Example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory.config DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.beans.factory.config DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory.config DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor interface-usage.


From source file org.dspace.servicemanager.spring.DSpaceBeanPostProcessor.java

 * This processes beans as they are loaded into the system by spring.
 * Allows us to handle the init method and also push config options.
 * @author Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski @ gmail.com)

From source file org.carewebframework.api.spring.BeanRegistry.java

 * Base class for deriving registries that track managed beans of a given class or interface type.
 * @param <T> The class or interface being tracked.
public class BeanRegistry<T> implements DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor, Iterable<T> {

From source file org.carewebframework.api.context.ContextSerializerRegistry.java

 * Registry for context serializers indexed by the class type they support.
public class ContextSerializerRegistry extends AbstractRegistry<Class<?>, ISerializer<?>>
        implements DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor {

From source file org.cometd.annotation.spring.Configurator.java

 * The Spring component that configures CometD services.
 * Spring scans the classes and finds this class annotated with Spring's @Component
 * annotation, and makes an instance. Then it notices that it has a bean factory
 * method (annotated with @Bean) that produces the BayeuxServer instance.

From source file com.orange.mmp.core.ApplicationController.java

 * Main entry point of MMP application this component
 * is aimed to control components behavior depending on
 * application state.
 * TODO Evolution P3 - Implement true orchestration features

From source file com.ivanzhangwb.interpose.core.InterposeBootStrap.java

 * AnnotationHandler.java???
 * @author zhangwenbo Jan 9, 2013 1:08:32 AM
public class InterposeBootStrap implements DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor, ApplicationContextAware {

From source file org.n52.iceland.config.spring.LifecycleBeanPostProcessor.java

 * Bean post processor that calls {@link Constructable#init() } and
 * {@link Destroyable#destroy()} for every bean that implements these
 * interfaces. In contrast to the {@link javax.annotation.PostConstruct} and
 * {@link javax.annotation.PreDestroy} annotations, these methods will also be
 * called if they are declared in a super class of the bean.

From source file org.carewebframework.api.AppFramework.java

 * Core class for managing the application framework. It provides a registration service for
 * components. It also interfaces with the Spring application context to perform automatic bean
 * registration.
public class AppFramework implements ApplicationContextAware, DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor {

From source file com.chimpler.example.CometConfigurer.java

public class CometConfigurer implements DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor, ServletContextAware {
    private BayeuxServer bayeuxServer;
    private ServerAnnotationProcessor processor;

From source file com.mleekko.test.BayeuxInitializer.java

public class BayeuxInitializer implements DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor, ServletContextAware {
    private BayeuxServer bayeuxServer;
    private ServerAnnotationProcessor processor;
