Example usage for org.json JSONObject length

List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject length


In this page you can find the example usage for org.json JSONObject length.


public int length() 

Source Link


Get the number of keys stored in the JSONObject.


From source file:org.loklak.server.AbstractAPIHandler.java

public JSONObject[] service(Query call, Authorization rights) throws APIException {

    // make call to the embedded api
    if (this.serverProtocolHostStub == null)
        return new JSONObject[] { serviceImpl(call, null, rights, rights.getPermissions(this)) };

    // make call(s) to a remote api(s)
    JSONObject[] results = new JSONObject[this.serverProtocolHostStub.length];
    for (int rc = 0; rc < results.length; rc++) {
        try {/*from   w  ww .  j a  v  a2  s  .  co m*/
            StringBuilder urlquery = new StringBuilder();
            for (String key : call.getKeys()) {
                urlquery.append(urlquery.length() == 0 ? '?' : '&').append(key).append('=')
                        .append(call.get(key, ""));
            String urlstring = this.serverProtocolHostStub[rc] + this.getAPIPath() + urlquery.toString();
            byte[] jsonb = ClientConnection.download(urlstring);
            if (jsonb == null || jsonb.length == 0)
                throw new IOException("empty content from " + urlstring);
            String jsons = UTF8.String(jsonb);
            JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsons);
            if (json == null || json.length() == 0) {
                results[rc] = null;
            results[rc] = json;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
    return results;

From source file:com.cmackay.plugins.googleanalytics.GoogleAnalyticsPlugin.java

private static Map<String, String> objectToMap(JSONObject o) throws JSONException {
    if (o.length() == 0) {
        return Collections.<String, String>emptyMap();
    }// www.j  av  a  2 s  .c  o  m
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(o.length());
    Iterator it = o.keys();
    String key, value;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        key = it.next().toString();
        value = o.has(key) ? o.get(key).toString() : null;
        map.put(key, value);
    return map;

From source file:org.collectionspace.chain.csp.persistence.services.relation.TestRelationsThroughWebapp.java

public void testRelationsCreate() throws Exception {
    // First create atester. couple of cataloging
    ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
    HttpTester out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/",
            tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")), jetty);
    String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
    out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
            jetty);//from   w w w. j a  v  a2s. co m
    String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
    out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
    String id3 = out.getHeader("Location");
    String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
    String[] path2 = id2.split("/");
    String[] path3 = id3.split("/");
    // Now create a pair of relations in: 3<->1, 3->2: a. 1->3, b. 3->1, c.
    // 3->2
    out = tester.POSTData("/relationships",
            createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], false), jetty);
    String relid1 = out.getHeader("Location");
    String csid1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getString("csid");

    out = tester.POSTData("/relationships",
            createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path2[1], path2[2], true), jetty);
    String relid2 = out.getHeader("Location");
    String csid2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getString("csid");

    // Check 1 has relation to 3
    out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
    JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    // that the destination is 3
    JSONArray rel1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
    assertEquals(1, rel1.length());
    JSONObject mini1 = rel1.getJSONObject(0);
    assertEquals("cataloging", mini1.getString("recordtype"));
    assertEquals(mini1.getString("csid"), path3[2]);
     * relid and relationshiptype are no longer provided in the relation payload
    String rida = mini1.getString("relid");
    // pull the relation itself, and check it
    out = tester.GETData("/relationships/" + rida, jetty);
    JSONObject rd1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    assertEquals("affects", rd1.getString("type"));
    assertEquals(rida, rd1.getString("csid"));
    JSONObject src1 = rd1.getJSONObject("source");
    assertEquals("cataloging", src1.getString("recordtype"));
    assertEquals(path1[2], src1.get("csid"));
    JSONObject dst1 = rd1.getJSONObject("target");
    assertEquals("cataloging", dst1.getString("recordtype"));
    assertEquals(path3[2], dst1.get("csid"));

    // Check that 2 has no relations at all
    out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
    JSONObject data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    // that the destination is 3
    JSONObject rel2 = data2.getJSONObject("relations");
    assertEquals(0, rel2.length());
    // Check that 3 has relations to 1 and 2
    out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
    JSONObject data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    // untangle them
    JSONArray rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
    assertEquals(2, rel3.length());
    int i0 = 0, i1 = 1;
    String rel_a = rel3.getJSONObject(i0).getString("csid");
    String rel_b = rel3.getJSONObject(i1).getString("csid");

    if (rel_a.equals(path2[2]) && rel_b.equals(path1[2])) {
        i0 = 1;
        i1 = 0;
    JSONObject rel31 = rel3.getJSONObject(i0);
    JSONObject rel32 = rel3.getJSONObject(i1);
    // check desintations
    assertEquals("cataloging", rel31.getString("recordtype"));
    assertEquals(rel31.getString("csid"), path1[2]);
     * relid no longer provided in the payloads
    //String rid31 = rel31.getString("relid");
    assertEquals("cataloging", rel32.getString("recordtype"));
    assertEquals(rel32.getString("csid"), path2[2]);
    //String rid32 = rel32.getString("relid");
    // check actual records
    // 3 -> 1
    // out = tester.GETData("/relationships/" + rid31, jetty);
    // JSONObject rd31 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    // assertEquals("affects", rd31.getString("type"));
    // assertEquals(rid31, rd31.getString("csid"));
    // JSONObject src31 = rd31.getJSONObject("source");
    // assertEquals("cataloging", src31.getString("recordtype"));
    // assertEquals(path3[2], src31.get("csid"));
    // JSONObject dst31 = rd31.getJSONObject("target");
    // assertEquals("cataloging", dst31.getString("recordtype"));
    // assertEquals(path1[2], dst31.get("csid"));
    // 3 -> 2
    // out = tester.GETData("/relationships/" + rid32, jetty);
    // JSONObject rd32 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    // assertEquals("affects", rd32.getString("type"));
    // assertEquals(rid32, rd32.getString("csid"));
    // JSONObject src32 = rd32.getJSONObject("source");
    // assertEquals("cataloging", src32.getString("recordtype"));
    // assertEquals(path3[2], src32.get("csid"));
    // JSONObject dst32 = rd32.getJSONObject("target");
    // assertEquals("cataloging", dst32.getString("recordtype"));
    // assertEquals(path2[2], dst32.get("csid"));

    /* clean up */
    tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid1, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid2, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id3, jetty);

From source file:org.collectionspace.chain.csp.persistence.services.relation.TestRelationsThroughWebapp.java

public void testUpdate() throws Exception {
    // Create test cataloging
    ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
    HttpTester out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/",
            tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")), jetty);
    String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
    out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
            jetty);/*from ww w  .  j  a va  2 s. c  o m*/
    String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
    out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
    String id3 = out.getHeader("Location");
    String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
    String[] path2 = id2.split("/");
    String[] path3 = id3.split("/");

    // Create a relation 3 -> 1
    out = tester.POSTData("/relationships",
            createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], true), jetty);
    // Get csid
    JSONObject data = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    String csid1 = data.getString("csid");

    // Update it to 2 -> 1
    out = tester.PUTData("/relationships/" + csid1,
            createRelation(path2[1], path2[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], true), jetty);

    // Check it

    out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
    JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONObject rel1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations");

    out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
    JSONObject data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONArray rel2 = data2.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");

    out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
    JSONObject data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONObject rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations");

    // clean up after
    tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid1, jetty);

    tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id3, jetty);

    assertEquals(0, rel1.length());
    assertEquals(1, rel2.length());
    assertEquals(0, rel3.length());

From source file:org.collectionspace.chain.csp.persistence.services.relation.TestRelationsThroughWebapp.java

public void testOneWayWorksInUpdate() throws Exception {
    ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
    HttpTester out = tester.POSTData("/intake/",
            tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("2007.4-a.json")), jetty);
    String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
    out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
            jetty);/*from w  w  w .ja  v  a  2 s.  c om*/
    String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
    out = tester.POSTData("/acquisition/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("2005.017.json")),
    String id3 = out.getHeader("Location");
    String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
    String[] path2 = id2.split("/");
    String[] path3 = id3.split("/");
    // Create a relation 3 <-> 1
    out = tester.POSTData("/relationships",
            createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], false), jetty);
    // Get csid
    JSONObject data = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    String csid1 = data.getString("csid");

    // Update to 2 <-> 1 keeping one-way false
    out = tester.PUTData("/relationships/" + csid1,
            createRelation(path2[1], path2[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], false), jetty);

    // Check it
    out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
    JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONArray rel1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
    assertEquals(1, rel1.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
    JSONObject data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONArray rel2 = data2.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("intake");

    assertEquals(1, rel2.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
    JSONObject data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONObject rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations");
    assertEquals(0, rel3.length());
    // Update to 1 -> 3, making one-way true
    //String csid2 = rel1.getJSONObject(0).getString("relid");
    out = tester.PUTData("/relationships/" + csid1,
            createRelation(path1[1], path1[2], "affects", path3[1], path3[2], true), jetty);

    // Check it
    out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
    data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    rel1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("acquisition");
    assertEquals(1, rel1.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
    data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONObject rel2a = data2.getJSONObject("relations");
    assertEquals(0, rel2a.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
    data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations");
    assertEquals(0, rel3.length());
    // Update to 3 -> 1, keeping one way true
    out = tester.PUTData("/relationships/" + csid1,
            createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], true), jetty);

    // Check it
    out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
    data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONObject rel1a = data1.getJSONObject("relations");
    assertEquals(0, rel1a.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
    data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    rel2a = data2.getJSONObject("relations");
    assertEquals(0, rel2a.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
    data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONArray rel3a = data3.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("intake");
    assertEquals(1, rel3a.length());
    // Update to 1 <-> 2, making one way false
    out = tester.PUTData("/relationships/" + csid1,
            createRelation(path1[1], path1[2], "affects", path2[1], path2[2], false), jetty);

    // Check it
    out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
    data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    rel1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
    assertEquals(1, rel1.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
    data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    rel2 = data2.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("intake");
    assertEquals(1, rel2.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
    data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations");
    assertEquals(0, rel3.length());

    // clean up after
    tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id3, jetty);


From source file:com.snappy.couchdb.CouchDBHelper.java

* Parse a single user JSON object/*from   www .  j a  va  2 s.c  om*/
* @param json
* @return
* @throws JSONException
* @throws SpikaException 
public static User parseSingleUserObjectWithoutRowParam(JSONObject userJson)
        throws JSONException, SpikaException {
    User user = null;
    ArrayList<String> contactsIds = new ArrayList<String>();

    if (userJson != null) {

        if (userJson.length() == 0) {
            return null;

        if (userJson.has(Const.ERROR)) {
            appLogout(null, false, isInvalidToken(userJson));
            throw new SpikaException(ConnectionHandler.getError(userJson));

        user = sGsonExpose.fromJson(userJson.toString(), User.class);

        if (userJson.has(Const.FAVORITE_GROUPS)) {
            JSONArray favorite_groups = userJson.getJSONArray(Const.FAVORITE_GROUPS);

            List<String> groups = new ArrayList<String>();

            for (int i = 0; i < favorite_groups.length(); i++) {


        if (userJson.has(Const.CONTACTS)) {
            JSONArray contacts = userJson.getJSONArray(Const.CONTACTS);

            for (int i = 0; i < contacts.length(); i++) {


    return user;

From source file:com.snappy.couchdb.CouchDBHelper.java

* Parse single JSON object of type Group
* @param json/*  ww w . ja va 2  s  .  c  om*/
* @return
public static Group parseSingleGroupObjectWithoutRowParam(JSONObject json) {

    Group group = null;

    if (json != null) {

        if (json.has(Const.ERROR)) {
            appLogout(null, false, isInvalidToken(json));
            return null;

        if (json.length() == 0) {
            return null;

        if (json.has(Const.NAME)) {
            group = sGsonExpose.fromJson(json.toString(), Group.class);

    return group;

From source file:com.geekandroid.sdk.sample.JPushReceiver.java

private void processCustomMessage(Context context, Bundle bundle) {
    //       if (MainActivity.isForeground) {
    String message = bundle.getString(JPushInterface.EXTRA_MESSAGE);
    String extras = bundle.getString(JPushInterface.EXTRA_EXTRA);
    Intent msgIntent = new Intent(MESSAGE_RECEIVED_ACTION);
    msgIntent.putExtra(KEY_MESSAGE, message);
    if (!isEmpty(extras)) {
        try {//from   w  ww  .ja v a  2 s  . c  om
            JSONObject extraJson = new JSONObject(extras);
            if (null != extraJson && extraJson.length() > 0) {
                msgIntent.putExtra(KEY_EXTRAS, extras);
        } catch (JSONException e) {


    //      }

From source file:damian.hashmap.MyActivity.java

public void generateLicenses() throws JSONException {

    JSONArray obj = new JSONArray(loadJSONFromAsset());
    for (int i = 0; i < obj.length(); i++) {
        JSONObject obj2 = obj.getJSONObject(i);
        String name = obj2.getString("name");
        int dni = obj2.getInt("dni");
        JSONObject license = obj2.getJSONObject("license");
        License license1 = new License();
        if (license.length() > 0) {
            license1.setName(name);/* w  w  w .  j av  a  2 s.co  m*/
            long since = license.getLong("since");
            long until = license.getLong("until");
        Person person = new Person();
        if (license.length() > 0) {
            licences.put(person, license1);
        } else {
            licences.put(person, null);

From source file:org.envirocar.app.json.TrackEncoder.java

private JSONObject createMeasurementProperties(Measurement measurement, String trackSensorName)
        throws JSONException {
    JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
    result.put("sensor", trackSensorName);
    JSONObject phens = createPhenomenons(measurement);
    if (phens != null && phens.length() > 0) {
        result.put("phenomenons", phens);
    }// ww w  . jav a  2 s  .c o  m
    result.put("time", Util.longToIsoDate(measurement.getTime()));
    return result;