Example usage for org.json.simple JSONArray iterator

List of usage examples for org.json.simple JSONArray iterator


In this page you can find the example usage for org.json.simple JSONArray iterator.


public Iterator<E> iterator() 

Source Link


Returns an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence.


From source file:net.phyloviz.goeburst.GoeBurstItemFactory.java

private Map<Integer, GOeBurstClusterWithStats> createGroups(JSONArray groupsArray, Map<Integer, EdgeInfo> edges,
        Map<Integer, GOeBurstNodeExtended> nodes, AbstractDistance ad) {

    TreeMap<Integer, GOeBurstClusterWithStats> groups = new TreeMap<>();

    for (Iterator<JSONObject> gIt = groupsArray.iterator(); gIt.hasNext();) {
        JSONObject group = gIt.next();//ww  w . ja v a2  s.  c o  m
        Integer id = (int) (long) group.get("id");
        JSONArray g_edges = (JSONArray) group.get("edges");
        JSONArray g_nodes = (JSONArray) group.get("nodes");
        JSONArray g_maxLVs = (JSONArray) group.get("maxLVs");
        Integer maxStId = (int) (long) group.get("maxStId");

        GOeBurstClusterWithStats g_cluster = new GOeBurstClusterWithStats(goeburstStats, ad);
        for (Iterator<Long> geIt = g_edges.iterator(); geIt.hasNext();) {
            EdgeInfo ei = edges.get((int) (long) geIt.next());
            Edge<GOeBurstNodeExtended> edge = ei.edge;
            g_cluster.setEdgeMaxTieLevel(edge, ei.maxTie);
        for (Iterator<Long> gnIt = g_nodes.iterator(); gnIt.hasNext();) {
            Integer nodeId = (int) (long) gnIt.next();
        int lv = 0;
        for (Iterator<Long> gLVsIt = g_maxLVs.iterator(); gLVsIt.hasNext();) {
            Integer lv_val = (int) (long) gLVsIt.next();
            g_cluster.setMaxXLV(lv++, lv_val);
        groups.put(id, g_cluster);

    return groups;

From source file:it.uniud.ailab.dcore.annotation.annotators.SimpleNGramGeneratorAnnotator.java

 * Loads the nGram database according to the path and language specified in
 * the constructor.//from  w ww . j a v a2  s  . com
 * @param lang the language to search in the database
 * @throws IOException if the database file is nonexistent or non accessible
 * @throws ParseException if the database file is malformed
 * @throws NullPointerException if the language requested is not in the
 * database
private void loadDatabase(Locale lang) throws IOException, ParseException {
    // Get the POS pattern file and parse it.

    InputStreamReader is = FileSystem.getInputStreamReaderFromPath(posDatabasePaths.get(lang));

    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(is);
    Object obj = (new JSONParser()).parse(reader);
    JSONObject fileblock = (JSONObject) obj;
    JSONArray pagesBlock = (JSONArray) fileblock.get("languages");

    // Find the required language in the specified file
    Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = pagesBlock.iterator();
    JSONObject languageBlock = null;
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        languageBlock = (iterator.next());
        String currLanguage = (String) languageBlock.get("language");
        if (currLanguage.equals(lang.getLanguage())) {

    // If the language is not supported by the database, stop the execution.
    if (languageBlock == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException(
                "Language " + lang.getLanguage() + " not found in file " + posDatabasePaths.get(lang));

    JSONArray patternBlock = (JSONArray) languageBlock.get("patterns");

    try {
        maxGramSize = Integer.parseInt(languageBlock.get("maxGramSize").toString());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // the field is badly formatted or non-existent: set to default
        maxGramSize = DEFAULT_MAX_NGRAM_SIZE;

    Iterator<JSONObject> patternIterator = patternBlock.iterator();

    // put the patterns in the hashmap
    while (patternIterator.hasNext()) {
        JSONObject pattern = (patternIterator.next());
        String POSpattern = (String) pattern.get("pattern");
        Long nounCount = (Long) pattern.get("nounCount");
        validPOSPatterns.put(POSpattern, nounCount.intValue());

From source file:eumetsat.pn.elasticsearch.webapp.ElasticsearchApp.java

protected Map<String, Object> search(String searchTerms, String filterString, int from, int size) {
    Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
    // put "session" parameters here rightaway so it can be used in template even when empty result
    data.put("search_terms", searchTerms);
    data.put("filter_terms", filterString);

    URL url;//from  w  w  w . java 2  s.  c  o m
    try {
        url = new URL(searchEndpointUrlString);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        log.error("Search enpoint URL malformed: {}", e.getMessage());
        addMessage(data, MessageLevel.danger, "Search endpoint URL is malformed: " + e.getMessage());
        return data;

    List<Map<String, String>> resHits = new ArrayList<>();
    Map<String, String> resHit = null;

    Multimap<String, String> filterTermsMap = parseFiltersTerms(filterString);
    Set<String> hiddenFacets = new HashSet<>(); // to create the list of filters to hide

    String filterConstruct = "";
    if (filterTermsMap.size() > 0) {
        int i = 0;
        String filterTerms = "";
        for (String key : filterTermsMap.keySet()) {
            for (String term : filterTermsMap.get(key)) {
                if (i == 0) {
                    filterTerms += "{ \"term\" : { \"" + FACETS2HIERACHYNAMES.get(key) + "\":\"" + term
                            + "\"}}";
                } else {
                    filterTerms += ",{ \"term\" : { \"" + FACETS2HIERACHYNAMES.get(key) + "\":\"" + term
                            + "\"}}";

                // hide the facets that are used for filtering
                hiddenFacets.add(key + ":" + term);


        filterConstruct = " \"bool\" : { \"must\" : [" + filterTerms + "] }";

    int lengthOfTitle = 300;
    int lengthOfAbstract = 5000;
    int boostFactorTitle = 10;

    String body = "{ " + // pagination information
            "\"from\" : " + from + ", \"size\" : " + size + "," + // request highlighted info
            "\"highlight\" : { \"pre_tags\" : [\"<em><strong>\"], \"post_tags\" : [\"</strong></em>\"], "
            + "                  \"fields\" : { \"identificationInfo.title\": {\"fragment_size\" : "
            + lengthOfTitle + ", \"number_of_fragments\" : 1}, "
            + "                                 \"identificationInfo.abstract\": {\"fragment_size\" : "
            + lengthOfAbstract + ", \"number_of_fragments\" : 1} } } , " + // request facets to refine search (here the maximum number of facets can be configured)
            " \"facets\" :   { \"satellites\": { \"terms\" : { \"field\" : \"hierarchyNames.satellite\", \"size\":5 } }, "
            + "                  \"instruments\": { \"terms\" : { \"field\" : \"hierarchyNames.instrument\", \"size\":5  } }, "
            + "                  \"categories\": { \"terms\" : { \"field\" : \"hierarchyNames.category\", \"size\": 5 } }, "
            + "                  \"societal Benefit Area\": { \"terms\" : { \"field\" : \"hierarchyNames.societalBenefitArea\", \"size\":5 } }, "
            + "                  \"distribution\": { \"terms\" : { \"field\" : \"hierarchyNames.distribution\", \"size\":5 } } "
            + "                }," + // add query info
            "\"query\" : { \"filtered\": { \"query\": "
            + "              { \"simple_query_string\" : { \"fields\" : [\"identificationInfo.title^"
            + boostFactorTitle + "\", \"identificationInfo.abstract\"], " + "\"query\" : \"" + searchTerms
            + "\" } " + "}" + ",\"filter\": {" + filterConstruct + "}" + " }}}";

    log.trace("elastic-search request: {}", body);

    //measure elapsed time
    Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();

    WebResponse response = rClient.doGetRequest(url, new HashMap<String, String>(),
            new HashMap<String, String>(), body, log.isDebugEnabled());

    if (response == null) {
        log.error("Response from {} is null!", this.name);
        data.put("total_hits", 0);
        data = addMessage(data, MessageLevel.danger, "Response is null from " + this.name);
    } else {
        log.trace("Got response: {}", response);

        if (response.status == 200) {
            JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
            JSONObject jsObj;
            try {
                jsObj = (JSONObject) parser.parse(response.body);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                log.error("Could not parse search server response: {}", e);
                addMessage(data, MessageLevel.danger, "Could not parse server response: " + e.getMessage());
                return data;

            Long hitcount = (Long) ((Map<?, ?>) jsObj.get("hits")).get("total");
            data.put("total_hits", hitcount);
            if (hitcount < 1)
                addMessage(data, MessageLevel.info, "No results found!");

            // compute the pagination information to create the pagination bar
            Map<String, Object> pagination = computePaginationParams(hitcount.intValue(), from);
            data.put("pagination", pagination);

            List<Map<String, Object>> hits = (List<Map<String, Object>>) ((Map<?, ?>) jsObj.get("hits"))

            //to get the highlight
            Map<?, ?> highlight = null;
            for (Map<String, Object> hit : hits) {
                resHit = new HashMap<>();

                resHit.put("id", (String) hit.get("_id"));
                resHit.put("score", String.format("%.4g%n", ((Double) hit.get("_score"))));

                // can have or not title or abstract
                // strategy. If it doesn't have an abstract or a title match then take it from the _source
                highlight = (Map<?, ?>) hit.get("highlight");

                if (highlight.containsKey("identificationInfo.title")) {
                            (String) ((JSONArray) highlight.get("identificationInfo.title")).get(0));
                } else {
                    resHit.put("title", ((String) (((Map<?, ?>) (((Map<?, ?>) hit.get("_source"))

                if (highlight.containsKey("identificationInfo.abstract")) {
                            (String) ((JSONArray) highlight.get("identificationInfo.abstract")).get(0));
                } else {
                    resHit.put("abstract", ((String) (((Map<?, ?>) (((Map<?, ?>) hit.get("_source"))

                JSONObject info = (JSONObject) ((JSONObject) hit.get("_source")).get("identificationInfo");
                JSONArray keywords = (JSONArray) info.get("keywords");
                resHit.put("keywords", Joiner.on(", ").join(keywords.iterator()));

                resHit.put("thumbnail", info.get("thumbnail").toString());
                resHit.put("status", info.get("status").toString());


            data.put("hits", resHits);

            data.put("facets", jsObj.get("facets"));

            data.put("tohide", hiddenFacets);

        } else { // non-200 resonse
            log.error("Received non-200 response: {}", response);
            data = addMessage(data, MessageLevel.danger, "Non 200 response: " + response.toString());


    data.put("elapsed", (double) (stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) / (double) 1000);

    return data;

From source file:net.itransformers.toplogyviewer.gui.neo4j.Neo4jLoader.java

public void getVertexes(String NetworkId) throws ParseException {
    String query = "start network=node(" + NetworkId
            + ") match network-->device where device.objectType='Node' return device.name, device.DeviceType,device.DeviceModel,device.ManagementIPAddress,device.YCoordinate,device.XCoordinate,device.siteID,device.ipv6Forwarding,device.BGPLocalASInfo,device.DeviceState";
    String params = "";
    String output = executeCypherQuery(query, params);
    JSONObject json = (JSONObject) new JSONParser().parse(output);
    JSONArray data = (JSONArray) json.get("data");
    JSONArray columns = (JSONArray) json.get("columns");
    Iterator dataIter = data.iterator();

    while (dataIter.hasNext()) {
        JSONArray temp = (JSONArray) dataIter.next();
        Iterator tempIter = temp.iterator();
        Iterator columnsIter = columns.iterator();
        String nodeName = null;//ww w.  j  a v  a  2s.co  m
        HashMap<String, GraphMLMetadata<String>> nodePropertiesMap = new HashMap<String, GraphMLMetadata<String>>();
        HashMap<String, GraphMLMetadata<String>> graphMLPropertiesMap = new HashMap<String, GraphMLMetadata<String>>();

        while (tempIter.hasNext() & columnsIter.hasNext()) {

            String keyNodeProperty = tempIter.next().toString();
            String columnsValue = StringUtils
                    .replace(StringUtils.substringAfter(columnsIter.next().toString(), "device."), "%20", " ");
            if (columnsValue.equals("name")) {

                nodeName = keyNodeProperty;

            } else {
                if (keyNodeProperty == null) {
                    keyNodeProperty = "";
                } else if (keyNodeProperty.equals("emptyValue")) {
                    keyNodeProperty = "";
                HashMap<String, String> transformerValue = new HashMap<String, String>();
                transformerValue.put(nodeName, keyNodeProperty);
                MapSettableTransformer<String, String> transfrmer = new MapSettableTransformer<String, String>(

                GraphMLMetadata<String> t = new GraphMLMetadata<String>(null, null, transfrmer);
                nodePropertiesMap.put(columnsValue, t);

        if (nodeName != null) {
            vertexMetadatas.put(nodeName, nodePropertiesMap);
            graphMetadatas.put(nodeName, graphMLPropertiesMap);


From source file:eu.seaclouds.platform.discoverer.crawler.CloudTypes.java

private void crawlComputeOfferings() {
    /* iaas section */
    String computeQuery = "https://cloudharmony.com/api/services?" + "api-key=" + API_KEY + "&"
            + "serviceTypes=compute";

    JSONObject resp = (JSONObject) query(computeQuery);

    if (resp == null) {
        return;// w ww  .j av  a 2  s  . c o  m

    JSONArray computes = (JSONArray) resp.get("ids");

    Iterator<String> it = computes.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        try {
            String serviceId = it.next();
            CloudHarmonyService chService = getService(serviceId, CloudTypes.IAAS);
            if (chService != null)
        } catch (Exception ex) {

From source file:net.phyloviz.nj.json.NJItemFactory.java

private Map<Integer, NJLeafNode> createLeafs(TypingData<? extends AbstractProfile> td, JSONArray leafsArr) {

    Map<Integer, NJLeafNode> leafs = new HashMap(leafsArr.size());
    Map<String, Profile> profiles = new HashMap(td.size());

    for (Iterator<? extends AbstractProfile> it = td.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        Profile p = it.next();//from  w w w  . ja  va  2  s  .  c o m
        profiles.put(p.getID(), p);
    for (Iterator<JSONObject> it = leafsArr.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        JSONObject l = it.next();
        String p = (String) l.get("profile");
        Integer uid = (int) (long) l.get("id");
        leafs.put(uid, new NJLeafNode(profiles.get(p), td.size(), uid, null));
    return leafs;

From source file:JSONParser.JSONToHTMLRenderer.java

private String renderContentRows(JSONArray content, String[] rowHeader) {
    String renderedRows = "";

    if (content == null || content.size() == 0) {

        renderedRows = "<tr >\n" + "<td colspan=\"" + rowHeader.length
                + "\"><center style=\"color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\">" + "No pending tickets available"
                + "</center></td></tr> \n";
        return renderedRows;
    } else {//from w ww  .  j av a2s.c o m

        for (Iterator rowItr = content.iterator(); rowItr.hasNext();) {
            JSONObject WOERow = (JSONObject) rowItr.next();
            String colorCode = (String) WOERow.get("colourCode");
            if (colorCode == null) {
                colorCode = "rgb(0,0,0)";
            renderedRows += "<tr style=\"color: " + colorCode + ";font-weight:bold\">\n";
            for (String columnStr : rowHeader) {
                renderedRows += "<td valign=\"top\" ><b>" + WOERow.get(columnStr) + "</b></td>\n";

            renderedRows += "</tr>";
        return renderedRows;


From source file:net.phyloviz.upgma.json.UPGMAItemFactory.java

private Map<Integer, UPGMALeafNode> createLeafs(TypingData<? extends AbstractProfile> td, JSONArray leafsArr) {

    Map<Integer, UPGMALeafNode> leafs = new HashMap(leafsArr.size());
    Map<String, Profile> profiles = new HashMap(td.size());

    for (Iterator<? extends AbstractProfile> it = td.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        Profile p = it.next();//from  w w  w.  ja va  2 s .c om
        profiles.put(p.getID(), p);
    for (Iterator<JSONObject> it = leafsArr.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        JSONObject l = it.next();
        String p = (String) l.get("profile");
        Integer uid = (int) (long) l.get("uid");
        leafs.put(uid, new UPGMALeafNode(uid, profiles.get(p), td.size(), uid));

    return leafs;

From source file:com.unilever.audit.services2.SyncUp.java

public void saveVisit(JSONObject visitData) throws Exception {

    Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    Visit saveVisit = new Visit();
    hm.put("id", visitData.get("visitId").toString());
    if (visitFacadeREST.findOneByQuery("Visit.findById", hm) == null) {
        Customers c = em.getReference(Customers.class,
        saveVisit.setCustomerid(c);//from w w  w .ja  v a 2 s.  c  om
        Merchandisers m = em.getReference(Merchandisers.class,
                new BigDecimal(visitData.get("merchandiserId").toString()));
        try {
            //Date date = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").parse(visitData.get("visitDate").toString());
            Date date = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
        } catch (java.text.ParseException ex) {
        saveVisit.setSubmitteddate(new Date());


        /****************Product Result*********************/
        JSONArray Productarray = (JSONArray) visitData.get("productResult");
        for (Iterator<JSONObject> it1 = Productarray.iterator(); it1.hasNext();) {
            JSONObject ProductJson = it1.next();
            ProductResult productResult = new ProductResult();
            productResult.setQuantity(new BigInteger(ProductJson.get("quantity").toString()));
            productResult.setExsit(new BigInteger(ProductJson.get("exist").toString()));
            Productkpis ProductKPI = em.getReference(Productkpis.class,
                    new BigDecimal(ProductJson.get("productKpiId").toString()));

        /*********************Price Result*******************/
        JSONArray Pricearray = (JSONArray) visitData.get("priceResult");
        if (Pricearray.size() > 0) {
            for (Iterator<JSONObject> it2 = Pricearray.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
                JSONObject PriceJson = it2.next();
                PriceResult priceResult = new PriceResult();
                priceResult.setPrice(new BigDecimal(PriceJson.get("pricevalue").toString()));
                priceResult.setPricetagexist(new BigInteger(PriceJson.get("pricetagcheck").toString()));
                Pricekpis PriceKPI = em.getReference(Pricekpis.class,
                        new BigDecimal(PriceJson.get("priceKPIid").toString()));

        /*********************Question Result*****************/
        JSONArray Questionarray = (JSONArray) visitData.get("questionResult");
        for (Iterator<JSONObject> it3 = Questionarray.iterator(); it3.hasNext();) {
            JSONObject QuestionJson = it3.next();
            QuestionResult questionResult = new QuestionResult();
            Questionkpis questionKPI = em.getReference(Questionkpis.class,
                    new BigDecimal(QuestionJson.get("questionId").toString()));

        /*********************Promotion Result*********************/
        JSONArray promotionarray = (JSONArray) visitData.get("promotionResult");
        for (Iterator<JSONObject> it4 = promotionarray.iterator(); it4.hasNext();) {
            JSONObject PromotionJson = it4.next();
            PromotionResult promotionResult = new PromotionResult();
            promotionResult.setExist(new BigInteger(PromotionJson.get("exist").toString()));
            Promotionkpis promotionKPI = em.getReference(Promotionkpis.class,
                    new BigDecimal(PromotionJson.get("promotionKPIid").toString()));

        /***********************ShareOfFolder Result*********************/
        JSONArray ShareOfFolderarray = (JSONArray) visitData.get("sofResult");
        for (Iterator<JSONObject> it5 = ShareOfFolderarray.iterator(); it5.hasNext();) {
            JSONObject SofJson = it5.next();
            ShareoffolderKpiResult SofResult = new ShareoffolderKpiResult();
            SofResult.setNoofpicture(new BigInteger(SofJson.get("noOfPicture").toString()));
            SofResult.setTotalofpicture(new BigInteger(SofJson.get("totalNoOfPicture").toString()));
            Shareoffolderkpis shareoffolderkpis = em.getReference(Shareoffolderkpis.class,
                    new BigDecimal(SofJson.get("sofID").toString()));
            SofResult.setSofexist(new BigInteger(SofJson.get("sofExist").toString()));
        /***************************STOCK Result***********************/
        JSONArray Stockarray = (JSONArray) visitData.get("stockResult");
        for (Iterator<JSONObject> it8 = Stockarray.iterator(); it8.hasNext();) {
            JSONObject StockJson = it8.next();
            StockResult stockResult = new StockResult();
            stockResult.setQuantity(new BigInteger(StockJson.get("quantity").toString()));
            stockResult.setStockquantity(new BigInteger(StockJson.get("stockQuantity").toString()));
            Stockkpis stockKPI = em.getReference(Stockkpis.class,
                    new BigDecimal(StockJson.get("stockKpiId").toString()));

        /********************NPD Result**************************/
        JSONArray Npdarray = (JSONArray) visitData.get("npdResult");
        for (Iterator<JSONObject> it6 = Npdarray.iterator(); it6.hasNext();) {
            JSONObject NpdJson = it6.next();
            NpdResult npdResult = new NpdResult();
            npdResult.setExist(new BigInteger(NpdJson.get("exist").toString()));
            Npdkpis npdKPI = em.getReference(Npdkpis.class, new BigDecimal(NpdJson.get("npdid").toString()));

        /***********************share of shelf Result**********************/
        JSONArray shareOfShelfarray = (JSONArray) visitData.get("shareOfShelfResult");
        for (Iterator<JSONObject> it7 = shareOfShelfarray.iterator(); it7.hasNext();) {
            JSONObject ShareOfShelfJson = it7.next();
            ShareofshelfKpiResult shareofshelfKpiResult = new ShareofshelfKpiResult();
            shareofshelfKpiResult.setSosbrand(new BigInteger(ShareOfShelfJson.get("sosBrand").toString()));
            shareofshelfKpiResult.setSossegment(new BigInteger(ShareOfShelfJson.get("sosSegment").toString()));
            Shareofshelfkpi ShareOfShelfKPI = em.getReference(Shareofshelfkpi.class,
                    new BigDecimal(ShareOfShelfJson.get("shareofShelfID").toString()));

        /***********************POS Result************************/
        JSONArray Posarray = (JSONArray) visitData.get("posResult");
        for (Iterator<JSONObject> it9 = Posarray.iterator(); it9.hasNext();) {
            JSONObject PosJson = it9.next();
            PosmaterialResult posResult = new PosmaterialResult();
            posResult.setExist(new BigInteger(PosJson.get("exist").toString()));
            Posmaterialkpi posmaterialKPI = em.getReference(Posmaterialkpi.class,
                    new BigDecimal(PosJson.get("posid").toString()));


From source file:eu.serco.dhus.plugin.slstr.SlstrPlugin.java

private JSONArray getLatestValidityClosestInput(String start, String stop, JSONArray input) {
    JSONArray response = new JSONArray();
    ;//from   www .  j  a  v  a2s. c o m
    Date middleDate;

    try {

        middleDate = computeMiddleDate(start, stop);
        Iterator<JSONObject> i = input.iterator();
        JSONObject latestValidityClosest = new JSONObject();
        long diffInMillis = -1;
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            JSONObject obj = i.next();
            String title = (String) obj.get("identifier");
            String startTime = title.substring(16, 31);
            String stopTime = title.substring(32, 47);
            Date inputMiddleDate = computeMiddleDate(startTime, stopTime);
            if (diffInMillis == -1) {
                diffInMillis = Math.abs(middleDate.getTime() - inputMiddleDate.getTime());
                latestValidityClosest = obj;
            } else {
                if (Math.abs(middleDate.getTime() - inputMiddleDate.getTime()) < diffInMillis) {
                    diffInMillis = Math.abs(middleDate.getTime() - inputMiddleDate.getTime());
                    latestValidityClosest = obj;


    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Error computing middle date " + e.getMessage());
    return response;
