Example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory.config PropertiesFactoryBean subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.beans.factory.config PropertiesFactoryBean subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory.config PropertiesFactoryBean subclass-usage.


From source file ch.nydi.spring.config.SystemPropertiesFactoryBean.java

 * Use {@link PropertiesFactoryBean} and propagates the properties to system properties if propagateToSystemProperties
 * is enabled.
 * @author Daniel Nydegger

From source file blast.config.spring.WildcardPropertiesFactoryBean.java

 * Load property files using wildcards.  Note that the order in which files are loaded are determined by Spring's {@link org.springframework.core.io.support.PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver}.
 * We do not order the files further in this class, so BE CAREFUL when dealing with properties that might conflict
 * between files!  
public class WildcardPropertiesFactoryBean extends PropertiesFactoryBean {

From source file org.impalaframework.spring.bean.OptionalPropertiesFactoryBean.java

 * Extension of {@link PropertiesFactoryBean} which explicitly supports missing resources, that is
 * allows for locations which are not present. 
 * @author Phil Zoio
public class OptionalPropertiesFactoryBean extends PropertiesFactoryBean {

From source file vlove.spring.config.MutablePropertiesFactoryBean.java

 * Spring object that allows us to inject Properties into it at runtime.
 * @author Michael Laccetti
public class MutablePropertiesFactoryBean extends PropertiesFactoryBean {

From source file org.impalaframework.spring.config.ExternalPropertiesFactoryBean.java

 * Extension of {@link PropertiesFactoryBean} which allows optional loading of properties from file system resource as well as 
 * class path, for given file name. Note that the file system value for the property concerned with override the classpath value.
 * @author Phil Zoio

From source file org.alfresco.config.SystemPropertiesFactoryBean.java

 * Like the parent <code>PropertiesFactoryBean</code>, but overrides or augments the resulting property set with values
 * from VM system properties. As with the Spring {@link PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer} the following modes are
 * supported:
 * <ul>
 * <li><b>SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_MODE_NEVER: </b>Don't use system properties at all.</li>

From source file org.jahia.settings.SystemPropertiesFactoryBean.java

 * Properties factory bean that retrieves the matching system properties.
 * @author Sergiy Shyrkov
public class SystemPropertiesFactoryBean extends PropertiesFactoryBean {

From source file com.temenos.interaction.loader.properties.ReloadablePropertiesFactoryBean.java

 * A properties factory bean that creates a reconfigurable Properties object.
 * When the Properties' reloadConfiguration method is called, and the file has
 * changed, the properties are read again from the file. Credit to:
 * http://www.wuenschenswert.net/wunschdenken/archives/127