Example usage for org.jfree.util StrokeList StrokeList

List of usage examples for org.jfree.util StrokeList StrokeList


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.util StrokeList StrokeList.


public StrokeList() 

Source Link


Creates a new list.


From source file:genlab.gui.jfreechart.EnhancedSpiderWebPlot.java

 * Creates a new spider web plot with the given dataset.
 * @param dataset  the dataset./*from ww w  .  ja va  2  s  . com*/
 * @param extract  controls how data is extracted ({@link TableOrder#BY_ROW}
 *                 or {@link TableOrder#BY_COLUMN}).
public EnhancedSpiderWebPlot(CategoryDataset dataset, TableOrder extract) {
    if (extract == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'extract' argument.");
    this.dataset = dataset;
    if (dataset != null) {

    this.dataExtractOrder = extract;
    this.headPercent = DEFAULT_HEAD;
    this.axisLabelGap = DEFAULT_AXIS_LABEL_GAP;
    this.axisLinePaint = Color.black;
    this.axisLineStroke = new BasicStroke(1.0f);

    this.interiorGap = DEFAULT_INTERIOR_GAP;
    this.startAngle = DEFAULT_START_ANGLE;
    this.direction = Rotation.CLOCKWISE;
    this.maxValue = DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE;

    this.seriesPaint = null;
    this.seriesPaintList = new PaintList();
    this.baseSeriesPaint = null;

    this.seriesOutlinePaint = null;
    this.seriesOutlinePaintList = new PaintList();
    this.baseSeriesOutlinePaint = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_PAINT;

    this.seriesOutlineStroke = null;
    this.seriesOutlineStrokeList = new StrokeList();
    this.baseSeriesOutlineStroke = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_STROKE;

    this.labelFont = DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT;
    this.labelPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_PAINT;
    this.labelGenerator = new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator();

    this.legendItemShape = DEFAULT_LEGEND_ITEM_CIRCLE;

From source file:spinworld.gui.RadarPlot.java

 * Creates a new spider web plot with the given dataset.
 * @param dataset  the dataset.//from ww w .j  av  a2 s.  com
 * @param extract  controls how data is extracted ({@link TableOrder#BY_ROW}
 *                 or {@link TableOrder#BY_COLUMN}).
public RadarPlot(CategoryDataset dataset, TableOrder extract) {
    if (extract == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'extract' argument.");
    this.dataset = dataset;
    if (dataset != null) {

    this.dataExtractOrder = extract;
    this.headPercent = DEFAULT_HEAD;
    this.axisLabelGap = DEFAULT_AXIS_LABEL_GAP;
    this.axisLinePaint = Color.black;
    this.axisLineStroke = new BasicStroke(1.0f);

    this.interiorGap = DEFAULT_INTERIOR_GAP;
    this.startAngle = DEFAULT_START_ANGLE;
    this.direction = Rotation.CLOCKWISE;

    this.seriesPaint = null;
    this.seriesPaintList = new PaintList();
    this.baseSeriesPaint = null;

    this.seriesOutlinePaint = null;
    this.seriesOutlinePaintList = new PaintList();
    this.baseSeriesOutlinePaint = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_PAINT;

    this.seriesOutlineStroke = null;
    this.seriesOutlineStrokeList = new StrokeList();
    this.baseSeriesOutlineStroke = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_STROKE;

    this.labelFont = DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT;
    this.labelPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_PAINT;
    this.labelGenerator = new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator();

    this.legendItemShape = DEFAULT_LEGEND_ITEM_CIRCLE;

    this.origins = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
    this.maxValues = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();

From source file:KIDLYAbstractRenderer.java

 * Default constructor./*from   w  w  w .j av  a2 s. co m*/
public KIDLYAbstractRenderer() {

    this.seriesVisible = null;
    this.seriesVisibleList = new BooleanList();
    this.baseSeriesVisible = true;

    this.seriesVisibleInLegend = null;
    this.seriesVisibleInLegendList = new BooleanList();
    this.baseSeriesVisibleInLegend = true;

    this.paint = null;
    this.paintList = new PaintList();
    this.basePaint = DEFAULT_PAINT;
    this.autoPopulateSeriesPaint = true;

    this.fillPaint = null;
    this.fillPaintList = new PaintList();
    this.baseFillPaint = Color.white;
    this.autoPopulateSeriesFillPaint = false;

    this.outlinePaint = null;
    this.outlinePaintList = new PaintList();
    this.baseOutlinePaint = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_PAINT;
    this.autoPopulateSeriesOutlinePaint = false;

    this.stroke = null;
    this.strokeList = new StrokeList();
    this.baseStroke = DEFAULT_STROKE;
    this.autoPopulateSeriesStroke = true;

    this.outlineStroke = null;
    this.outlineStrokeList = new StrokeList();
    this.baseOutlineStroke = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_STROKE;
    this.autoPopulateSeriesOutlineStroke = false;

    this.shape = null;
    this.shapeList = new ShapeList();
    this.baseShape = DEFAULT_SHAPE;
    this.autoPopulateSeriesShape = true;

    this.itemLabelsVisible = null;
    this.itemLabelsVisibleList = new BooleanList();
    this.baseItemLabelsVisible = Boolean.FALSE;

    this.itemLabelFont = null;
    this.itemLabelFontList = new ObjectList();
    this.baseItemLabelFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 10);

    this.itemLabelPaint = null;
    this.itemLabelPaintList = new PaintList();
    this.baseItemLabelPaint = Color.black;

    this.positiveItemLabelPosition = null;
    this.positiveItemLabelPositionList = new ObjectList();
    this.basePositiveItemLabelPosition = new ItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE12,

    this.negativeItemLabelPosition = null;
    this.negativeItemLabelPositionList = new ObjectList();
    this.baseNegativeItemLabelPosition = new ItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE6, TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER);

    this.createEntities = null;
    this.createEntitiesList = new BooleanList();
    this.baseCreateEntities = true;

    this.defaultEntityRadius = 3;

    this.legendShapeList = new ShapeList();
    this.baseLegendShape = null;

    this.treatLegendShapeAsLine = false;

    this.legendTextFont = new ObjectList();
    this.baseLegendTextFont = null;

    this.legendTextPaint = new PaintList();
    this.baseLegendTextPaint = null;

    this.listenerList = new EventListenerList();
