double y)
Adds a data item to the series and sends a SeriesChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidadd(final double x, final Number y)
Adds a data item to the series and sends a SeriesChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidadd(final Number x, final Number y)
Adds new data to the series and sends a SeriesChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidadd(final double x, final double y, final boolean notify)
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a SeriesChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidadd(final double x, final Number y, final boolean notify)
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a SeriesChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
voidadd(final Number x, final Number y, final boolean notify)
Adds new data to the series and, if requested, sends a SeriesChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
XYDataItemgetDataItem(final int index)
Return the data item with the specified index.
Returns the number of items in the series.
Returns the name of the series.