Example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory.config AbstractFactoryBean subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.beans.factory.config AbstractFactoryBean subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory.config AbstractFactoryBean subclass-usage.


From source file jp.classmethod.aws.brian.utils.BrianServerObjectMapperFactoryBean.java

 * Custom {@link ObjectMapper} for Brian.
 * @since 1.0
 * @version $Id$
 * @author daisuke

From source file com.ktds.ldap.populator.TestContextSourceFactoryBean.java

 * @author Mattias Hellborg Arthursson
public class TestContextSourceFactoryBean extends AbstractFactoryBean<Object> {
    private int port;

From source file edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.common.config.security.MetadataExplicitKeyTrustEngineFactoryBean.java

 * Spring factory bean used to created {@link ExplicitKeyTrustEngine}s based on a metadata provider.
public class MetadataExplicitKeyTrustEngineFactoryBean extends AbstractFactoryBean {

    /** Metadata provider used to look up key information for peer entities. */

From source file com.ktds.ldap.populator.AbstractEc2InstanceLaunchingFactoryBean.java

 * Abstract FactoryBean superclass to use for automatically launching an EC2 instance before creating the actual target object.
 * This approach is particularly useful for integration testing purposes - the idea is to have particular EC2 images prepared
 * for running integration tests against certain server configurations, enabling integration tests aimed at e.g. a particluar
 * DB server to run transparently at the computer of each individual developer without having to have the actual server software
 * installed on their computers.

From source file org.codehaus.griffon.portal.spring.SshServerFactory.java

 * @author Andres Almiray
public class SshServerFactory extends AbstractFactoryBean<SshServer> {
    private GrailsApplication grailsApplication;
    private PasswordAuthenticator passwordAuthenticator;

From source file com.stehno.sjdbcx.RepositoryFactory.java

 * Factory used to create instances of the Repository.
 * Defaults to the ReflectionImplementationProvider.
public class RepositoryFactory<T> extends AbstractFactoryBean<T> implements ApplicationContextAware {

From source file org.springframework.ldap.test.AbstractEc2InstanceLaunchingFactoryBean.java

 * Abstract FactoryBean superclass to use for automatically launching an EC2 instance before creating the actual target object.
 * This approach is particularly useful for integration testing purposes - the idea is to have particular EC2 images prepared
 * for running integration tests against certain server configurations, enabling integration tests aimed at e.g. a particluar
 * DB server to run transparently at the computer of each individual developer without having to have the actual server software
 * installed on their computers.

From source file org.craftercms.commons.mongo.MongoClientFactory.java

 * <p>Creates a Mongo Client based on a connection String </p>
 * <p>Connection String format <i>host:PORT,[host1:port1],[hostN,portN]</i> the port portion is optional default
 * one <i>27017</i> will be use. </p>
 * <p>If connection String is null or empty or whitespace only, this factory will
 * use as if connection String value is "" </p>

From source file com.joshlong.esb.springintegration.modules.nativefs.config.NativeFileSystemMonitoringEndpointFactoryBean.java

 * @author <a href="mailto:josh@joshlong.com">Josh Long</a>
public class NativeFileSystemMonitoringEndpointFactoryBean extends
        AbstractFactoryBean<NativeFileSystemMonitoringEndpoint> implements ResourceLoaderAware, InitializingBean {
    private transient MessageChannel requestChannel;

From source file edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.common.config.security.PKIXValidationInformationFactoryBean.java

 * Factory bean for building instances of {@link PKIXValidationInformation}.
public class PKIXValidationInformationFactoryBean extends AbstractFactoryBean {

    /** Certificates respresented by this info set. */