Example usage for org.json JSONObject isNull

List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject isNull


In this page you can find the example usage for org.json JSONObject isNull.


public boolean isNull(String key) 

Source Link


Determine if the value associated with the key is null or if there is no value.


From source file:com.cssweb.android.view.KlineView.java

public void drawRSI(Canvas canvas, JSONObject quoteData, int begin, int count, double shapeWidth,
        double spaceWidth, double highPrice, double lowPrice, double highVolume, int actualDataLen)
        throws JSONException {
    if (quoteData.isNull("RSI") || quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").length() < 1) {
        isNetworkErrorDisplay();//from  w  w  w .  j a  v a  2  s .  com

    double max = 100.0;
    double min = 0.0;

    int len = quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").length();
    for (int i = begin; i < (begin + count) && i < len; i++) {
        double k = quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").getJSONArray(i).getDouble(1);
        double d = quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").getJSONArray(i).getDouble(2);
        double j = quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").getJSONArray(i).getDouble(3);

        if (k > max)
            max = k;
        if (d > max)
            max = d;
        if (j > max)
            max = j;

        if (k < 0) {
            if (k < min)
                min = k;
        if (d < 0) {
            if (d < min)
                min = d;
        if (j < 0) {
            if (j < min)
                min = j;
    double scale = this.volumeHeight / (max + Math.abs(min));

    int startX = klineX;
    int startY = klineY;

    int axisY100 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (100 + Math.abs(min)) * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY100, width, axisY100, paint);

    String axisLabel1 = "";
    if (zs)
        axisLabel1 = "100.00";
        axisLabel1 = "100.00";

    int axisY80 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (80 + Math.abs(min)) * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY80, width, axisY80, paint);

    String axisLabel2 = "80.00";

    int axisY50 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (50 + Math.abs(min)) * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY50, width, axisY50, paint);

    String axisLabel3 = "50.00";

    int axisY20 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (20 + Math.abs(min)) * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY20, width, axisY20, paint);

    String axisLabel4 = "20.00";

    int axisY0 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (0 + Math.abs(min)) * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY0, width, axisY0, paint);

    if (isTrackStatus == false) {
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel1, startX - tips / 4, (float) (axisY100 + axisLabelHeight / 2), tPaint);
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel2, startX - tips / 4, (float) (axisY80 + axisLabelHeight / 2), tPaint);
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel3, startX - tips / 4, (float) (axisY50 + axisLabelHeight / 2), tPaint);
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel4, startX - tips / 4, (float) (axisY20 + axisLabelHeight / 2), tPaint);
    canvas.drawLine(klineX, height - axisLabelHeight, width, height - axisLabelHeight, paint);

    if (quoteData != null) {
        double axisX = klineX;

        double bias1x = klineX;
        double bias1y = 0;

        double bias2x = klineX;
        double bias2y = 0;

        double bias3x = klineX;
        double bias3y = 0;

        for (int i = begin; i < (begin + count); i++) {
            double rsi1 = quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").getJSONArray(i).getDouble(1);
            double rsi2 = quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").getJSONArray(i).getDouble(2);
            double rsi3 = quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").getJSONArray(i).getDouble(3);

            double bias1Height = 0;
            double bias2Height = 0;
            double bias3Height = 0;

            bias1Height = scale * rsi1;
            bias2Height = scale * rsi2;
            bias3Height = scale * rsi3;

            //klineX = 0;
            if ((i - begin) == 0)
                axisX = axisX + spaceWidth;
                axisX = axisX + spaceWidth + shapeWidth;

            if ((i - begin) == 0) {
                bias1x = bias1x + spaceWidth + shapeWidth / 2;
                bias1y = height - axisLabelHeight - bias1Height;
            } else {
                double x1 = bias1x;
                double y1 = bias1y;

                bias1x = bias1x + spaceWidth + shapeWidth;

                bias1y = height - axisLabelHeight - bias1Height;

                canvas.drawLine((int) Math.round(x1), (int) y1, (int) Math.round(bias1x), (int) bias1y, paint);

            if ((i - begin) == 0) {
                bias2x = bias2x + spaceWidth + shapeWidth / 2;
                bias2y = height - axisLabelHeight - bias2Height;
            } else {
                double x1 = bias2x;
                double y1 = bias2y;
                bias2x = bias2x + spaceWidth + shapeWidth;
                bias2y = height - axisLabelHeight - bias2Height;
                canvas.drawLine((int) Math.round(x1), (int) y1, (int) Math.round(bias2x), (int) bias2y, paint);

            if ((i - begin) == 0) {
                bias3x = bias3x + spaceWidth + shapeWidth / 2;
                bias3y = height - axisLabelHeight - bias3Height;
            } else {
                double x1 = bias3x;
                double y1 = bias3y;
                bias3x = bias3x + spaceWidth + shapeWidth;
                bias3y = height - axisLabelHeight - bias3Height;
                paint.setARGB(255, 255, 0, 255);
                canvas.drawLine((int) Math.round(x1), (int) y1, (int) Math.round(bias3x), (int) bias3y, paint);

            if (i == (begin + count - 1)) {
                //labelDif.text = "RSI6:" + Utils.StockFormat(exchange+stockCode, rsi1);
                //labelDea.text = "RSI12:" + Utils.StockFormat(exchange+stockCode, rsi2);
                //labelMacd.text = "RSI24:" + Utils.StockFormat(exchange+stockCode, rsi3);
        } // end for
    } // end if

From source file:com.cssweb.android.view.KlineView.java

public void drawOBV(Canvas canvas, JSONObject quoteData, int begin, int count, double shapeWidth,
        double spaceWidth, double highPrice, double lowPrice, double highVolume, int actualDataLen)
        throws JSONException {
    //      this.shapeWidth = shapeWidth;
    //      this.spaceWidth = spaceWidth;
    if (quoteData.isNull("OBV") || quoteData.getJSONArray("OBV").length() < 1) {
        isNetworkErrorDisplay();//  w  ww.  j  av  a  2 s.  c o m

    long max = 1;
    long min = 99999999999999l;
    long obv, maobv;
    int len = quoteData.getJSONArray("OBV").length();
    for (int i = begin; i < (begin + count) && i < len; i++) {
        obv = quoteData.getJSONArray("OBV").getJSONArray(i).getLong(1);
        maobv = quoteData.getJSONArray("OBV").getJSONArray(i).getLong(2);
        max = Arith.max(obv, maobv, max);
        min = Arith.min(obv, maobv, min);
    max = max + (max - min) / 10;
    min = min - (max - min) / 10;
    double scale = (double) (this.volumeHeight) / (max - min);

    int startX = klineX;
    int startY = klineY;

    double AxisLabelVolume = max;
    String lblvalue = "12345";
    int ratiolen = String.valueOf(Math.round(AxisLabelVolume)).length() - String.valueOf(lblvalue).length();

    String labelRatio = "";
    int scaleVol = 1;
    switch (ratiolen) {
    case 1:
        labelRatio = "x10";
        scaleVol = 10;
    case 2:
        labelRatio = "x100";
        scaleVol = 100;
    case 3:
        labelRatio = "x1000";
        scaleVol = 1000;
    case 4:
        labelRatio = "x10000";
        scaleVol = 10000;
    case 5:
        labelRatio = "x1";
        scaleVol = 1000000;
    case 6:
        labelRatio = "x1";
        scaleVol = 1000000;
        labelRatio = "x1";
        scaleVol = 1;

    int axisY1 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (max - min) * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY1, width, axisY1, paint);

    String axisLabel1 = String.valueOf((int) max / scaleVol);

    int axisY2 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (max - min) * 3 / 4 * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY2, width, axisY2, paint);

    String axisLabel2 = String.valueOf((int) (min + (max - min) * 3 / 4) / scaleVol);

    int axisY3 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (max - min) * 2 / 4 * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY3, width, axisY3, paint);

    String axisLabel3 = String.valueOf((int) (min + (max - min) * 2 / 4) / scaleVol);

    int axisY4 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (max - min) / 4 * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY4, width, axisY4, paint);

    String axisLabel4 = String.valueOf((int) (min + (max - min) * 1 / 4) / scaleVol);

    if (isTrackStatus == false) {
        canvas.drawText(labelRatio, startX - tips / 4, startY + volumeHeight + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint);
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel1, startX - tips / 4, axisY1 + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint);
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel2, startX - tips / 4, axisY2 + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint);
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel3, startX - tips / 4, axisY3 + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint);
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel4, startX - tips / 4, axisY4 + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint);
    canvas.drawLine(startX, height - axisLabelHeight, width, height - axisLabelHeight, paint);

    if (quoteData != null) {
        double currX = 0, currY1 = 0, currY2 = 0;//???
        double nextX = 0, nextY1 = 0, nextY2 = 0;//??

        int kHeight = 0;

        for (int i = begin; i < (begin + count) && i < len; i++) {
            obv = quoteData.getJSONArray("OBV").getJSONArray(i).getLong(1);
            maobv = quoteData.getJSONArray("OBV").getJSONArray(i).getLong(2);

            startX = klineX;

            if ((i - begin) == 0) {
                currX = 0;
                currX = nextX = currX + startX + spaceWidth + shapeWidth / 2;
                kHeight = (int) ((obv - min) * scale);
                currY1 = nextY1 = startY + volumeHeight - kHeight;
                kHeight = (int) ((maobv - min) * scale);
                currY2 = nextY2 = startY + volumeHeight - kHeight;
            } else {
                nextX = currX + spaceWidth + shapeWidth;
            // obv
            kHeight = (int) ((obv - min) * scale);
            nextY1 = startY + volumeHeight - kHeight;
            canvas.drawLine((int) currX, (int) currY1, (int) nextX, (int) nextY1, paint);

            // maobv
            kHeight = (int) ((maobv - min) * scale);
            nextY2 = startY + volumeHeight - kHeight;
            canvas.drawLine((int) currX, (int) currY2, (int) nextX, (int) nextY2, paint);

            currX = nextX;
            currY1 = nextY1;
            currY2 = nextY2;

            if (i == (begin + count - 1)) {

        } // end for
    } // end if

From source file:com.cssweb.android.view.KlineView.java

public void drawROC(Canvas canvas, JSONObject quoteData, int begin, int count, double shapeWidth,
        double spaceWidth, double highPrice, double lowPrice, double highVolume, int actualDataLen,
        String indicator) throws JSONException {
    if (quoteData.isNull(indicator) || quoteData.getJSONArray(indicator).length() < 1) {
        isNetworkErrorDisplay();/*  ww  w.  j  a v a2  s  . co  m*/
    this.shapeWidth = shapeWidth;
    this.spaceWidth = spaceWidth;

    double max = 0.001;
    double min = 9999999999f;
    double wr = 0, wr2 = 0;
    int len = quoteData.getJSONArray(indicator).length();
    for (int i = begin; i < (begin + count) && i < len; i++) {
        wr = quoteData.getJSONArray(indicator).getJSONArray(i).getDouble(1);
        wr2 = quoteData.getJSONArray(indicator).getJSONArray(i).getDouble(2);
        max = Arith.max(wr, wr2, max);
        min = Arith.min(wr, wr2, min);
    max = max * 1.1;
    min = min - Math.abs(min) * 0.1;
    double scale = (double) (this.volumeHeight) / (max - min);

    int startX = klineX;
    int startY = klineY;

    double AxisLabelVolume = max;
    String lblvalue = "12345";
    int ratiolen = String.valueOf(Math.round(AxisLabelVolume)).length() - String.valueOf(lblvalue).length();

    String labelRatio = "";
    int scaleVol = 1;
    switch (ratiolen) {
    case 1:
        labelRatio = "x10";
        scaleVol = 10;
    case 2:
        labelRatio = "x100";
        scaleVol = 100;
    case 3:
        labelRatio = "x1000";
        scaleVol = 1000;
    case 4:
        labelRatio = "x10000";
        scaleVol = 10000;
        labelRatio = "";
        scaleVol = 1;

    int axisY1 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (max - min) * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY1, width, axisY1, paint);

    String axisLabel1 = Utils.dataFormation(max / scaleVol, 1);

    int axisY2 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (max - min) * 3 / 4 * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY2, width, axisY2, paint);

    String axisLabel2 = Utils.dataFormation((min + (max - min) * 3 / 4) / scaleVol, 1);

    int axisY3 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (max - min) * 2 / 4 * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY3, klineX + klineWidth, axisY3, paint);

    String axisLabel3 = Utils.dataFormation((min + (max - min) * 2 / 4) / scaleVol, 1);

    int axisY4 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (max - min) / 4 * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY4, klineX + klineWidth, axisY4, paint);

    String axisLabel4 = Utils.dataFormation((min + (max - min) * 1 / 4) / scaleVol, 1);

    if (isTrackStatus == false) {
        canvas.drawText(labelRatio, startX - tips / 4, startY + volumeHeight + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint);
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel1, startX - tips / 4, axisY1 + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint);
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel2, startX - tips / 4, axisY2 + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint);
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel3, startX - tips / 4, axisY3 + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint);
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel4, startX - tips / 4, axisY4 + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint);

    canvas.drawLine(startX, height - axisLabelHeight, width, height - axisLabelHeight, paint);

    if (quoteData != null) {
        double currX = 0, currY1 = 0, currY2 = 0;//???
        double nextX = 0, nextY1 = 0, nextY2 = 0;//??

        int kHeight = 0;

        for (int i = begin; i < (begin + count) && i < len; i++) {
            wr = quoteData.getJSONArray(indicator).getJSONArray(i).getDouble(1);
            wr2 = quoteData.getJSONArray(indicator).getJSONArray(i).getDouble(2);

            if ((i - begin) == 0) {
                currX = startX;
                currX = nextX = currX + spaceWidth + shapeWidth / 2;
                kHeight = (int) ((wr - min) * scale);
                currY1 = nextY1 = startY + volumeHeight - kHeight;

                kHeight = (int) ((wr2 - min) * scale);
                currY2 = nextY2 = startY + volumeHeight - kHeight;
            } else {
                nextX = currX + spaceWidth + shapeWidth;
                kHeight = (int) ((wr - min) * scale);
                nextY1 = startY + volumeHeight - kHeight;

                kHeight = (int) ((wr2 - min) * scale);
                nextY2 = startY + volumeHeight - kHeight;
            canvas.drawLine((float) currX, (float) currY1, (float) nextX, (float) nextY1, paint);

            canvas.drawLine((float) currX, (float) currY2, (float) nextX, (float) nextY2, paint);

            currX = nextX;
            currY1 = nextY1;
            currY2 = nextY2;

            if (i == (begin + count - 1)) {

        } // end for
    } // end if

From source file:com.cssweb.android.view.KlineView.java

public void drawOther(Canvas canvas, JSONObject quoteData, int begin, int count, double shapeWidth,
        double spaceWidth, double highPrice, double lowPrice, double highVolume, int actualDataLen,
        String indicator) throws JSONException {
    if (quoteData.isNull(indicator) || quoteData.getJSONArray(indicator).length() < 1) {
        isNetworkErrorDisplay();/*from ww  w  .  j a  v  a  2s  . c  o  m*/
    this.shapeWidth = shapeWidth;
    this.spaceWidth = spaceWidth;

    double max = 0.001;
    double min = 9999999999f;
    double wr = 0, wr2 = 0;
    int len = quoteData.getJSONArray(indicator).length();
    for (int i = begin; i < (begin + count) && i < len; i++) {
        wr = quoteData.getJSONArray(indicator).getJSONArray(i).getDouble(1);
        wr2 = quoteData.getJSONArray(indicator).getJSONArray(i).getDouble(2);
        max = Arith.max(wr, wr2, max);
        min = Arith.min(wr, wr2, min);
    max = max + (max - min) / 10;
    min = min - (max - min) / 10;
    double scale = (double) (this.volumeHeight) / (max - min);

    int startX = klineX;
    int startY = klineY;

    double AxisLabelVolume = max;
    String lblvalue = "12345";
    int ratiolen = String.valueOf(Math.round(AxisLabelVolume)).length() - String.valueOf(lblvalue).length();

    String labelRatio = "";
    int scaleVol = 1;
    switch (ratiolen) {
    case 1:
        labelRatio = "x10";
        scaleVol = 10;
    case 2:
        labelRatio = "x100";
        scaleVol = 100;
    case 3:
        labelRatio = "x1000";
        scaleVol = 1000;
    case 4:
        labelRatio = "x10000";
        scaleVol = 10000;
        labelRatio = "";
        scaleVol = 1;

    int axisY1 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (max - min) * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY1, width, axisY1, paint);

    String axisLabel1 = String.valueOf((int) max / scaleVol);

    int axisY2 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (max - min) * 3 / 4 * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY2, width, axisY2, paint);

    String axisLabel2 = String.valueOf((int) (min + (max - min) * 3 / 4) / scaleVol);

    int axisY3 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (max - min) * 2 / 4 * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY3, klineX + klineWidth, axisY3, paint);

    String axisLabel3 = String.valueOf((int) (min + (max - min) * 2 / 4) / scaleVol);

    int axisY4 = (int) (startY + volumeHeight - (max - min) / 4 * scale);
    Graphics.drawDashline(canvas, startX, axisY4, klineX + klineWidth, axisY4, paint);

    String axisLabel4 = String.valueOf((int) (min + (max - min) * 1 / 4) / scaleVol);

    if (isTrackStatus == false) {
        canvas.drawText(labelRatio, startX - tips / 4, startY + volumeHeight + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint);
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel1, startX - tips / 4, axisY1 + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint);
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel2, startX - tips / 4, axisY2 + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint);
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel3, startX - tips / 4, axisY3 + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint);
        canvas.drawText(axisLabel4, startX - tips / 4, axisY4 + axisLabelHeight / 2, tPaint);

    canvas.drawLine(startX, height - axisLabelHeight, width, height - axisLabelHeight, paint);

    if (quoteData != null) {
        double currX = 0, currY1 = 0, currY2 = 0;//???
        double nextX = 0, nextY1 = 0, nextY2 = 0;//??

        int kHeight = 0;

        for (int i = begin; i < (begin + count) && i < len; i++) {
            wr = quoteData.getJSONArray(indicator).getJSONArray(i).getLong(1);
            wr2 = quoteData.getJSONArray(indicator).getJSONArray(i).getLong(2);

            if ((i - begin) == 0) {
                currX = startX;
                currX = nextX = currX + spaceWidth + shapeWidth / 2;
                kHeight = (int) ((wr - min) * scale);
                currY1 = nextY1 = startY + volumeHeight - kHeight;

                kHeight = (int) ((wr2 - min) * scale);
                currY2 = nextY2 = startY + volumeHeight - kHeight;
            } else {
                nextX = currX + spaceWidth + shapeWidth;
                kHeight = (int) ((wr - min) * scale);
                nextY1 = startY + volumeHeight - kHeight;

                kHeight = (int) ((wr2 - min) * scale);
                nextY2 = startY + volumeHeight - kHeight;
            canvas.drawLine((float) currX, (float) currY1, (float) nextX, (float) nextY1, paint);

            canvas.drawLine((float) currX, (float) currY2, (float) nextX, (float) nextY2, paint);

            currX = nextX;
            currY1 = nextY1;
            currY2 = nextY2;

            if (i == (begin + count - 1)) {

        } // end for
    } // end if

From source file:com.cssweb.android.view.KlineView.java

 * ??//from ww w.  ja  va  2 s  .  c  o m
 * @throws JSONException 
private void makeTodayData() throws JSONException {
    int l = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").length();
    if (quoteData.isNull("joTMP")) {//temp??
    if (!quoteData.getBoolean("tradeFlag")) {
    JSONObject tempvalue = quoteData.getJSONObject("joTMP");
    double zrsp = quoteData.getDouble("zrsp");
    period = quoteData.getString("period");
    if (period.equals("week") || period.equals("month") || period.equals("year")) {
        if (tempvalue.getString(period) != null) {
            if (tempvalue.isNull("ma") || quoteData.isNull("MA") || quoteData.isNull("K")) {
            int tp = quoteData.getInt("tp");
            if (tp == 1) {
                String date = tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getString("date");
                if (DateTool.isSameWeekMonthYear(date, period)) {
                    quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1,
                    quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2,
                    quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3,
                    quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(4, zrsp);
                    quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(5,
                    quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(6,
                    //quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l-1).put(0, ) ;
                    zrsp = tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("close");
                            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(4) + ">>>>>>>>" + zrsp);
            } else {
                int spayday = quoteData.getInt("spday");
                double cjsl = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(5);
                double cjje = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(6);
                if (spayday == 0) {//0??temp?????
                    quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2,
                            Math.max(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(2),
                    quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3,
                            Math.min(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(3),
                    quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(5,
                            cjsl + tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjsl"));
                    quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(6,
                            cjje + tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjje"));
                } else {
                    quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2,
                            Math.max(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(2),
                    quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3,
                            Math.min(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(3),
                    quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(5,
                    quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(6,
                double jrkp = tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("open");
                if (jrkp != 0) {
                    quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, jrkp);
                zrsp = tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("close");

    String qt = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getString(0);
    double high = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(2);
    double low = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(3);
    double zjcj = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(4);
    double cjsl = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(5);

    double summa4 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("ma").getDouble("sumMa4");
    double summa9 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("ma").getDouble("sumMa9");
    double summa19 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("ma").getDouble("sumMa19");
    double summa59 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("ma").getDouble("sumMa59");
    double sumvolma4 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("ma").getDouble("sumMavol4");
    double sumvolma9 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("ma").getDouble("sumMavol9");

    if (mainIndicatorType.toUpperCase().equals("MA") || mainIndicatorType.toUpperCase().equals("BOLL")) {
        quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").put(new JSONArray());
        quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt);
        double ma5 = 0;
        if (l > 4)
            ma5 = (summa4 + zjcj) / 5;
        quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, ma5);
        double ma10 = 0;
        if (l > 9)
            ma10 = (summa9 + zjcj) / 10;
        quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, ma10);
        double ma20 = 0;
        if (l > 19)
            ma20 = (summa19 + zjcj) / 20;
        quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, ma20);
        double ma60 = 0;
        if (l > 59)
            ma60 = (summa59 + zjcj) / 60;
        quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(4, ma60);
    double mavol5 = (sumvolma4 + cjsl) / 5;
    quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(5, mavol5);

    double mavol10 = (sumvolma9 + cjsl) / 10;
    quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(6, mavol10);

    if (mainIndicatorType.equals("BOLL")) {
        quoteData.getJSONArray("BOLL").put(new JSONArray());
        double mid = 0;
        double upper = 0;
        double lower = 0;
        if (l > 25) {
            double sumClose = tempvalue.getJSONObject("boll").getDouble("sumClose");
            double sumPowClose = tempvalue.getJSONObject("boll").getDouble("sumPowClose");
            double maPow = 0;
            double temp;
            if (l > 25) {
                mid = (sumClose + zjcj) / 26;
                maPow = (sumPowClose + zjcj * zjcj) / 26;
                temp = (maPow - mid * mid);
                if (temp < 0)
                    temp = 0;
                upper = mid + 2 * Math.sqrt((temp * 26) / (26 - 1));
                lower = mid - 2 * Math.sqrt((temp * 26) / (26 - 1));

        quoteData.getJSONArray("BOLL").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("BOLL").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, mid);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("BOLL").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, upper);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("BOLL").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, lower);

    if (indicatorType.equals("MACD")) {
        quoteData.getJSONArray("MACD").put(new JSONArray());
        double prevemashort = 0;
        double prevemalong = 0;
        double prevdea = 0;
        double dif = 0;
        double dea = 0;
        double macd = 0;
        double emashort = 0;
        double emalong = 0;

        prevemashort = tempvalue.getJSONObject("macd").getDouble("emaShort");
        prevemalong = tempvalue.getJSONObject("macd").getDouble("emaLong");
        prevdea = tempvalue.getJSONObject("macd").getDouble("dea");

        if (l > 1) {
            emashort = (2 * zjcj + (12 - 1) * prevemashort) / (12 + 1);
            emalong = (2 * zjcj + (26 - 1) * prevemalong) / (26 + 1);
            dif = emashort - emalong;
            dea = (2 * dif + (9 - 1) * prevdea) / (9 + 1);
            macd = (dif - dea) * 2;

        quoteData.getJSONArray("MACD").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("MACD").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, dif);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("MACD").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, dea);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("MACD").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, macd);
    if (indicatorType.equals("BIAS")) {
        quoteData.getJSONArray("BIAS").put(new JSONArray());
        double sum5 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("bias").getDouble("sum5");
        double sum11 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("bias").getDouble("sum11");
        double sum23 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("bias").getDouble("sum23");

        double bias1 = l >= 6 ? (zjcj - (sum5 + zjcj) / 6) / ((sum5 + zjcj) / 6) * 100 : 0;
        double bias2 = l >= 12 ? (zjcj - (sum11 + zjcj) / 12) / ((sum11 + zjcj) / 12) * 100 : 0;
        double bias3 = l >= 24 ? (zjcj - (sum23 + zjcj) / 24) / ((sum23 + zjcj) / 24) * 100 : 0;
        quoteData.getJSONArray("BIAS").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("BIAS").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, bias1);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("BIAS").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, bias2);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("BIAS").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, bias3);
    if (indicatorType.equals("RSI")) {
        quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").put(new JSONArray());

        double rsi1 = 0;
        double rsi2 = 0;
        double rsi3 = 0;

        if (l > 1 && tempvalue.has("rsi")) {
            double smaMax1 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("rsi").getDouble("smaMax1");
            double smaMax2 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("rsi").getDouble("smaMax2");
            double smaMax3 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("rsi").getDouble("smaMax3");
            double smaAbs1 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("rsi").getDouble("smaAbs1");
            double smaAbs2 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("rsi").getDouble("smaAbs2");
            double smaAbs3 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("rsi").getDouble("smaAbs3");

            double rsiMax1 = (Math.max(zjcj - zrsp, 0.0) * 1 + smaMax1 * (6 - 1)) / 6;
            double rsiAbs1 = (Math.abs(zjcj - zrsp) * 1 + smaAbs1 * (6 - 1)) / 6;
            if (rsiAbs1 == 0)
                rsi1 = 0;
                rsi1 = rsiMax1 / rsiAbs1 * 100;

            double rsiMax2 = (Math.max(zjcj - zrsp, 0.0) * 1 + smaMax2 * (12 - 1)) / 12;
            double rsiAbs2 = (Math.abs(zjcj - zrsp) * 1 + smaAbs2 * (12 - 1)) / 12;
            if (rsiAbs2 == 0)
                rsi2 = 0;
                rsi2 = rsiMax2 / rsiAbs2 * 100;

            double rsiMax3 = (Math.max(zjcj - zrsp, 0.0) * 1 + smaMax3 * (24 - 1)) / 24;
            double rsiAbs3 = (Math.abs(zjcj - zrsp) * 1 + smaAbs3 * (24 - 1)) / 24;
            if (rsiAbs3 == 0)
                rsi3 = 0;
                rsi3 = rsiMax3 / rsiAbs3 * 100;
        quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, rsi1);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, rsi2);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, rsi3);
    if (indicatorType.equals("KDJ")) {
        quoteData.getJSONArray("KDJ").put(new JSONArray());
        double newk = 0;
        double newd = 0;
        double newj = 0;

        if (l > 1 && tempvalue.has("kdj")) {
            double K = quoteData.getJSONArray("KDJ").getJSONArray(l - 2).getDouble(1);
            double D = quoteData.getJSONArray("KDJ").getJSONArray(l - 2).getDouble(2);
            double HHV = tempvalue.getJSONObject("kdj").getDouble("hhv");
            double LLV = tempvalue.getJSONObject("kdj").getDouble("llv");
            double nowllv = 0.0;

            if (LLV < low) // l?
                nowllv = LLV;
                nowllv = low;

            double nowhhv = 0.0;
            if (HHV > high)
                nowhhv = HHV;
                nowhhv = high;
            double rsv;
            if (Math.abs(nowhhv - nowllv) < 0.0001) {
                rsv = 0;
            } else {
                rsv = (zjcj - nowllv) / (nowhhv - nowllv) * 100;
            newk = (rsv * 1 + K * (3 - 1)) / 3;
            newd = (newk * 1 + D * (3 - 1)) / 3;
            newj = 3 * newk - 2 * newd;
        quoteData.getJSONArray("KDJ").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("KDJ").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, newk);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("KDJ").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, newd);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("KDJ").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, newj);
    if (indicatorType.equals("CCI")) {
        double CCI = 0;
        quoteData.getJSONArray("CCI").put(new JSONArray());
        if (l > 13 && tempvalue.has("cci")) {
            JSONArray typlist = tempvalue.getJSONObject("cci").getJSONArray("typ");
            double sumTyp = 0;
            double TYP = (zjcj + high + low) / 3;
            double rit = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < typlist.length(); i++) {
                rit = typlist.getDouble(i);
                if (i == 13)
                sumTyp += rit;
            sumTyp += TYP;
            double ma = sumTyp / 14;

            sumTyp = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < typlist.length(); i++) {
                rit = typlist.getDouble(i);
                if (i == 13)
                sumTyp += Math.abs(rit - ma);
            sumTyp += Math.abs(TYP - ma);
            double avedev = sumTyp / 14;

            if (avedev == 0)
                CCI = 0;
                CCI = (TYP - ma) / (0.015 * avedev);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("CCI").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("CCI").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, CCI);
    if (indicatorType.equals("OBV")) {
        quoteData.getJSONArray("OBV").put(new JSONArray());
        double obv = 0, maobv = 0;
        if (tempvalue.has("obv")) {
            if (zjcj > zrsp) {
                obv = tempvalue.getJSONObject("obv").getDouble("obv") + cjsl;
            if (zjcj == zrsp) {
                obv = 0;
            if (zjcj < zrsp) {
                obv = tempvalue.getJSONObject("obv").getDouble("obv") - cjsl;
            if (l >= 29) {
                maobv = (tempvalue.getJSONObject("obv").getDouble("sumObv29") + obv) / 30;
            } else {
                maobv = 0;
        quoteData.getJSONArray("OBV").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("OBV").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, obv);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("OBV").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, maobv);
    if (indicatorType.equals("PSY")) {
        quoteData.getJSONArray("PSY").put(new JSONArray());
        double countPsy = 0, psy = 0, psyma = 0;
        if (zjcj > zrsp) {
            countPsy = 1;
        } else {
            countPsy = 0;
        if (l >= 11 && tempvalue.has("psy")) {
            countPsy += tempvalue.getJSONObject("psy").getDouble("psyCount11");
            psy = countPsy / 12 * 100;
            psyma = (tempvalue.getJSONObject("psy").getDouble("sumPsy") + psy) / 6;
        } else {
            psy = 0;
        quoteData.getJSONArray("PSY").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("PSY").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, psy);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("PSY").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, psyma);
    if (indicatorType.equals("ROC")) {
        quoteData.getJSONArray("ROC").put(new JSONArray());
        double roc = 0, rocma = 0;
        if (l > 12 && tempvalue.has("roc")) {
            double refClose12 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("roc").getDouble("refClose12");
            if (refClose12 == 0) {
                roc = 0;
            } else {
                roc = 100 * (zjcj - refClose12) / refClose12;
            rocma = (tempvalue.getJSONObject("roc").getDouble("sumRoc") + roc) / 6;
        } else {
            roc = 0;
        quoteData.getJSONArray("ROC").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("ROC").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, roc);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("ROC").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, rocma);
    if (indicatorType.equals("WR")) {
        quoteData.getJSONArray("WR").put(new JSONArray());
        double wr = 0, wr2 = 0;
        if (l > 9 && tempvalue.has("wr")) {
            double llv = tempvalue.getJSONObject("wr").getDouble("llv");
            double hhv = tempvalue.getJSONObject("wr").getDouble("hhv");
            hhv = Math.max(hhv, high);
            llv = Math.min(llv, low);
            if (hhv == llv) {
                wr = 0;
            } else {
                wr = 100 * (hhv - zjcj) / (hhv - llv);
        } else {
            wr = 0;
        if (l > 5 && tempvalue.has("wr")) {
            double llv2 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("wr").getDouble("llv2");
            double hhv2 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("wr").getDouble("hhv2");

            hhv2 = Math.max(hhv2, high);
            llv2 = Math.min(llv2, low);
            if (hhv2 == llv2) {
                wr2 = 0;
            } else {
                wr2 = 100 * (hhv2 - zjcj) / (hhv2 - llv2);
        } else {
            wr2 = 0;
        quoteData.getJSONArray("WR").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("WR").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, wr);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("WR").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, wr2);
    if (indicatorType.equals("VR")) {
        quoteData.getJSONArray("VR").put(new JSONArray());
        double vr = 0, vrma = 0;
        if (l >= 24 && tempvalue.has("vr")) {
            double sum1 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("vr").getDouble("sum1");
            double sum2 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("vr").getDouble("sum2");
            if (zjcj > zrsp) {
                sum1 += cjsl;
            } else {
                sum2 += cjsl;
            if (sum2 == 0) {
                vr = 0;
            } else {
                vr = 100 * sum1 / sum2;
        } else {
            vr = 0;
        if (l >= 6)
            vrma = (tempvalue.getJSONObject("vr").getDouble("sumVr") + vr) / 6;
        quoteData.getJSONArray("VR").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("VR").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, vr);
        quoteData.getJSONArray("VR").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, vrma);

From source file:com.cssweb.android.view.KlineView.java

private void makeTmpData() throws JSONException {
    JSONObject tempvalue = quoteData.getJSONObject("joTMP");
    int l = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").length();
    double zrsp = quoteData.getDouble("zrsp");
    //      quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l-1).put(1, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("open")) ;
    //      quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l-1).put(2, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("high")) ;
    //      quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l-1).put(3, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("low")) ;
    //      quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l-1).put(5, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjsl")) ;
    //      quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l-1).put(6, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjje")) ;

    Log.i("#####111####", quoteData + ">>>>>>>>>>");
    int tp = quoteData.getInt("tp");
    if (tp == 1) {
        String date = tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getString("date");
        //Log.i("#####date####", date+">>>>>>>>" + DateTool.isSameWeekMonthYear(date, period));
        if (DateTool.isSameWeekMonthYear(date, period)) {
            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1,
            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2,
            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3,
            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(4, zrsp);
            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(5,
            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(6,
            //quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l-1).put(0, ) ;
            zrsp = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(0);
        }/*  w  ww. java2  s.  c  om*/
    } else {
        int spayday = quoteData.getInt("spday");
        double cjsl = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(5);
        double cjje = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(6);
        if (spayday == 0) {//0??temp?????
            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2,
                    Math.max(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(2),
            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3,
                    Math.min(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(3),
            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(5,
                    cjsl + tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjsl"));
            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(6,
                    cjje + tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjje"));
        } else {
            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2,
                    Math.max(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(2),
            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3,
                    Math.min(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(3),
            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(5,
            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(6,
        double jrkp = tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("open");
        if (jrkp != 0) {
            quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, jrkp);
        zrsp = tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("close");
        Log.i("#####222####", quoteData + ">>>>>>>>>>");

    if (mainIndicatorType.toUpperCase().equals("BOLL")) {
        JSONArray jMA = new JSONArray();
        jMA.put(0, 0);
        jMA.put(1, 0);
        jMA.put(2, 0);
        jMA.put(3, 0);
        jMA.put(4, 0);
        jMA.put(5, 0);
        jMA.put(6, 0);
        quoteData.put("BOLL", new JSONArray().put(jMA));

    //Log.i("#######MA#########", quoteData.isNull("MA")+">>>>>>>>>>>" + quoteData);
    if (quoteData.isNull("MA")) {
        JSONArray jMA = new JSONArray();
        jMA.put(0, 0);
        jMA.put(1, 0);
        jMA.put(2, 0);
        jMA.put(3, 0);
        jMA.put(4, 0);
        jMA.put(5, 0);
        jMA.put(6, 0);
        quoteData.put("MA", new JSONArray().put(jMA));
    } else {
        if (quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").length() == 0) {
            JSONArray jMA = new JSONArray();
            jMA.put(0, 0);
            jMA.put(1, 0);
            jMA.put(2, 0);
            jMA.put(3, 0);
            jMA.put(4, 0);
            jMA.put(5, 0);
            jMA.put(6, 0);
            quoteData.put("MA", new JSONArray().put(jMA));
    //Log.i("#######MA#########" + indicatorType.toUpperCase(), quoteData.isNull(indicatorType.toUpperCase())+">>>>>>>>>>>");
    if (quoteData.isNull(indicatorType.toUpperCase())) {
        JSONArray jIn = new JSONArray();
        jIn.put(0, 0);
        jIn.put(1, 0);
        jIn.put(2, 0);
        jIn.put(3, 0);
        quoteData.put(indicatorType.toUpperCase(), new JSONArray().put(jIn));
    if (tempvalue.isNull("ma") && quoteData.getJSONArray("K").length() > 1) //??
        actualDataLen = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").length() - 1;
        actualDataLen = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").length();
    if (actualDataLen < visualKLineCount) {
        count = actualDataLen;
    } else {
        count = visualKLineCount;
    if (this.actualDataLen - this.actualPos - 1 <= this.visualKLineCount) {
        actualPos = actualDataLen - count;
    //      Log.i("#######makeTmpData########" + actualPos, actualDataLen+">>>>>>>>" + count);

From source file:io.teak.sdk.RemoteConfiguration.java

public static void requestConfigurationForApp(final Session session) {
    HashMap<String, Object> payload = new HashMap<>();
    payload.put("id", session.appConfiguration.appId);

    new Thread(new Request("gocarrot.com", "/games/" + session.appConfiguration.appId + "/settings.json",
            payload, session) {//from   ww  w .j  a  v a2  s . co m
        protected void done(int responseCode, String responseBody) {
            try {
                JSONObject response = new JSONObject(responseBody);

                RemoteConfiguration configuration = new RemoteConfiguration(session.appConfiguration,
                        response.isNull("auth") ? "gocarrot.com" : response.getString("auth"),
                        nullInsteadOfEmpty(response.isNull("sdk_sentry_dsn") ? null
                                : response.getString("sdk_sentry_dsn")),
                        nullInsteadOfEmpty(response.isNull("app_sentry_dsn") ? null
                                : response.getString("app_sentry_dsn")));

                synchronized (eventListenersMutex) {
                    for (EventListener e : RemoteConfiguration.eventListeners) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error processing settings.json " + Log.getStackTraceString(e));

From source file:com.imaginary.home.cloud.device.Device.java

static void mapDevice(@Nonnull ControllerRelay relay, @Nonnull JSONObject json,
        @Nonnull Map<String, Object> state) throws JSONException {
    state.put("relayId", relay.getControllerRelayId());
    state.put("deviceId", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
    if (json.has("name") && !json.isNull("name")) {
        state.put("name", json.getString("name"));
    }/*w w w. ja va 2 s. c  o m*/
    if (json.has("description") && !json.isNull("description")) {
        state.put("description", json.getString("description"));
    if (json.has("model") && !json.isNull("model")) {
        state.put("model", json.getString("model"));
    if (json.has("deviceId") && !json.isNull("deviceId")) {
        state.put("vendorDeviceId", json.getString("deviceId"));
    if (json.has("systemId") && !json.isNull("systemId")) {
        state.put("homeAutomationSystemId", json.getString("systemId"));

From source file:org.openmidaas.library.authentication.AuthCallbackForAccessToken.java

private void obtainAccessToken(SubjectToken subjectToken, String deviceToken) throws JSONException {
    AVSServer.getAuthToken(subjectToken, deviceToken, new AsyncHttpResponseHandler() {
        @Override/*ww  w .  jav  a  2 s  .  c  om*/
        public void onSuccess(String response) {
            if (response == null || response.isEmpty()) {
                MIDaaS.logError(TAG, "Server response is empty.");
                mCallback.onError(new MIDaaSException(MIDaaSError.SERVER_ERROR));
            } else {
                try {
                    JSONObject accessToken = new JSONObject(response);
                    if ((accessToken.has(Constants.AccessTokenKeys.ACCESS_TOKEN)
                            && !(accessToken.isNull(Constants.AccessTokenKeys.ACCESS_TOKEN)))
                            && (accessToken.has(Constants.AccessTokenKeys.EXPIRES_IN)
                                    && !(accessToken.isNull(Constants.AccessTokenKeys.EXPIRES_IN)))) {
                        AccessToken token = AccessToken.createAccessToken(
                        if (token != null) {
                            MIDaaS.logDebug(TAG, "got access token: ");
                        } else {
                            MIDaaS.logError(TAG, "Error could not create access token");
                            mCallback.onError(new MIDaaSException(MIDaaSError.SERVER_ERROR));
                    } else {
                        MIDaaS.logError(TAG, "Server response is not what is expected");
                        mCallback.onError(new MIDaaSException(MIDaaSError.SERVER_ERROR));

                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    MIDaaS.logError(TAG, "Internal error while parsing server JSON response");
                    mCallback.onError(new MIDaaSException(MIDaaSError.SERVER_ERROR));



        public void onFailure(Throwable e, String response) {
            MIDaaS.logError(TAG, "Server responded with error " + response);
            mCallback.onError(new MIDaaSException(MIDaaSError.SERVER_ERROR));

From source file:org.openmidaas.library.authentication.AuthCallbackForRegistration.java

public void onSuccess(String deviceToken) {
    try {/* w w w. j a va2s .c o m*/
        AVSServer.registerDevice(deviceToken, new AsyncHttpResponseHandler() {
            public void onSuccess(String response) {
                if (response == null || response.isEmpty()) {
                    mInitCallback.onError(new MIDaaSException(MIDaaSError.SERVER_ERROR));
                } else {
                    try {
                        MIDaaS.logDebug(TAG, "device successfully registered. persisting registration.");
                        JSONObject responseObject = new JSONObject(response);
                        if (responseObject.has("subjectToken") && !(responseObject.isNull("subjectToken"))) {
                            SubjectToken subjectToken = SubjectTokenFactory.createAttribute();
                            // if we didn't get the access token, we can get it on-demand at a later time. 
                            if ((responseObject.has(Constants.AccessTokenKeys.ACCESS_TOKEN)
                                    && !(responseObject.isNull(Constants.AccessTokenKeys.ACCESS_TOKEN)))
                                    && (responseObject.has(Constants.AccessTokenKeys.EXPIRES_IN)
                                            && !(responseObject
                                                    .isNull(Constants.AccessTokenKeys.EXPIRES_IN)))) {
                                MIDaaS.logDebug(TAG, "Registration response has an access token.");
                                AccessToken token = AccessToken.createAccessToken(
                                if (token != null) {
                                    MIDaaS.logDebug(TAG, "Access token is ok.");
                                } else {
                                    MIDaaS.logError(TAG, "Access token is null.");
                                    mInitCallback.onError(new MIDaaSException(MIDaaSError.SERVER_ERROR));
                            } else {
                                        "No access token object in server response. Access token will be created on-demand.");
                        } else {
                            MIDaaS.logError(TAG, "Server response doesn't match expected response");
                            mInitCallback.onError(new MIDaaSException(MIDaaSError.SERVER_ERROR));
                    } catch (InvalidAttributeValueException e) {
                        // should never get here b/c we're returning true. 
                        MIDaaS.logError(TAG, "logic error. should never have thrown exception");
                    } catch (MIDaaSException e) {
                        MIDaaS.logError(TAG, e.getError().getErrorMessage());

                    } catch (JSONException e) {
                        MIDaaS.logError(TAG, e.getMessage());
                        mInitCallback.onError(new MIDaaSException(MIDaaSError.SERVER_ERROR));

            public void onFailure(Throwable e, String response) {
                MIDaaS.logError(TAG, response);
                mInitCallback.onError(new MIDaaSException(MIDaaSError.SERVER_ERROR));
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        MIDaaS.logError(TAG, "Internal error");
        MIDaaS.logError(TAG, e.getMessage());
