Example usage for org.jfree.util PublicCloneable interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.jfree.util PublicCloneable interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.util PublicCloneable interface-usage.


From source file extern.PlotBySplitClassRenderer.java

 * A box-and-whisker renderer.  This renderer requires a
 * {@link BoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset} and is for use with the
 * {@link CategoryPlot} class. This renderer also needs a fix
 * that is provided in the {@link NpairsBoxWhiskerAxisFix} class.

From source file extern.NpairsBoxAndWhiskerRenderer.java

 * A box-and-whisker renderer.  This renderer requires a
 * {@link BoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset} and is for use with the
 * {@link CategoryPlot} class. This renderer also needs a fix
 * that is provided in the {@link NpairsBoxWhiskerAxisFix} class.

From source file org.pentaho.plugin.jfreereport.reportcharts.backport.XYDotRenderer.java

 * A renderer that draws a small dot at each data point for an {@link XYPlot}.
public class XYDotRenderer extends AbstractXYItemRenderer
        implements XYItemRenderer, Cloneable, PublicCloneable, Serializable {

From source file org.jfree.data.xy.DefaultTableXYDataset.java

 * An {@link XYDataset} where every series shares the same x-values (required
 * for generating stacked area charts).
public class DefaultTableXYDataset extends AbstractIntervalXYDataset
        implements TableXYDataset, IntervalXYDataset, DomainInfo, PublicCloneable {

From source file aprofplot.jfreechart.SamplingXYLineAndShapeRenderer.java

 * A renderer for an XYPlot. Items are drawn as a combination of lines and/or shapes. Shapes that would not be visible are not rendered.
 * The drawing of lines is reduced to those lines that contribute to the visual appearance of the chart 
 * in way similar to that uses by the {@link SamplingXYLineRenderer}.
 * The rendering options shapes, strokes, paints, and flags (e. g. items filled, outlines visible) are determined 
 * ahead of the rendering of the individual items. Item-specific settings for these parameters are thus not respected.

From source file org.jfree.data.xy.XYSeriesCollection.java

 * Represents a collection of {@link XYSeries} objects that can be used as a
 * dataset.
public class XYSeriesCollection extends AbstractIntervalXYDataset
        implements IntervalXYDataset, DomainInfo, RangeInfo, VetoableChangeListener, PublicCloneable, Serializable {

From source file edu.dlnu.liuwenpeng.render.XYLineAndShapeRenderer.java

* A renderer that connects data points with lines and/or draws shapes at each    
* data point.  This renderer is designed for use with the {@link XYPlot}    
* class.    
public class XYLineAndShapeRenderer extends AbstractXYItemRenderer

From source file edu.dlnu.liuwenpeng.render.CandlestickRenderer.java

* A renderer that draws candlesticks on an {@link XYPlot} (requires a    
* {@link OHLCDataset}).    
* <P>    
* This renderer does not include code to calculate the crosshair point for the    
* plot.    

From source file edu.dlnu.liuwenpeng.render.LineAndShapeRenderer.java

* A renderer that draws shapes for each data item, and lines between data    
* items (for use with the {@link CategoryPlot} class).    
public class LineAndShapeRenderer extends AbstractCategoryItemRenderer
        implements Cloneable, PublicCloneable, Serializable {

From source file edu.dlnu.liuwenpeng.render.BarRenderer.java

* A {@link CategoryItemRenderer} that draws individual data items as bars.    
public class BarRenderer extends AbstractCategoryItemRenderer implements Cloneable, PublicCloneable, Serializable {

    /** For serialization. */