Example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory.config PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.beans.factory.config PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory.config PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer subclass-usage.


From source file org.apache.servicecomb.config.ConfigurationSpringInitializer.java

public class ConfigurationSpringInitializer extends PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer implements EnvironmentAware {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigurationSpringInitializer.class);

    public static final String EXTRA_CONFIG_SOURCE_PREFIX = "extraConfig-";

    public ConfigurationSpringInitializer() {

From source file org.sakuli.utils.SakuliPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.java

import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotEmpty;

 * Overrides the default {@link PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer} to dynamically load the properties files in  the {@link
 * TestSuiteProperties#TEST_SUITE_FOLDER} and {@link SakuliProperties#SAKULI_HOME_FOLDER}.

From source file com.smartitengineering.util.bean.spring.PropertiesLocatorConfigurer.java

 * This class will mainly search for a designated properties file at locations
 * predefined by system (that is this module) and user through app context. <p />
 * Preconfigured locations according to ascending priority is -
 * <ul>
 *  <li>System properties (if enabled)</li>

From source file de.extra.client.core.annotation.PropertyPlaceholderPluginConfigurer.java

 * <pre>
 * This class extends the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer so that we will able to
 * configure our plugins.
 * This code is taken and extended from:
 * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/317687/inject-property-value-into-spring-bean

From source file py.una.pol.karaku.configuration.PropertiesUtil.java

 * PlaceHolder para el acceso programatico a las opciones de configuracin del
 * sistema
 * @author Arturo Volpe
 * @since 1.2

From source file com.urbanmania.spring.beans.factory.config.annotations.PropertyAnnotationAndPlaceholderConfigurer.java

 * @author Ricardo Gladwell <ricardo.gladwell@gmail.com>
 * @see com.urbanmania.spring.beans.factory.config.annotations.PropertyAnnotationConfigurer
public class PropertyAnnotationAndPlaceholderConfigurer extends PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
        implements PropertyListener, ApplicationContextAware, BeanFactoryAware {

From source file com.myee.tarot.core.config.RuntimePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.java

 * A property resource configurer that chooses the property file at runtime
 * based on the runtime environment.
 * <p/>
 * Used for choosing properties files based on the current runtime environment,
 * allowing for movement of the same application between multiple runtime

From source file com.edgenius.wiki.service.impl.SystemPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.java

 * I try to make geniuswiki.war file have as few as possible properties. But put most properties outside deployed war file. 
 * This make deployment and migration becomes easier.
 * It try to solve this problem: only one properties is inside deployed package classpath and this file has a property point to a 
 * external directory(rootKey=root.directory). By this root directory, link to another properties, which can define any properties which

From source file org.apache.ranger.common.PropertiesUtil.java

public class PropertiesUtil extends PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer {
    private static Map<String, String> propertiesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PropertiesUtil.class);
    protected List<String> xmlPropertyConfigurer = new ArrayList<String>();

    private PropertiesUtil() {

From source file com.brienwheeler.lib.spring.beans.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.java

 * This drop-in replacement for the Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
 * facilitates property inheritance from parent contexts to children contexts by
 * setting resolved property values as System properties (if not already set)
 * and always using mode SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_MODE_OVERRIDE.
 * <p>