Example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory.config BeanPostProcessor interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.beans.factory.config BeanPostProcessor interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory.config BeanPostProcessor interface-usage.


From source file org.springframework.data.gemfire.config.DiskStoreBeanPostProcessor.java

 * The DiskStoreBeanPostProcessor class post processes any GemFire Disk Store DiskDir Spring beans defined
 * in the application context to ensure that the Disk Store directory location (disk-dir) actually exists
 * before creating the Disk Store.
 * @author John Blum

From source file org.springframework.data.gemfire.config.support.DiskStoreDirectoryBeanPostProcessor.java

 * The {@link DiskStoreDirectoryBeanPostProcessor} processes any GemFire {@link org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore},
 * {@link DiskDir} Spring beans defined in the application context to ensure that the directory actually exists
 * before creating the {@link org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore}.
 * @author John Blum

From source file fr.treeptik.cloudunit.config.DoNotTruncateMyUrls.java

public final class DoNotTruncateMyUrls implements BeanPostProcessor {

    public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
        if (bean instanceof RequestMappingHandlerMapping) {

From source file cn.org.once.cstack.config.DoNotTruncateUrlSuffixes.java

 * Used by remove alias action. The url containers "foo.clouduni.io" for example.
 * Without this postprocessor, the .io is removed
public final class DoNotTruncateUrlSuffixes implements BeanPostProcessor {

From source file net.bull.javamelody.SpringDataSourceBeanPostProcessor.java

 * Post-processor Spring pour une ventuelle DataSource dfini dans le fichier xml Spring.
 * @author Emeric Vernat
public class SpringDataSourceBeanPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor, PriorityOrdered {
    private Set<String> excludedDatasources;

From source file org.springframework.cloud.sleuth.instrument.async.TraceExecutorBeanPostProcessor.java

 * Bean post processor that wraps {@link Executor} in its Trace representation
 * @author Marcin Grzejszczak
 * @since 1.0.10

From source file fr.treeptik.cloudunit.config.DoNotTruncateUrlSuffixes.java

 * Used by remove alias action. The url containers "foo.clouduni.io" for example.
 * Without this postprocessor, the .io is removed
public final class DoNotTruncateUrlSuffixes implements BeanPostProcessor {

From source file org.hspconsortium.cwfdemo.setup.DemoSetup.java

 * Perform initial setup of demo web app. This subclasses BeanPostProcessor to insure that it is
 * executed early in application startup.
public class DemoSetup implements BeanPostProcessor {

From source file org.brekka.stillingar.spring.config.NamespaceRegisteringBean.java

 * A simple bean that registers the specified namespace uri and prefix on load. At this time it is abusing the {@link BeanPostProcessor}
 * mechanism in order to run before {@link ConfigurationBeanPostProcessor}.
 * @author Andrew Taylor (andrew@brekka.org)

From source file org.vaadin.spring.events.support.VaadinEventBusAwareProcessor.java

 * {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanPostProcessor}
 * implementation that passes the corresponding EventBus to beans that
 * implement the one of the {@link org.vaadin.spring.events.EventBusAware} interfaces
 * @author Gert-Jan Timmer (gjr.timmer@gmail.com)