Java org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener DirectMessageListenerContainer fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener DirectMessageListenerContainer fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener DirectMessageListenerContainer.

The text is from its open source code.


DirectMessageListenerContainer(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
Create an instance with the provided connection factory.


voidaddQueues(Queue... queues)
voidaddQueues(Stream queueNameStream)
Delegates to #validateConfiguration() and #initialize() .
Determine whether this container is currently running, that is, whether it has been started and not stopped yet.
voidsetAdviceChain(Advice... adviceChain)
Public setter for the Advice to apply to listener executions.
voidsetApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
voidsetApplicationEventPublisher(ApplicationEventPublisher applicationEventPublisher)
voidsetAutoDeclare(boolean autoDeclare)
Set to true to automatically declare elements (queues, exchanges, bindings) in the application context during container start().
voidsetBeanName(String beanName)
voidsetConsumersPerQueue(int consumersPerQueue)
Each queue runs in its own consumer; set this property to create multiple consumers for each queue.
voidsetConsumerTagStrategy(ConsumerTagStrategy consumerTagStrategy)
Set the implementation of ConsumerTagStrategy to generate consumer tags.
voidsetFailedDeclarationRetryInterval(long failedDeclarationRetryInterval)
Set the interval between passive queue declaration attempts in milliseconds.
voidsetIdleEventInterval(long idleEventInterval)
How often to emit ListenerContainerIdleEvent s in milliseconds.
voidsetMessageListener(MessageListener messageListener)
Set the MessageListener .
voidsetMessagesPerAck(int messagesPerAck)
Set the number of messages to receive before acknowledging (success).
voidsetMissingQueuesFatal(boolean missingQueuesFatal)

Defaults to false for this container.

voidsetMonitorInterval(long monitorInterval)
Set how often to run a task to check for failed consumers and idle containers.
voidsetQueueNames(String... queueName)
voidsetQueues(Queue... queues)
Set the name of the queue(s) to receive messages from.
voidsetRecoveryBackOff(BackOff recoveryBackOff)
Specify the BackOff for interval between recovery attempts.
voidsetShutdownTimeout(long shutdownTimeout)
The time to wait for workers in milliseconds after the container is stopped.
Start this container.
Stop this container.