Example usage for org.springframework.aop.framework AopInfrastructureBean interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.aop.framework AopInfrastructureBean interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.aop.framework AopInfrastructureBean interface-usage.


From source file com.mtgi.analytics.aop.config.ChainingBeanFactoryPostProcessor.java

 * Re-runs all other post-processors on the given bean factory on 
 * another target bean factory, for chaining factory post-process
 * operations across multiple unrelated factories.
 * @see TemplateBeanDefinitionParser

From source file com.mtgi.analytics.aop.BehaviorTrackingAdvice.java

 * Aspect-Oriented "around" advisor that logs method invocations
 * to a backing instance of {@link BehaviorTrackingManager}.  Method
 * parameters and result value are included in the event data.
 * The eventType attribute of generated events is set to <code>method</code>
 * unless overridden with {@link #setEventType(String)}.

From source file com.mtgi.analytics.aop.config.v11.SchedulerActivationPostProcessor.java

 * Adds a trigger to a Quartz scheduler automatically after a bean factory is initialized.
 * Note that the source of the scheduler and the trigger does not necessarily
 * have to be the bean factory that contains this bean.  This is intended to assist in
 * processing of a {@link TemplateBeanDefinitionParser}, in which beans are
 * defined in a source template factory and then promoted out into a target factory after

From source file com.mtgi.analytics.BehaviorTrackingManagerImpl.java

 * <p>Standard implementation of {@link BehaviorTrackingManager}.  BehaviorEvent
 * instances are asynchronously committed to a BehaviorEventPersister when they are
 * complete; user and session IDs for the events are provided by an implementation
 * of {@link SessionContext}.</p>