Java org.lwjgl.opengl ARBBindlessTexture fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.lwjgl.opengl ARBBindlessTexture fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.lwjgl.opengl ARBBindlessTexture.

The text is from its open source code.


longglGetImageHandleARB(@NativeType("GLuint") int texture, @NativeType("GLint") int level, @NativeType("GLboolean") boolean layered, @NativeType("GLint") int layer, @NativeType("GLenum") int format)
Creates and returns an image handle for level level of the texture named texture .
longglGetTextureSamplerHandleARB(@NativeType("GLuint") int texture, @NativeType("GLuint") int sampler)
Creates a texture handle using the current non-sampler state from the texture named texture and the sampler state from the sampler object sampler .
voidglMakeImageHandleNonResidentARB(@NativeType("GLuint64") long handle)
Makes an image handle inaccessible to shaders.
voidglMakeImageHandleResidentARB(@NativeType("GLuint64") long handle, @NativeType("GLenum") int access)
Makes an image handle resident, so that it is accessible to shaders for image loads, stores, and atomic operations.
voidglMakeTextureHandleNonResidentARB(@NativeType("GLuint64") long handle)
Makes a texture handle inaccessible to shaders.
voidglMakeTextureHandleResidentARB(@NativeType("GLuint64") long handle)
Make a texture handle resident, so that it is accessible to shaders for texture mapping operations.