Example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory.config BeanFactoryPostProcessor interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.beans.factory.config BeanFactoryPostProcessor interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory.config BeanFactoryPostProcessor interface-usage.


From source file org.activiti.spring.components.scope.ProcessScope.java

 * Parts of this code are lifted wholesale from Dave Syer's work on the Spring 3.1 RefreshScope.
 * @author Josh Long
 * @since 5.3
public class ProcessScope implements Scope, InitializingBean, BeanFactoryPostProcessor, DisposableBean {

From source file net.paoding.rose.jade.context.spring.JadeBeanFactoryPostProcessor.java

 * jade.spring.postProcessor.* ?)
 * @author  [qieqie.wang@gmail.com]
 * @author  [in355hz@gmail.com]
public class JadeBeanFactoryPostProcessor implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor {

From source file org.springframework.batch.core.partition.gemfire.RemoteScope.java

 * <p> A {@link Scope} implementation enabling remote invocation using messages or method parameters that are Spring
 * bean components. A user just marks a bean definition as <code>scope="remote"</code>, and then it can be sent over the
 * wire to a remote worker with the same {@link ApplicationContext}. </p>
 * <p> The internal requirements are to <ul> <li>cache bean instances locally</li> <li>ensure that the instances are

From source file com.liferay.arkadiko.bean.AKBeanPostProcessor.java

 * @author Raymond Aug
public class AKBeanPostProcessor extends SimpleInstantiationStrategy
        implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor, BeanPostProcessor, Ordered {

From source file org.metaeffekt.dcc.commons.spring.xml.ProfileValidationBeanFactoryPostProcessor.java

 * Proudly crafted by i001450 on 18.07.14.
public class ProfileValidationBeanFactoryPostProcessor implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor {

    private static final String INDENT = System.lineSeparator() + "    ";

From source file org.everrest.spring.SpringComponentsLoader.java

 * This loader registers any bean annotated with &#64;Path, &#64;Provider or &#64;Filter in the EverRest framework.
 * @author andrew00x
public class SpringComponentsLoader implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor, HandlerMapping {

From source file com.avanza.astrix.spring.AstrixFrameworkBean.java

 * @author Elias Lindholm (elilin)
public class AstrixFrameworkBean implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor, ApplicationContextAware,
        ApplicationListener<ApplicationContextEvent>, Ordered {

From source file org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif.UifBeanFactoryPostProcessor.java

 * Post processes the bean factory to handle UIF property expressions and IDs on inner beans
 * <p>
 * Conditional logic can be implemented with the UIF dictionary by means of property expressions. These are
 * expressions that follow SPEL and can be given as the value for a property using the @{} placeholder. Since such

From source file com.gzj.tulip.jade.context.spring.JadeBeanFactoryPostProcessor.java

 * {@link JadeBeanFactoryPostProcessor}
 * ??applicationContext-jade.xmlSpring????
 * ?Jade DAO ??SpringBeanSpring
 * <p/>
 * <p/>

From source file org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util.UifBeanFactoryPostProcessor.java

 * Post processes the bean factory to handle UIF property expressions and IDs on inner beans
 * <p>
 * Conditional logic can be implemented with the UIF dictionary by means of property expressions. These are
 * expressions that follow SPEL and can be given as the value for a property using the @{} placeholder. Since such