Example usage for org.jsoup.nodes Document getElementsByAttributeValue

List of usage examples for org.jsoup.nodes Document getElementsByAttributeValue


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jsoup.nodes Document getElementsByAttributeValue.


public Elements getElementsByAttributeValue(String key, String value) 

Source Link


Find elements that have an attribute with the specific value.


From source file:tkbautobooking.BookingSystem.java

private void praseLoginPage() throws Exception {

    Document doc = Jsoup.parse(LoginPageHTML);
    Elements token_elm = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("name", "access_token");

    if (token_elm.isEmpty() || token_elm.size() > 1 || !token_elm.first().hasAttr("value"))
        throw new Exception("Prase Login Page fail !");

    login_hidden_token = token_elm.first().attr("value");


From source file:ac.simons.oembed.Oembed.java

private OembedProvider autodiscoverOembedURIForUrl(final String url) {
    OembedProvider rv = null;/*from   w ww . j ava  2s.c om*/

    try {
        final HttpGet request = new HttpGet(url);
        final HttpResponse httpResponse = this.httpClient.execute(request);
        if (httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK)
            logger.warn(String.format("Autodiscovery for %s failed, server returned error %d: %s", url,
        else {
            final URI uri = request.getURI();
            final Document document = Jsoup.parse(EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity(), "UTF-8"),
                    String.format("%s://%s:%d", uri.getScheme(), uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()));
            for (Element alternate : document.getElementsByAttributeValue("rel", "alternate")) {
                if (alternate.attr("type").equalsIgnoreCase("application/json+oembed"))
                    rv = new AutodiscoveredOembedProvider(url, new URI(alternate.absUrl("href")), "json");
                else if (alternate.attr("type").equalsIgnoreCase("text/xml+oembed"))
                    rv = new AutodiscoveredOembedProvider(url, new URI(alternate.absUrl("href")), "xml");
                if (rv != null)
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.warn(String.format("Autodiscovery for %s failedd: %s", url, e.getMessage()), e);

    return rv;

From source file:mx.itdurango.rober.siitdocentes.ActivityAlumnos.java

 * Permite descomponer el cdigo html que se enva con una estructura especifica para llenar los datos de la vista
 * @param html cdigo html que se recibi de una peticin HttpGet, debe tener una estructura similar a la siguiente para que el proceso funcione correctamente
 *             <p/>/* w  w  w.  j a  v  a  2  s  .  c  om*/
 *             <input name="periodo" type="hidden" value="20141" />
 *             <input name="materia" type="hidden" value="SD2424" />
 *             <input name="grupo" type="hidden" value="5VR" />
 *             <input name="docente" type="hidden" value="LOQR841213822" />
 *             <input name="fecha_captura" type="hidden" value="2014/06/12" />
 *             <table>
 *             <tr>
 *             <td>No</td>
 *             <td>Noctrl</td>
 *             <td>Nombre</td>
 *             <td>Unidad 1</td>
 *             <td>Unidad 1</td>
 *             <td>Unidad 3</td>
 *             <td>...</td>
 *             <td>Unidad N</td>
 *             </tr>
 *             <tr>
 *             <td>1</td>
 *             <td>9999999</td>
 *             <td>XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</td>
 *             <td><input type="text" name="calif[1][1]" value="999"/></td>
 *             <td><input type="text" name="calif[1][2]" value="999"/></td>
 *             <td><input type="text" name="calif[1][3]" value="999"/></td>
 *             <td>...</td>
 *             <td><input type="text" name="calif[1][N]" value="999"/></td>
 *             </tr>
 *             <tr>
 *             <td>2</td>
 *             <td>888888888</td>
 *             <td>YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY</td>
 *             <td><input type="text" name="calif[2][1]" value="999"/></td>
 *             <td><input type="text" name="calif[2][2]" value="999"/></td>
 *             <td><input type="text" name="calif[2][3]" value="999"/></td>
 *             <td>...</td>
 *             <td><input type="text" name="calif[2][N]" value="999"/></td>
 *             </tr>
 *             <tr>
 *             <td>M</td>
 *             <td>000000000</td>
 *             <td>ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ</td>
 *             <td><input type="text" name="calif[M][1]" value="999"/></td>
 *             <td><input type="text" name="calif[M][2]" value="999"/></td>
 *             <td><input type="text" name="calif[M][3]" value="999"/></td>
 *             <td>...</td>
 *             <td><input type="text" name="calif[M][N]" value="999"/></td>
 *             </tr>
 *             </table>
void llenaAlumnos(String html) {
    //Generar un archivo de documento para almacenar los datos del html de forma que se pueda
    //manipular facilmente usando la librera Jsoup
    Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);

    try {
        //extraer los valores de los elementos del formulario y almacenarlos en los atributos correspondientes de la clase
        Elements e = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("name", "periodo");
        periodo = e.get(0).attr("value");
        e = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("name", "materia");
        materia = e.get(0).attr("value");
        e = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("name", "grupo");
        grupo = e.get(0).attr("value");
        e = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("name", "docente");
        docente = e.get(0).attr("value");
        e = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("name", "fecha_captura");
        fecha_captura = e.get(0).attr("value");

        //extraer la tabla correspondiente al listado de alumnos en el caso del siit.itdurango.edu.mx,
        // corresponde a la tabla numero 2 y ya que la numeracin comienza en 0, la tabla que necesitamos est en el indice 1
        Element tabla = doc.getElementsByTag("table").get(1);
        //Extraer todos los elementos de tipo tr que pertenecen a la tabla y almacenarlos en una coleccion de tipo Elements.
        Elements renglones = tabla.getElementsByTag("tr");
        //Recorrer la coleccin de renglones y almacenar cada uno en un objeto
        for (Element tr : renglones) {
            //para cada objeto tr, extraer sus elementos td y almacenarlos en una coleccion
            Elements tds = tr.getElementsByTag("td");
            //permite llevar el control de la columna que se est leyendo, ya que las columnas no tienen un id o clase, se realiza el proceso a mano.
            int col = 1;
            //contenedor de tipo AlumosParciales para almacenar la informacin de cada alumno (tr)
            AlumnosParciales c = new AlumnosParciales();
            for (Element td : tds) {
                if (col == 1) {// la columna 1 corresponde al nmero consecutivo de la tabla
                } else if (col == 2) {// la columna 2 corresponde al nmero de control del alumno
                } else if (col == 3) {// la columna 3 corresponde al nombre del alumno
                } else { //el resto de las columnas pertenecen a las calificaciones parciales
                    //se extrae el elemento <input> de la columna y se obtiene el atributo valor para recuperar la calificacin en caso de que ya hubiera sido asignada
                    String cal = td.getElementsByTag("input").get(0).attr("value");

                    ArrayList<String> calif = c.getCalificaciones();
                    //se agrega la nueva calificacin al conjunto de calificaciones del alumno
                col++; //incrementa el numero de columa
            if (c.getCalificaciones().size() > 0) { //para evitar agregar al listado de alumnos el encabezado de la tabla, validamos que existan calificaciones.

        //Llenamos el spinner de unidades a partir del numero de calificaciones que existen en el arreglo
        List<String> spinnerArray = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (int i = 1; i <= gcs.get(1).getCalificaciones().size() - 1; i++) {
            spinnerArray.add("Unidad " + i);
        ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item,

        //llenamos el listado de alumnos con la informacin que se obtuvo del proceso anterior
        alumnosParcialesAdapter = new AlumnosParcialesAdapter(this, gcs, unidad);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Toast.makeText(this, getString(R.string.error_parser), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        finish(); //finaliza el intent actual para desplegar el anterior

From source file:com.geecko.QuickLyric.tasks.IdDecoder.java

protected Lyrics doInBackground(String... strings) {
    String url = strings[0];/*  w ww  . j a  v  a  2  s .  c  o  m*/
    String artist;
    String track;
    if (url.contains("//www.soundhound.com/")) {
        try { // todo switch to Jsoup
            String html = getUrlAsString(url);
            int preceding = html.indexOf("root.App.trackDa") + 19;
            int following = html.substring(preceding).indexOf(";");
            String data = html.substring(preceding, preceding + following);
            JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject(data);
            artist = jsonData.getString("artist_display_name");
            track = jsonData.getString("track_name");
        } catch (IOException | JSONException e) {
            return new Lyrics(ERROR);

    } else if (url.contains("//shz.am/")) {
        try {
            Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url.trim()).get();
            track = doc.getElementsByAttribute("data-track-title").text();
            artist = doc.getElementsByAttribute("data-track-artist").text();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return new Lyrics(ERROR);
    } else if (url.contains("//play.google.com/store/music/")) {
        String docID = url.substring(url.indexOf("&tid=") + 5);
        try {
            Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
            Element playCell = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("data-track-docid", docID).get(0);
            artist = doc.getElementsByClass("primary").text();
            track = playCell.parent().parent().child(1).getElementsByClass("title").text();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return new Lyrics(ERROR);
    } else
        return new Lyrics(ERROR);
    Lyrics res = new Lyrics(Lyrics.SEARCH_ITEM);
    return res;

From source file:net.kevxu.purdueassist.course.CatalogDetail.java

private CatalogDetailEntry parseDocument(Document document)
        throws HtmlParseException, CourseNotFoundException, IOException {
    CatalogDetailEntry entry = new CatalogDetailEntry(subject, cnbr);
    Elements tableElements = document.getElementsByAttributeValue("summary",
            "This table lists the course detail for the selected term.");
    if (tableElements.isEmpty() != true) {
        // get name
        try {//from w w w  .  j a v a2  s . co  m
            Element body = tableElements.first().select("tbody").first();
            String nameBlock = body.select("tr td.nttitle").first().text();
            String[] temp = nameBlock.split(subject.name() + " " + String.valueOf(cnbr));
            String name = temp[temp.length - 1].substring(3);

            // get description
            body = body.select(".ntdefault").first();
            String text = body.text();
            int split = text.indexOf("Levels:");
            String description = text.substring(0, split);
            description = description.substring(20);

            // get levels
            int begin = split;
            int end = text.indexOf("Schedule Types:");
            String levels = text.substring(begin + 8, end);
            temp = levels.split("[ ,]");
            List<String> lvs = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (String s : temp)
                if (!s.equals("")) {

            // get type and prerequisites
            List<Type> types = new ArrayList<Type>();
            List<String> preq = new ArrayList<String>();
            Elements parsing_A = body.select("a");
            for (Element e : parsing_A) {
                if (e.attr("href").contains("schd_in") && !(e.attr("href").contains("%"))) {

                    try {
                        types.add(Type.valueOf(e.text().replace(" ", "")));
                    } catch (Exception exception) {
                        throw new HtmlParseException();
                } else if (e.attr("href").contains("sel_attr=")) {
            if (types.size() > 0)
            if (preq.size() > 0)

            // get offered by
            begin = text.indexOf("Offered By:");
            end = text.indexOf("Department:");
            if (end < 0)
                end = text.indexOf("Course Attributes:");
            if (end > 0) {
                entry.setOfferedBy(text.substring(begin + 12, end - 1));

            // get department
            begin = text.indexOf("Department:");
            if (begin > 0) {
                end = text.indexOf("Course Attributes:");
                entry.setDepartment((text.substring(begin + 12, end - 1)));

            // get campus
            begin = text.indexOf("May be offered at any of the following campuses:");
            String campuses;
            end = text.indexOf("Repeatable for Additional Credit:");
            if (end < 0)
                end = text.indexOf("Learning Objectives:");
            if (end < 0)
                end = text.indexOf("Restrictions:");
            if (end < 0)
                end = text.indexOf("Corequisites:");
            if (end < 0)
                end = text.indexOf("Prerequisites:");
            if (end < 0) {
                campuses = text
                        .substring(begin + "May be offered at any of the following campuses:".length() + 5);
            } else {
                campuses = text.substring(
                        begin + "May be offered at any of the following campuses:".length() + 5, end - 1);
            temp = campuses.replace("    ", "#").split("#");
            List<String> camps = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (String s : temp) {
                if (s.length() > 1) {


            // get restrictions
            begin = text.indexOf("Restrictions:");
            end = text.indexOf("Corequisites:");
            if (end < 0)
                end = text.indexOf("Prerequisites:");
            if (begin > 0 && end < 0) {
                        text.substring(begin + "Restrictions:".length()).replace("      ", "\n"));
            } else if (begin > 0) {
                        text.substring(begin + "Restrictions:".length(), end).replace("      ", "\n"));

        } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            // no type, not available
            // System.out.println("-----------");
            // System.out.println("Error for cnbr = " + cnbr);
            // System.out.println("-----------");
    } else {
        throw new CourseNotFoundException();

    return entry;

From source file:biz.shadowservices.DegreesToolbox.DataFetcher.java

public FetchResult updateData(Context context, boolean force) {
    //Open database
    DBOpenHelper dbhelper = new DBOpenHelper(context);
    SQLiteDatabase db = dbhelper.getWritableDatabase();

    // check for internet connectivity
    try {//w  w w .  j  a v  a2s  .co m
        if (!isOnline(context)) {
            Log.d(TAG, "We do not seem to be online. Skipping Update.");
            return FetchResult.NOTONLINE;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        exceptionReporter.reportException(Thread.currentThread(), e, "Exception during isOnline()");
    SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
    if (!force) {
        try {
            if (sp.getBoolean("loginFailed", false) == true) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Previous login failed. Skipping Update.");
                DBLog.insertMessage(context, "i", TAG, "Previous login failed. Skipping Update.");
                return FetchResult.LOGINFAILED;
            if (sp.getBoolean("autoupdates", true) == false) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Automatic updates not enabled. Skipping Update.");
                DBLog.insertMessage(context, "i", TAG, "Automatic updates not enabled. Skipping Update.");
                return FetchResult.NOTALLOWED;
            if (!isBackgroundDataEnabled(context) && sp.getBoolean("obeyBackgroundData", true)) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Background data not enabled. Skipping Update.");
                DBLog.insertMessage(context, "i", TAG, "Background data not enabled. Skipping Update.");
                return FetchResult.NOTALLOWED;
            if (!isAutoSyncEnabled() && sp.getBoolean("obeyAutoSync", true)
                    && sp.getBoolean("obeyBackgroundData", true)) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Auto sync not enabled. Skipping Update.");
                DBLog.insertMessage(context, "i", TAG, "Auto sync not enabled. Skipping Update.");
                return FetchResult.NOTALLOWED;
            if (isWifi(context) && !sp.getBoolean("wifiUpdates", true)) {
                Log.d(TAG, "On wifi, and wifi auto updates not allowed. Skipping Update");
                DBLog.insertMessage(context, "i", TAG,
                        "On wifi, and wifi auto updates not allowed. Skipping Update");
                return FetchResult.NOTALLOWED;
            } else if (!isWifi(context)) {
                Log.d(TAG, "We are not on wifi.");
                if (!isRoaming(context) && !sp.getBoolean("2DData", true)) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Automatic updates on 2Degrees data not enabled. Skipping Update.");
                    DBLog.insertMessage(context, "i", TAG,
                            "Automatic updates on 2Degrees data not enabled. Skipping Update.");
                    return FetchResult.NOTALLOWED;
                } else if (isRoaming(context) && !sp.getBoolean("roamingData", false)) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Automatic updates on roaming mobile data not enabled. Skipping Update.");
                    DBLog.insertMessage(context, "i", TAG,
                            "Automatic updates on roaming mobile data not enabled. Skipping Update.");
                    return FetchResult.NOTALLOWED;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            exceptionReporter.reportException(Thread.currentThread(), e,
                    "Exception while finding if to update.");

    } else {
        Log.d(TAG, "Update Forced");

    try {
        String username = sp.getString("username", null);
        String password = sp.getString("password", null);
        if (username == null || password == null) {
            DBLog.insertMessage(context, "i", TAG, "Username or password not set.");
            return FetchResult.USERNAMEPASSWORDNOTSET;

        // Find the URL of the page to send login data to.
        Log.d(TAG, "Finding Action. ");
        HttpGetter loginPageGet = new HttpGetter("https://secure.2degreesmobile.co.nz/web/ip/login");
        String loginPageString = loginPageGet.execute();
        if (loginPageString != null) {
            Document loginPage = Jsoup.parse(loginPageString,
            Element loginForm = loginPage.getElementsByAttributeValue("name", "loginFrm").first();
            String loginAction = loginForm.attr("action");
            // Send login form
            List<NameValuePair> loginValues = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
            loginValues.add(new BasicNameValuePair("externalURLRedirect", ""));
            loginValues.add(new BasicNameValuePair("hdnAction", "login_userlogin"));
            loginValues.add(new BasicNameValuePair("hdnAuthenticationType", "M"));
            loginValues.add(new BasicNameValuePair("hdnlocale", ""));

            loginValues.add(new BasicNameValuePair("userid", username));
            loginValues.add(new BasicNameValuePair("password", password));
            Log.d(TAG, "Sending Login ");
            HttpPoster sendLoginPoster = new HttpPoster(loginAction, loginValues);
            // Parse result

            String loginResponse = sendLoginPoster.execute();
            Document loginResponseParsed = Jsoup.parse(loginResponse);
            // Determine if this is a pre-pay or post-paid account.
            boolean postPaid;
            if (loginResponseParsed
                    .getElementById("p_CustomerPortalPostPaidHomePage_WAR_customerportalhomepage") == null) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Pre-pay account or no account.");
                postPaid = false;
            } else {
                Log.d(TAG, "Post-paid account.");
                postPaid = true;

            String homepageUrl = "https://secure.2degreesmobile.co.nz/group/ip/home";
            if (postPaid) {
                homepageUrl = "https://secure.2degreesmobile.co.nz/group/ip/postpaid";
            HttpGetter homepageGetter = new HttpGetter(homepageUrl);
            String homepageHTML = homepageGetter.execute();
            Document homePage = Jsoup.parse(homepageHTML);

            Element accountSummary = homePage.getElementById("accountSummary");
            if (accountSummary == null) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Login failed.");
                return FetchResult.LOGINFAILED;
            db.delete("cache", "", null);
            /* This code fetched some extra details for postpaid users, but on reflection they aren't that useful.
             * Might reconsider this.
             if (postPaid) {
               Element accountBalanceSummaryTable = accountSummary.getElementsByClass("tableBillSummary").first();
               Elements rows = accountBalanceSummaryTable.getElementsByTag("tr");
               int rowno = 0;
               for (Element row : rows) {
                  if (rowno > 1) {
                  //Log.d(TAG, "Starting row");
                  //Log.d(TAG, row.html());
                  Double value;
                  try {
             Element amount = row.getElementsByClass("tableBillamount").first();
             String amountHTML = amount.html();
             Log.d(TAG, amountHTML.substring(1));
             value = Double.parseDouble(amountHTML.substring(1));
                  } catch (Exception e) {
             Log.d(TAG, "Failed to parse amount from row.");
             value = null;
                  String expiresDetails = "";
                  String expiresDate = null;
                  String name = null;
                  try {
             Element details = row.getElementsByClass("tableBilldetail").first();
             name = details.ownText();
             Element expires = details.getElementsByTag("em").first();
             if (expires != null) {
                 expiresDetails = expires.text();
             Log.d(TAG, expiresDetails);
             Pattern pattern;
             pattern = Pattern.compile("\\(payment is due (.*)\\)");
             Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(expiresDetails);
             if (matcher.find()) {
                /*Log.d(TAG, "matched expires");
                Log.d(TAG, "group 0:" + matcher.group(0));
                Log.d(TAG, "group 1:" + matcher.group(1));
                Log.d(TAG, "group 2:" + matcher.group(2)); *
                String expiresDateString = matcher.group(1);
                Date expiresDateObj;
                if (expiresDateString != null) {
                   if (expiresDateString.length() > 0) {
                      try {
                         expiresDateObj = DateFormatters.EXPIRESDATE.parse(expiresDateString);
                         expiresDate = DateFormatters.ISO8601DATEONLYFORMAT.format(expiresDateObj);
                      } catch (java.text.ParseException e) {
                         Log.d(TAG, "Could not parse date: " + expiresDateString);
                  } catch (Exception e) {
             Log.d(TAG, "Failed to parse details from row.");
                  String expirev = null;
                  ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
                  values.put("name", name);
                  values.put("value", value);
                  values.put("units", "$NZ");
                  values.put("expires_value", expirev );
                  values.put("expires_date", expiresDate);
                  db.insert("cache", "value", values );
            } */
            Element accountSummaryTable = accountSummary.getElementsByClass("tableAccountSummary").first();
            Elements rows = accountSummaryTable.getElementsByTag("tr");
            for (Element row : rows) {
                // We are now looking at each of the rows in the data table.
                //Log.d(TAG, "Starting row");
                //Log.d(TAG, row.html());
                Double value;
                String units;
                try {
                    Element amount = row.getElementsByClass("tableBillamount").first();
                    String amountHTML = amount.html();
                    //Log.d(TAG, amountHTML);
                    String[] amountParts = amountHTML.split("&nbsp;", 2);
                    //Log.d(TAG, amountParts[0]);
                    //Log.d(TAG, amountParts[1]);
                    if (amountParts[0].contains("Included") || amountParts[0].equals("All You Need")
                            || amountParts[0].equals("Unlimited Text*")) {
                        value = Values.INCLUDED;
                    } else {
                        try {
                            value = Double.parseDouble(amountParts[0]);
                        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                            exceptionReporter.reportException(Thread.currentThread(), e, "Decoding value.");
                            value = 0.0;
                    units = amountParts[1];
                } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                    //Log.d(TAG, "Failed to parse amount from row.");
                    value = null;
                    units = null;
                Element details = row.getElementsByClass("tableBilldetail").first();
                String name = details.getElementsByTag("strong").first().text();
                Element expires = details.getElementsByTag("em").first();
                String expiresDetails = "";
                if (expires != null) {
                    expiresDetails = expires.text();
                Log.d(TAG, expiresDetails);
                Pattern pattern;
                if (postPaid == false) {
                    pattern = Pattern.compile("\\(([\\d\\.]*) ?\\w*? ?expiring on (.*)\\)");
                } else {
                    pattern = Pattern.compile("\\(([\\d\\.]*) ?\\w*? ?will expire on (.*)\\)");
                Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(expiresDetails);
                Double expiresValue = null;
                String expiresDate = null;
                if (matcher.find()) {
                    /*Log.d(TAG, "matched expires");
                    Log.d(TAG, "group 0:" + matcher.group(0));
                    Log.d(TAG, "group 1:" + matcher.group(1));
                    Log.d(TAG, "group 2:" + matcher.group(2)); */
                    try {
                        expiresValue = Double.parseDouble(matcher.group(1));
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        expiresValue = null;
                    String expiresDateString = matcher.group(2);
                    Date expiresDateObj;
                    if (expiresDateString != null) {
                        if (expiresDateString.length() > 0) {
                            try {
                                expiresDateObj = DateFormatters.EXPIRESDATE.parse(expiresDateString);
                                expiresDate = DateFormatters.ISO8601DATEONLYFORMAT.format(expiresDateObj);
                            } catch (java.text.ParseException e) {
                                Log.d(TAG, "Could not parse date: " + expiresDateString);
                ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
                values.put("name", name);
                values.put("value", value);
                values.put("units", units);
                values.put("expires_value", expiresValue);
                values.put("expires_date", expiresDate);
                db.insert("cache", "value", values);

            if (postPaid == false) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Getting Value packs...");
                // Find value packs
                HttpGetter valuePacksPageGet = new HttpGetter(
                String valuePacksPageString = valuePacksPageGet.execute();
                //DBLog.insertMessage(context, "d", "",  valuePacksPageString);
                if (valuePacksPageString != null) {
                    Document valuePacksPage = Jsoup.parse(valuePacksPageString);
                    Elements enabledPacks = valuePacksPage.getElementsByClass("yellow");
                    for (Element enabledPack : enabledPacks) {
                        Element offerNameElemt = enabledPack
                                .getElementsByAttributeValueStarting("name", "offername").first();
                        if (offerNameElemt != null) {
                            String offerName = offerNameElemt.val();
                            DBLog.insertMessage(context, "d", "", "Got element: " + offerName);
                            ValuePack[] packs = Values.valuePacks.get(offerName);
                            if (packs == null) {
                                DBLog.insertMessage(context, "d", "",
                                        "Offer name: " + offerName + " not matched.");
                            } else {
                                for (ValuePack pack : packs) {
                                    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
                                    values.put("plan_startamount", pack.value);
                                    values.put("plan_name", offerName);
                                    DBLog.insertMessage(context, "d", "",
                                            "Pack " + pack.type.id + " start value set to " + pack.value);
                                    db.update("cache", values, "name = '" + pack.type.id + "'", null);

            SharedPreferences.Editor prefedit = sp.edit();
            Date now = new Date();
            prefedit.putString("updateDate", DateFormatters.ISO8601FORMAT.format(now));
            prefedit.putBoolean("loginFailed", false);
            prefedit.putBoolean("networkError", false);
            DBLog.insertMessage(context, "i", TAG, "Update Successful");
            return FetchResult.SUCCESS;

    } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
        DBLog.insertMessage(context, "w", TAG, "Network error: " + e.getMessage());
        return FetchResult.NETWORKERROR;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        DBLog.insertMessage(context, "w", TAG, "Network error: " + e.getMessage());
        return FetchResult.NETWORKERROR;
    } finally {
    return null;

From source file:net.kevxu.purdueassist.course.ScheduleDetail.java

private ScheduleDetailEntry parseDocument(Document document)
        throws HtmlParseException, CourseNotFoundException, ResultNotMatchException {
    ScheduleDetailEntry entry = new ScheduleDetailEntry(term, crn);
    Elements tableElements = document.getElementsByAttributeValue("summary",
            "This table is used to present the detailed class information.");

    if (!tableElements.isEmpty()) {
        for (Element tableElement : tableElements) {
            // get basic info for selected course
            Element tableBasicInfoElement = tableElement.getElementsByClass("ddlabel").first();
            if (tableBasicInfoElement != null) {
                setBasicInfo(entry, tableBasicInfoElement.text());
            } else {
                throw new HtmlParseException("Basic info element empty.");
            }/*  www  .ja va 2s.c o m*/

            // get detailed course info
            Element tableDetailedInfoElement = tableElement.getElementsByClass("dddefault").first();

            if (tableDetailedInfoElement != null) {
                // process seat info
                Elements tableSeatDetailElements = tableDetailedInfoElement.getElementsByAttributeValue(
                        "summary", "This layout table is used to present the seating numbers.");
                if (tableSeatDetailElements.size() == 1) {
                    Element tableSeatDetailElement = tableSeatDetailElements.first();
                    Elements tableSeatDetailEntryElements = tableSeatDetailElement.getElementsByTag("tbody")
                    if (tableSeatDetailEntryElements.size() == 3 || tableSeatDetailEntryElements.size() == 4) {
                        setSeats(entry, tableSeatDetailEntryElements.get(1).text());
                        setWaitlistSeats(entry, tableSeatDetailEntryElements.get(2).text());
                        if (tableSeatDetailEntryElements.size() == 4) {
                            setCrosslistSeats(entry, tableSeatDetailEntryElements.get(3).text());
                    } else {
                        throw new HtmlParseException("Seat detail entry elements size not 3. We have "
                                + tableSeatDetailEntryElements.size() + ".");
                } else {
                    throw new HtmlParseException(
                            "Seat detail elements size not 1. We have " + tableSeatDetailElements.size() + ".");
                // remove the seat info from detailed info

                // remaining information
                setRemainingInfo(entry, tableDetailedInfoElement.html());

            } else {
                throw new HtmlParseException("Detailed info element empty.");

    } else {
        // test empty
        Elements informationElements = document.getElementsByAttributeValue("summary",
                "This layout table holds message information");
        if (!informationElements.isEmpty()
                && informationElements.text().contains("No detailed class information found")) {
            throw new CourseNotFoundException(informationElements.text());
        } else {
            throw new HtmlParseException(
                    "Course table not found, but page does not contain message stating no course found.");

    return entry;

From source file:com.salsaberries.narchiver.Trawler.java

 * Logs into the site./*  ww  w .  j  a  v a2 s  . c  om*/
 * @return
 * @throws TrawlException
private boolean login() throws TrawlException {

    if (loginAttempts < 0) {
        logger.error("Warning! Exceeded maximum number of login attempts! Program is now exiting.");
        throw new TrawlException("Maximum login attempts exceeded.");

    logger.info("Attempting to log in at " + baseURL + site.getString("LOGIN_URL"));

    try {

        // follow redirects until you get it right
        HttpRequest httpRequest;
        HttpMessage httpGet;
        String url = baseURL + site.getString("LOGIN_URL");

        while (true) {
            httpGet = new HttpMessage(HttpType.GET);

            httpRequest = new HttpRequest(httpGet);

            if (httpRequest.getStatusCode() != 200) {

                // Find the header I want
                boolean found = false;
                for (Header h : httpRequest.getHeaders()) {
                    if (h.getName().equals("Location")) {
                        url = h.getValue();
                        found = true;

                if (!found) {
                    throw new TrawlException("Redirect loop.");

            } else {


        // Get headers
        ArrayList<Header> headers = httpRequest.getHeaders();
        // Parse the cookies

        String body = httpRequest.getHtml();
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(body);
        Elements logins = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("action", site.getString("LOGIN_SUBMIT"));

        if (logins.isEmpty()) {
            logins = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("action",
                    site.getString("BASE_URL") + site.getString("LOGIN_SUBMIT"));
        if (logins.isEmpty()) {
            logins = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("method", "POST");

        if (logins.isEmpty()) {
            throw new TrawlException("Failed to find login form!");
        if (logins.size() > 1) {
            logger.warn("Found multiple login forms. Picking the first one...");

        Element login = logins.get(0);

        // Extract the captcha image if appropriate
        String captchaResult = "";
        if (!site.getString("CAPTCHA").equals("")) {
            // Download the captcha image
            HttpMessage getCaptcha = new HttpMessage(HttpType.GET);
            if (!site.isNull("CAPTCHA_IMAGE")) {
                getCaptcha.setUrl(baseURL + site.getString("CAPTCHA_IMAGE"));

                getCaptcha.addHeader(new Header("Referrer", baseURL + site.getString("LOGIN_URL")));

                // Send it to deathbycaptcha
                SocketClient client = new SocketClient("njanetos", "2point7182");
                HttpRequest image = new HttpRequest(getCaptcha);
                ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                ImageIO.write(image.getImage(), "png", os);
                Captcha result = client.decode(os.toByteArray());
                captchaResult = result.toString();
            } else {
                // Just try to get the image
                Elements captchas = login.getElementsByTag("img");

                if (captchas.size() != 1) {
                    throw new TrawlException(
                            "Failed to find captcha, but the initialization file says there should be one.");

                Element captchaImage = captchas.get(0);

                // Does it contain base64?
                if (captchaImage.attr("src").contains("base64")) {
                    String src = captchaImage.attr("src").split(",")[1];

                    byte image[] = Base64.decodeBase64(src);
                    ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

                    SocketClient client = new SocketClient("njanetos", "2point7182");

                    Captcha result = client.decode(os.toByteArray());
                    captchaResult = result.toString();

                } else {
                    if (captchaImage.attr("src").contains(baseURL)) {
                    } else {
                        getCaptcha.setUrl(baseURL + captchaImage.attr("src"));

                    getCaptcha.addHeader(new Header("Referrer", baseURL + site.getString("LOGIN_URL")));

                    // Send it to deathbycaptcha
                    SocketClient client = new SocketClient("njanetos", "2point7182");
                    HttpRequest image = new HttpRequest(getCaptcha);
                    ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    ImageIO.write(image.getImage(), "png", os);
                    Captcha result = client.decode(os.toByteArray());
                    captchaResult = result.toString();

            logger.info("Decoded captcha: " + captchaResult);

        // Grab any hidden fields
        Elements hidden = login.getElementsByAttributeValue("type", "hidden");

        // Build the post response
        HttpMessage httpPost = new HttpMessage(HttpType.POST);
        // TODO: Read this from the html!
        httpPost.setUrl(baseURL + site.getString("LOGIN_SUBMIT"));

        httpPost.appendContent(site.getString("USERNAME_FIELD"), site.getString("USERNAME"));
        httpPost.appendContent(site.getString("PASSWORD_FIELD"), site.getString("PASSWORD"));
        if (!captchaResult.equals("")) {
            httpPost.appendContent(site.getString("CAPTCHA_FIELD"), captchaResult);

        for (int i = 0; i < hidden.size(); ++i) {
            httpPost.appendContent(hidden.get(i).attr("name"), hidden.get(i).attr("value"));

        // Add the submit info
        Element submit = login.getElementsByAttributeValue("type", "submit").get(0);
        httpPost.appendContent(submit.attr("name"), submit.attr("value"));

        // Add the referrer
        httpPost.addHeader(new Header("Referer", baseURL + site.getString("LOGIN_URL")));

        // Log in
        HttpRequest response = new HttpRequest(httpPost);
        headers = response.getHeaders();
        // Add any relevant cookies
        logger.info("Successfully logged in, response code: " + response.getStatusCode());

        // Were we redirected? If so, visit the redirection URL before continuing. 
        if (response.getStatusCode() == 302) {
            // Send a GET request to the redirection URL before continuing. 
            httpGet = new HttpMessage(HttpType.GET);
            httpGet.addHeader(new Header("Referer", baseURL + site.getString("LOGIN_URL")));
            String redirectionURL = getRedirectionURL(headers);

            httpRequest = new HttpRequest(httpGet);
            logger.debug("Visited redirected page. Status code " + httpRequest.getStatusCode());

    } catch (ConnectionException | MalformedURLException | ProtocolException ex) {
        // Did not successfully log in
        return false;
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        // Did not successfully log in
        return false;
    } catch (Exception | InterruptedException ex) {
        // Did not successfully log in
        return false;

    // Did we successfully log in? Then return true.
    return true;


From source file:info.dolezel.fatrat.plugins.UloztoDownload.java

public void processLink(String link) {

    //if (link.contains("/live/"))
    //    link = link.replace("/live/", "/");
    if (link.startsWith("http://uloz.to") || link.startsWith("https://uloz.to"))
        link = link.replace("https?://uloz.to", "https://www.uloz.to");
    if (link.startsWith("http://m.uloz.to") || link.startsWith("https://m.uloz.to"))
        link = link.replace("https?://m.uloz.to", "https://www.uloz.to");

    if (!logIn(link))
        return;//from  w  ww .j  a v  a  2s .co  m

    final String downloadLink = link; // I can't make 'link' final

    fetchPage(link, new PageFetchListener() {

        public void onCompleted(ByteBuffer buf, Map<String, String> headers) {
            try {
                if (headers.containsKey("location")) {
                    String location = headers.get("location");
                    if (location.contains("smazano") || location.contains("nenalezeno"))
                        setFailed("The file has been removed");

                CharBuffer cb = charsetUtf8.decode(buf);

                if (cb.toString().contains("?disclaimer=1")) {
                    processLink(downloadLink + "?disclaimer=1");

                final Document doc = Jsoup.parse(cb.toString());
                final Element freeForm = doc.getElementById("frm-download-freeDownloadTab-freeDownloadForm");
                final Element premiumLink = doc.getElementById("#quickDownloadButton");

                boolean usePremium = usePremium(downloadLink);

                if (cb.toString().contains("Nem dostatek kreditu"))
                    setMessage("Credit depleted, using FREE download");
                else if (usePremium && premiumLink != null) {
                    String msg = "Using premium download";

                    Elements aCredits = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("href", "/kredit");

                    if (!aCredits.isEmpty())
                        msg += " (" + aCredits.get(0).ownText() + " left)";


                    startDownload("http://www.uloz.to" + premiumLink.attr("href"));

                } else if (loggedIn)
                    setMessage("Login failed, using FREE download");

                Elements aNames = doc.getElementsByClass("jsShowDownload");
                if (!aNames.isEmpty())

                final PostQuery pq = new PostQuery();
                final Map<String, String> hdr = new HashMap<String, String>();
                Elements eHiddens = freeForm.select("input[type=hidden]");

                hdr.put("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
                hdr.put("Referer", downloadLink);
                hdr.put("Accept", "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01");

                for (Element e : eHiddens)
                    pq.add(e.attr("name"), e.attr("value"));

                fetchPage("https://uloz.to/reloadXapca.php?rnd=" + Math.abs(new Random().nextInt()),
                        new PageFetchListener() {

                            public void onCompleted(ByteBuffer buf, Map<String, String> headers) {
                                CharBuffer cb = charsetUtf8.decode(buf);
                                String captchaUrl;

                                try {
                                    JSONObject json = new JSONObject(cb.toString());
                                    captchaUrl = "https:" + json.getString("image");
                                    pq.add("hash", json.getString("hash"));
                                    pq.add("timestamp", "" + json.getInt("timestamp"));
                                    pq.add("salt", "" + json.getInt("salt"));
                                } catch (JSONException e) {
                                    setFailed("Error parsing captcha JSON");

                                solveCaptcha(captchaUrl, new CaptchaListener() {

                                    public void onFailed() {
                                        setFailed("Failed to decode the captcha code");

                                    public void onSolved(String text) {

                                        String action = freeForm.attr("action");
                                        pq.add("captcha_value", text);

                                        fetchPage("https://www.uloz.to" + action, new PageFetchListener() {

                                            public void onCompleted(ByteBuffer buf,
                                                    Map<String, String> headers) {
                                                try {
                                                    CharBuffer cb = charsetUtf8.decode(buf);
                                                    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(cb.toString());

                                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                                    setFailed("" + e);

                                            public void onFailed(String error) {

                                        }, pq.toString(), hdr);


                            public void onFailed(String error) {
                                setFailed("Failed to load captcha AJAX page");


            } catch (Exception e) {

        public void onFailed(String error) {
            setFailed("Failed to load the initial page");
    }, null);