Example usage for org.jsoup.safety Cleaner clean

List of usage examples for org.jsoup.safety Cleaner clean


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jsoup.safety Cleaner clean.


public Document clean(Document dirtyDocument) 

Source Link


Creates a new, clean document, from the original dirty document, containing only elements allowed by the whitelist.


From source file:com.facultyshowcase.app.ui.UIUtil.java

public static String scrubHtml(String html, Request request, Response response) {
    if (!StringFactory.isEmptyString(html)) {
        // Process the HTML converting links as necessary (adding JSESSIONID(s)
        /// for URL based session tracking, converting resource links to increase concurrent loading limit,
        /// CMS link externalization, etc).
        /// This is *not* sanitation and should always be done before rendering - never before persisting.
        /// We are doing this before sanitizing the HTML to avoid having to whitelist internal URL protocols, etc.

        try {/*from w w  w.  ja v a2 s.  c om*/
            html = XMLRenderer.parseWithRoot(html, request, response);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            _logger.error("Unable to accept HTML: " + html, e);

        // We don't trust the input, so we sanitize it with a whitelist of allowed HTML.
        Document dirty = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(html, "");
        Whitelist whitelist = Whitelist.relaxed();
        // Don't allow users to use our website as a link farm
        whitelist.addEnforcedAttribute("a", "rel", "nofollow");
        Cleaner cleaner = new Cleaner(whitelist);
        Document clean = cleaner.clean(dirty);
        html = clean.html();

        return html;
    } else {
        return "";

From source file:com.example.app.communication.ui.EmailTemplateConfigurationUI.java

 * Get the body as text from the email data. HTML content will be cleaned for inclusion in an HTML document.
 * @param emailData the email data./*  ww  w .  j  a  v  a  2 s.c o m*/
 * @return the body or empty string.
 * @throws MailDataHandlerException on error.
 * @throws IOException on error.
private static String getBody(FileEntityMailDataHandler emailData)
        throws MailDataHandlerException, IOException {
    String lastBody = "";
    Whitelist whitelist = Whitelist.relaxed();
    whitelist.addProtocols("a", "href", "ftp", "http", "https", "mailto", "cms");
    whitelist.addProtocols("img", "src", "http", "https", "cms");
    Cleaner cleaner = new Cleaner(whitelist);
    for (MailPart body : emailData.getBody()) {
        if (body.getContentType() == null || !body.getContentType().startsWith("text/"))
        try (final InputStream inputStream = body.getInputStream()) {
            String nextBody = CharStreams.toString(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
            if (nextBody.isEmpty())
            lastBody = nextBody;
            if ("text/html".equalsIgnoreCase(body.getContentType())) {
                lastBody = cleaner.clean(Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(lastBody, "")).body().html();
    return lastBody;

From source file:com.elevenpaths.googleindexretriever.GoogleSearch.java

 * Make the query to google and return the data.
 * @param query/*w ww  .j  a  v a 2s. co m*/
 *            textfield for google
 * @return webpage in Document format
private Document getData(String query)
        throws CaptchaException, EmptyQueryException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
    if (this.query.isEmpty() || this.query == null) {
        throw new EmptyQueryException();

    Connection conn = null;
    Document doc = null;

    String request = "https://www.google.com/search?q=" + URLEncoder.encode(stripXSS(query), "UTF-8");
    if (!tokenCookie.isEmpty()) {
        request = request + "&google_abuse=" + URLEncoder.encode(tokenCookie, "UTF-8");

    try {
        conn = Jsoup.connect(request).method(Method.GET)
                .userAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/48.0")
                .header("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8")
                .header("Cookie", tokenCookie).header("Connection", "keep-alive").ignoreHttpErrors(true)

        if (!referer.isEmpty()) {
            conn.header("Referer", referer);

        Connection.Response response = conn.execute();

        if (response.statusCode() == 503) {

            referer = response.url().toString();
            idCaptcha = getIDCaptcha(response.parse());

            getCaptcha("https://ipv4.google.com/sorry/image?id=" + idCaptcha + "&hl=es&"
                    + referer.substring(referer.indexOf('?') + 1));

            throw new CaptchaException();


        doc = Jsoup.parse(response.body());

        // Clean the response
        Whitelist wl = new Whitelist().basic();
        wl.addAttributes("span", "class");
        Cleaner clean = new Cleaner(wl);
        doc = clean.clean(doc);
    } catch (IOException e) {

    return doc;

From source file:com.example.app.ui.DemoUserProfileViewer.java

public void init() {
    // Make sure you call super.init() at the top of this method.
    /// See the Javadoc for #init() for more information about what it does.

    // Set HTML element type and class names for presentation use on this Container component.
    // property_viewer is a standard class name.
    // Add microdata for programmatic / SEO use
    /// OR use RDFa support
    /// You typically only do this in viewers - not editors.
    setAttribute("itemscope", "");
    setAttribute("itemtype", "http://schema.org/Person");
    // setAttribute allows you to set any attribute as long as it will not interfere with a component's
    /// native HTML. For example, you cannot set the "value" attribute on a Field since
    /// it uses that attribute.

    // It's a good idea to *not* mark variables final that you don't want in the scope of event listeners.
    /// Hibernate/JPA entities are a great example of this pattern. You always need to re-attach
    /// entities before using them, so we should always call getUserProfile() in the context
    /// of handling an event. Note: our getUserProfile() method re-attaches the entity.
    DemoUserProfile demoUserProfile = getDemoUserProfile();

    Name name = demoUserProfile.getName();
    // You can use a Field for displaying non-internationalized content.
    /// It is desirable to do this since you don't need to create a LocalizedText.
    /// However, you cannot change the HTMLElement of a Field at this time,
    /// so some of the following code uses a Label which does allow
    /// specification of the HTMLElement.
    final Field namePrefix = new Field(name.getFormOfAddress(), false);
    final Field nameGiven = new Field(name.getFirst(), false);
    final Field nameFamily = new Field(name.getLast(), false);
    final Field nameSuffix = new Field(name.getSuffix(), false);
    // Sometimes it is easier and less error prone to make a component non-visible
    /// than checking for null on each use. Use this pattern with care. You don't
    /// want to consume a lot of resource unnecessarily.
    if (isEmptyString(namePrefix.getText()))
        namePrefix.setVisible(false);/*from   www.ja va  2  s.  c om*/
    if (isEmptyString(nameSuffix.getText()))

    // Address
    Address address = demoUserProfile.getPostalAddress();
    // Address lines are always on their own line so we make sure they are enclosed by a block element like a DIV..
    final Label addressLine1 = new Label();
    final Label addressLine2 = new Label();
    if (address.getAddressLineList().size() > 0)
    if (address.getAddressLineList().size() > 1)
    final HTMLComponent city = new HTMLComponent();
    // The "prop" class name is part of the standard HTML structure. It is always a good idea to also
    /// add a specific class name like "city" in this example. Please be consistent when using class names.
    /// For example, if everyone else is using "city", please use "city" too. Don't come up with another class name
    /// that means something similar like "town" or "locality". Consistency has a big impact on
    /// the time required to style HTML as well as the ability to reuse CSS.
    if (!isEmptyString(address.getCity())) {
        // Our microdata for the city shouldn't include the comma, so this is a bit more complicated than the other examples.
        city.setText(createText("<span itemprop=\"addressLocality\">" + address.getCity()
                + "</span><span class=\"delimiter\">,</span>"));
    } else
    final Label state = new Label(createText(address.getState()));
    final Label postalCode = new Label(createText(address.getPostalCode()));

    // Other Contact
    final Field phoneNumber = new Field(demoUserProfile.getPhoneNumber(), false);
    final Field emailAddress = new Field(demoUserProfile.getEmailAddress(), false);

    // Social Contact
    final URILink twitterLink = demoUserProfile.getTwitterLink() != null
            ? new URILink(_demoUserProfileDAO.toURI(demoUserProfile.getTwitterLink(), null))
            : null;
    final URILink facebookLink = demoUserProfile.getFacebookLink() != null
            ? new URILink(_demoUserProfileDAO.toURI(demoUserProfile.getFacebookLink(), null))
            : null;
    final URILink linkedInLink = demoUserProfile.getLinkedInLink() != null
            ? new URILink(_demoUserProfileDAO.toURI(demoUserProfile.getLinkedInLink(), null))
            : null;

    // We are going to output HTML received from the outside, so we need to sanitize it first for security reasons.
    /// Sometimes you'll do this sanitation prior to persisting the data. It depends on whether or not you need to
    /// keep the original unsanitized HTML around.
    String processedHTML = demoUserProfile.getAboutMeProse();
    if (!isEmptyString(processedHTML)) {
        // Process the HTML converting links as necessary (adding JSESSIONID(s)
        /// for URL based session tracking, converting resource links to increase concurrent loading limit,
        /// CMS link externalization, etc).
        /// This is *not* sanitation and should always be done before rendering - never before persisting.
        /// We are doing this before sanitizing the HTML to avoid having to whitelist internal URL protocols, etc.
        try {
            processedHTML = XMLRenderer.parseWithRoot(processedHTML, Event.getRequest(), Event.getResponse());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            _logger.error("Unable to accept HTML: " + processedHTML, e);

        // We don't trust the input, so we sanitize it with a whitelist of allowed HTML.
        Document dirty = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(processedHTML, "");
        Whitelist whitelist = Whitelist.relaxed();
        // Don't allow users to use our website as a link farm
        whitelist.addEnforcedAttribute("a", "rel", "nofollow");
        Cleaner cleaner = new Cleaner(whitelist);
        Document clean = cleaner.clean(dirty);
        processedHTML = clean.html();
    final HTMLComponent aboutMeProse = new HTMLComponent(processedHTML);
    Component aboutMeVideo = null;
    URL videoLink = demoUserProfile.getAboutMeVideoLink();
    if (videoLink != null) {
        // There are several ways to link to media (Youtube video URL, Vimeo video URL, Flickr URL,
        // internally hosted media file, etc).
        /// You can link to it.
        /// You can embed it. See http://oembed.com/ for a common protocol for doing this.
        /// If the link is to the media itself, you can create a player for it.
        /// Below is an example of creating a link to the video as well as a player.
        final URI videoLinkURI = _demoUserProfileDAO.toURI(videoLink, null);
        URILink videoLinkComponent = new URILink(videoLinkURI, createText("My Video"));
        aboutMeVideo = getAboutMe(videoLink, videoLinkURI, videoLinkComponent);
        if (aboutMeVideo == null) {
            // We could check for oEmbed support in case link was to youtube, vimeo, etc - http://oembed.com/
            // Since this is an example, we'll just output the link.
            aboutMeVideo = videoLinkComponent;
    ImageComponent picture = null;
    final FileEntity userProfilePicture = demoUserProfile.getPicture();
    if (userProfilePicture != null) {
        picture = new ImageComponent(new Image(userProfilePicture));
                .before(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(60))));

    // Now that we've initialized most of the content, we'll add all the components to this View
    /// using the standard HTML structure for a property viewer.
    add(of(HTMLElement.section, "prop-group name",
            new Label(createText("Name")).withHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h1),
            namePrefix.setAttribute("itemprop", "honorificPrefix").addClassName("prop").addClassName("prefix"),
            nameGiven.setAttribute("itemprop", "givenName").addClassName("prop").addClassName("given"),
            nameFamily.setAttribute("itemprop", "familyName").addClassName("prop").addClassName("family"),
            nameSuffix.setAttribute("itemprop", "honorificSuffix").addClassName("prop")

    // Add wrapping DIV to group address lines if necessary.
    Component streetAddress = (!isEmptyString(addressLine1.getText()) && !isEmptyString(addressLine2.getText())
            ? of(HTMLElement.div, "address-lines", addressLine1, addressLine2)
            : (isEmptyString(addressLine1.getText()) ? addressLine2 : addressLine1)
    streetAddress.setAttribute("itemprop", "streetAddress");
    boolean hasAddress = (!isEmptyString(addressLine1.getText()) || !isEmptyString(addressLine2.getText())
            || !isEmptyString(city.getText()) || !isEmptyString(state.getText())
            || !isEmptyString(postalCode.getText()));
    boolean hasPhone = !isEmptyString(phoneNumber.getText());
    boolean hasEmail = !isEmptyString(emailAddress.getText());
    // We only want to output the enclosing HTML if we have content to display.
    if (hasAddress || hasPhone || hasEmail) {
        Container contactContainer = of(HTMLElement.section, "contact",
                new Label(createText("Contact Information")).withHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h1));
        if (hasAddress) {
            contactContainer.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop-group address",
                    // We are using an H2 here because are immediate ancestor is a DIV. If it was a SECTION,
                    /// then we would use an H1. See the UserProfileViewer for a comparison.
                    new Label(createText("Address")).withHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h2), streetAddress,
                    of(HTMLElement.div, "place", city, state.setAttribute("itemprop", "addressRegion"),
                            postalCode.setAttribute("itemprop", "postalCode")))
                                    .setAttribute("itemprop", "address").setAttribute("itemscope", "")
                                    .setAttribute("itemtype", "http://schema.org/PostalAddress"));
        if (hasPhone) {
            contactContainer.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop phone",
                    new Label(createText("Phone")).withHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h2),
                    phoneNumber.setAttribute("itemprop", "telephone")));
        if (hasEmail) {
            contactContainer.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop email",
                    new Label(createText("Email")).withHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h2),
                    emailAddress.setAttribute("itemprop", "email")));

    if (twitterLink != null || facebookLink != null || linkedInLink != null) {
        Container social = of(HTMLElement.section, "social",
                new Label(createText("Social Media Links")).withHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h1));
        if (twitterLink != null) {
            twitterLink.setText(createText("Twitter Link"));
            social.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop twitter", createText("Twitter"), twitterLink));
        if (facebookLink != null) {
            facebookLink.setText(createText("Facebook Link"));
            social.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop facebook", createText("Facebook"), facebookLink));
        if (linkedInLink != null) {
            linkedInLink.setText(createText("LinkedIn Link"));
            social.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop linkedin", createText("LinkedIn"), linkedInLink));

    final boolean hasAboutMeProse = isEmptyString(aboutMeProse.getText());
    if (!hasAboutMeProse || aboutMeVideo != null) {
        Container aboutMe = of(HTMLElement.section, "about-me",
                new Label(createText("About Me")).withHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h1));
        if (picture != null) {
            aboutMe.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop picture", createText("Picture"), picture));
        if (hasAboutMeProse) {
            aboutMe.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop prose",
                    createText("Professional Information, Hobbies, Interests..."), aboutMeProse));
        if (aboutMeVideo != null) {
            Label label = new Label(createText("Video")).withHTMLElement(HTMLElement.label);
            aboutMe.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop video", label, aboutMeVideo));


From source file:com.example.app.ui.UserProfileViewer.java

public void init() {
    // Make sure you call super.init() at the top of this method.
    /// See the Javadoc for #init() for more information about what it does.

    // Set HTML element type and class names for presentation use on this Container component.
    // property_viewer is a standard class name.
    // Add microdata for programmatic / SEO use
    /// OR use RDFa support
    /// You typically only do this in viewers - not editors.
    setAttribute("itemscope", "");
    setAttribute("itemtype", "http://schema.org/Person");
    // setAttribute allows you to set any attribute as long as it will not interfere with a component's
    /// native HTML. For example, you cannot set the "value" attribute on a Field since
    /// it uses that attribute.

    // It's a good idea to *not* mark variables final that you don't want in the scope of event listeners.
    /// Hibernate/JPA entities are a great example of this pattern. You always need to re-attach
    /// entities before using them, so we should always call getUserProfile() in the context
    /// of handling an event. Note: our getUserProfile() method re-attaches the entity.
    UserProfile userProfile = getUserProfile();

    Name name = userProfile.getName();
    // You can use a Field for displaying non-internationalized content.
    /// It is desirable to do this since you don't need to create a LocalizedText.
    /// However, you cannot change the HTMLElement of a Field at this time,
    /// so some of the following code uses a Label which does allow
    /// specification of the HTMLElement.
    final Field namePrefix = new Field(name.getFormOfAddress(), false);
    final Field nameGiven = new Field(name.getFirst(), false);
    final Field nameFamily = new Field(name.getLast(), false);
    final Field nameSuffix = new Field(name.getSuffix(), false);
    // Sometimes it is easier and less error prone to make a component non-visible
    /// than checking for null on each use. Use this pattern with care. You don't
    /// want to consume a lot of resource unnecessarily.
    if (StringFactory.isEmptyString(namePrefix.getText()))
        namePrefix.setVisible(false);/*from   ww w .  j  a v  a2  s .  com*/
    if (StringFactory.isEmptyString(nameSuffix.getText()))

    // Address
    Address address = userProfile.getPostalAddress();
    // Address lines are always on their own line so we make sure they are enclosed by a block element like a DIV..
    final Label addressLine1 = new Label();
    final Label addressLine2 = new Label();
    if (address.getAddressLines().length > 0)
    if (address.getAddressLines().length > 1)
    final HTMLComponent city = new HTMLComponent();
    // The "prop" class name is part of the standard HTML structure. It is always a good idea to also
    /// add a specific class name like "city" in this example. Please be consistent when using class names.
    /// For example, if everyone else is using "city", please use "city" too. Don't come up with another class name
    /// that means something similar like "town" or "locality". Consistency has a big impact on
    /// the time required to style HTML as well as the ability to reuse CSS.
    if (!StringFactory.isEmptyString(address.getCity())) {
        // Our microdata for the city shouldn't include the comma, so this is a bit more complicated than the other examples.
        city.setText(TextSources.create("<span itemprop=\"addressLocality\">" + address.getCity()
                + "</span><span class=\"delimiter\">,</span>"));
    } else
    final Label state = new Label(TextSources.create(address.getState()));
    final Label postalCode = new Label(TextSources.create(address.getPostalCode()));

    // Other Contact
    final Field phoneNumber = new Field(userProfile.getPhoneNumber(), false);
    final Field emailAddress = new Field(userProfile.getEmailAddress(), false);

    // Social Contact
    final URILink twitterLink = userProfile.getTwitterLink() != null
            ? new URILink(_userProfileDAO.toURI(userProfile.getTwitterLink(), null))
            : null;
    final URILink facebookLink = userProfile.getFacebookLink() != null
            ? new URILink(_userProfileDAO.toURI(userProfile.getFacebookLink(), null))
            : null;
    final URILink linkedInLink = userProfile.getLinkedInLink() != null
            ? new URILink(_userProfileDAO.toURI(userProfile.getLinkedInLink(), null))
            : null;

    // We are going to output HTML received from the outside, so we need to sanitize it first for security reasons.
    /// Sometimes you'll do this sanitation prior to persisting the data. It depends on whether or not you need to
    /// keep the original unsanitized HTML around.
    String processedHTML = userProfile.getAboutMeProse();
    if (!StringFactory.isEmptyString(processedHTML)) {
        // Process the HTML converting links as necessary (adding JSESSIONID(s)
        /// for URL based session tracking, converting resource links to increase concurrent loading limit,
        /// CMS link externalization, etc).
        /// This is *not* sanitation and should always be done before rendering - never before persisting.
        /// We are doing this before sanitizing the HTML to avoid having to whitelist internal URL protocols, etc.
        try {
            processedHTML = XMLRenderer.parseWithRoot(processedHTML, Event.getRequest(), Event.getResponse());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            _logger.error("Unable to accept HTML: " + processedHTML, e);

        // We don't trust the input, so we sanitize it with a whitelist of allowed HTML.
        Document dirty = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(processedHTML, "");
        Whitelist whitelist = Whitelist.relaxed();
        // Don't allow users to use our website as a link farm
        whitelist.addEnforcedAttribute("a", "rel", "nofollow");
        Cleaner cleaner = new Cleaner(whitelist);
        Document clean = cleaner.clean(dirty);
        processedHTML = clean.html();
    final HTMLComponent aboutMeProse = new HTMLComponent(processedHTML);
    Component aboutMeVideo = null;
    URL videoLink = userProfile.getAboutMeVideoLink();
    if (videoLink != null) {
        // There are several ways to link to media (Youtube video URL, Vimeo video URL, Flickr URL, internally hosted media file, etc).
        /// You can link to it.
        /// You can embed it. See http://oembed.com/ for a common protocol for doing this.
        /// If the link is to the media itself, you can create a player for it.
        /// Below is an example of creating a link to the video as well as a player.
        final URI videoLinkURI = _userProfileDAO.toURI(videoLink, null);
        URILink videoLinkComponent = new URILink(videoLinkURI, TextSources.create("My Video"));
        IMediaUtility util = MediaUtilityFactory.getUtility();
        try {
            // Check if we can parse the media and it has a stream we like.
            /// In our made up example, we're only accepting H.264 video. We don't care about the audio in this example.
            IMediaMetaData mmd;
            if (util.isEnabled() && videoLinkURI != null
                    && (mmd = util.getMetaData(videoLinkURI.toString())).getStreams().length > 0) {
                int width = 853, height = 480; // 480p default
                boolean hasVideo = false;
                for (IMediaStream stream : mmd.getStreams()) {
                    if (stream.getCodec().getType() == ICodec.Type.video
                            && "H264".equals(stream.getCodec().name())) {
                        hasVideo = true;
                        if (stream.getWidth() > 0) {
                            width = stream.getWidth();
                            height = stream.getHeight();
                if (hasVideo) {
                    Media component = new Media();
                    component.addSource(new MediaSource(videoLinkURI));
                    component.setSize(new PixelMetric(width), new PixelMetric(height));
                    aboutMeVideo = component;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException | RemoteException e) {
            _logger.error("Unable to get media information for " + videoLink, e);
        if (aboutMeVideo == null) {
            // We could check for oEmbed support in case link was to youtube, vimeo, etc - http://oembed.com/
            // Since this is an example, we'll just output the link.
            aboutMeVideo = videoLinkComponent;
    ImageComponent picture = null;
    final FileEntity userProfilePicture = userProfile.getPicture();
    if (userProfilePicture != null) {
        picture = new ImageComponent(new Image(userProfilePicture));
                .before(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(60))));

    // Now that we've initialized most of the content, we'll add all the components to this View
    /// using the standard HTML structure for a property viewer.
    add(of(HTMLElement.section, "prop-group name",
            new Label(TextSources.create("Name")).setHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h1),
            namePrefix.setAttribute("itemprop", "honorificPrefix").addClassName("prop").addClassName("prefix"),
            nameGiven.setAttribute("itemprop", "givenName").addClassName("prop").addClassName("given"),
            nameFamily.setAttribute("itemprop", "familyName").addClassName("prop").addClassName("family"),
            nameSuffix.setAttribute("itemprop", "honorificSuffix").addClassName("prop")

    // Add wrapping DIV to group address lines if necessary.
    Component streetAddress = (!StringFactory.isEmptyString(addressLine1.getText())
            && !StringFactory.isEmptyString(addressLine2.getText())
                    ? of(HTMLElement.div, "address_lines", addressLine1, addressLine2)
                    : (StringFactory.isEmptyString(addressLine1.getText()) ? addressLine2 : addressLine1)
    streetAddress.setAttribute("itemprop", "streetAddress");
    boolean hasAddress = (!StringFactory.isEmptyString(addressLine1.getText())
            || !StringFactory.isEmptyString(addressLine2.getText())
            || !StringFactory.isEmptyString(city.getText()) || !StringFactory.isEmptyString(state.getText())
            || !StringFactory.isEmptyString(postalCode.getText()));
    boolean hasPhone = !StringFactory.isEmptyString(phoneNumber.getText());
    boolean hasEmail = !StringFactory.isEmptyString(emailAddress.getText());
    // We only want to output the enclosing HTML if we have content to display.
    if (hasAddress || hasPhone || hasEmail) {
        Container contactContainer = of(HTMLElement.section, "contact",
                new Label(TextSources.create("Contact Information")).setHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h1));
        if (hasAddress) {
            contactContainer.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop-group address",
                    // We are using an H2 here because are immediate ancestor is a DIV. If it was a SECTION,
                    /// then we would use an H1. See the UserProfileViewer for a comparison.
                    new Label(TextSources.create("Address")).setHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h2), streetAddress,
                    of(HTMLElement.div, "place", city, state.setAttribute("itemprop", "addressRegion"),
                            postalCode.setAttribute("itemprop", "postalCode")))
                                    .setAttribute("itemprop", "address").setAttribute("itemscope", "")
                                    .setAttribute("itemtype", "http://schema.org/PostalAddress"));
        if (hasPhone) {
            contactContainer.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop phone",
                    new Label(TextSources.create("Phone")).setHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h2),
                    phoneNumber.setAttribute("itemprop", "telephone")));
        if (hasEmail) {
            contactContainer.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop email",
                    new Label(TextSources.create("Email")).setHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h2),
                    emailAddress.setAttribute("itemprop", "email")));

    if (twitterLink != null || facebookLink != null || linkedInLink != null) {
        Container social = of(HTMLElement.section, "social",
                new Label(TextSources.create("Social Media Links")).setHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h1));
        if (twitterLink != null) {
            twitterLink.setText(TextSources.create("Twitter Link"));
            social.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop twitter", TextSources.create("Twitter"), twitterLink));
        if (facebookLink != null) {
            facebookLink.setText(TextSources.create("Facebook Link"));
            social.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop facebook", TextSources.create("Facebook"), facebookLink));
        if (linkedInLink != null) {
            linkedInLink.setText(TextSources.create("LinkedIn Link"));
            social.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop linkedin", TextSources.create("LinkedIn"), linkedInLink));

    final boolean hasAboutMeProse = StringFactory.isEmptyString(aboutMeProse.getText());
    if (!hasAboutMeProse || aboutMeVideo != null) {
        Container aboutMe = of(HTMLElement.section, "about_me",
                new Label(TextSources.create("About Me")).setHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h1));
        if (picture != null) {
            aboutMe.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop picture", TextSources.create("Picture"), picture));
        if (hasAboutMeProse) {
            aboutMe.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop prose",
                    TextSources.create("Professional Information, Hobbies, Interests..."), aboutMeProse));
        if (aboutMeVideo != null) {
            Label label = new Label(TextSources.create("Video")).setHTMLElement(HTMLElement.label);
            aboutMe.add(of(HTMLElement.div, "prop video", label, aboutMeVideo));

From source file:org.finra.herd.core.HerdStringUtils.java

 * Strips HTML tags from a given input String, allows some tags to be retained via a whitelist
 * @param fragment the specified String//from ww  w. j  a va2 s .  c om
 * @param whitelistTags the specified whitelist tags
 * @return cleaned String with allowed tags
public static String stripHtml(String fragment, String... whitelistTags) {

    // Parse out html tags except those from a given list of whitelist tags
    Document dirty = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(fragment);

    Whitelist whitelist = new Whitelist();

    for (String whitelistTag : whitelistTags) {
        // Get the actual tag name from the whitelist tag
        // this is vulnerable in general to complex tags but will suffice for our simple needs
        whitelistTag = StringUtils.removePattern(whitelistTag, "[^\\{IsAlphabetic}]");

        // Add all specified tags to the whitelist while preserving inline css
        whitelist.addTags(whitelistTag).addAttributes(whitelistTag, "class");

    Cleaner cleaner = new Cleaner(whitelist);
    Document clean = cleaner.clean(dirty);
    // Set character encoding to UTF-8 and make sure no line-breaks are added

    // return 'cleaned' html body
    return clean.body().html();