Java org.jfree.text TextUtilities fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.jfree.text TextUtilities fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.jfree.text TextUtilities.

The text is from its open source code.


ShapecalculateRotatedStringBounds(final String text, final Graphics2D g2, final float x, final float y, final TextAnchor textAnchor, final double angle, final TextAnchor rotationAnchor)
Returns a shape that represents the bounds of the string after the specified rotation has been applied.
ShapecalculateRotatedStringBounds(final String text, final Graphics2D g2, final float textX, final float textY, final double angle, final float rotateX, final float rotateY)
Returns a shape that represents the bounds of the string after the specified rotation has been applied.
TextBlockcreateTextBlock(final String text, final Font font, final Paint paint, final float maxWidth, final int maxLines, final TextMeasurer measurer)
Creates a new text block from the given string, breaking the text into lines so that the maxWidth value is respected.
TextBlockcreateTextBlock(final String text, final Font font, final Paint paint, final float maxWidth, final TextMeasurer measurer)
Creates a new text block from the given string, breaking the text into lines so that the maxWidth value is respected.
Rectangle2DdrawAlignedString(final String text, final Graphics2D g2, final float x, final float y, final TextAnchor anchor)
Draws a string such that the specified anchor point is aligned to the given (x, y) location.
voiddrawRotatedString(final String text, final Graphics2D g2, final float textX, final float textY, final double angle, final float rotateX, final float rotateY)
A utility method for drawing rotated text.
voiddrawRotatedString(final String text, final Graphics2D g2, final float x, final float y, final TextAnchor textAnchor, final double angle, final TextAnchor rotationAnchor)
Draws a string that is aligned by one anchor point and rotated about another anchor point.
Rectangle2DgetTextBounds(final String text, final Graphics2D g2, final FontMetrics fm)
Returns the bounds for the specified text.
voidsetUseFontMetricsGetStringBounds(final boolean use)
Sets the flag that controls whether the FontMetrics.getStringBounds() method is used or not.