Example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory DisposableBean interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.beans.factory DisposableBean interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory DisposableBean interface-usage.


From source file org.springframework.integration.websocket.IntegrationWebSocketContainer.java

 * The high-level 'connection factory pattern' contract over low-level Web-Socket
 * configuration.
 * <p>
 * Provides the composition for the internal {@link WebSocketHandler}
 * implementation, which is used with native Web-Socket containers.

From source file edu.utah.further.dts.impl.example.DtsImplExampleClientImpl.java

 * A client code that calls the Apelon DTS API. Think about that as the ESB test suite
 * that invokes the code we would like to test upon starting this bundle.
 * <p>
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
 * (c) 2008-2013 FURTHeR Project, Health Sciences IT, University of Utah<br>

From source file org.red5.server.net.policy.SocketPolicyHandler.java

 * Provides the socket policy file.
 * @see "http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/socket_policy_files.html"
 * @author Paul Gregoire (mondain@gmail.com)

From source file org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiServiceExporter.java

 * RMI exporter that exposes the specified service as RMI object with the specified
 * name. Such services can be accessed via plain RMI or via RmiProxyFactoryBean.
 * Also supports exposing any non-RMI service via RMI invokers, to be accessed via
 * RmiClientInterceptor/RmiProxyFactoryBean's automatic detection of such invokers.

From source file org.apereo.portal.spring.web.context.support.FailsafeSingletonScope.java

 * Wraps a {@link Scope} to provide functionality when the wrapped scope can't function
 * due to an illegal state (no current session, request, ...)
 * @author Eric Dalquist
 * @version $Revision$

From source file com.bt.pi.api.http.SimpleHttpServerFactoryBean.java

 * {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean} that creates a simple HTTP server, based on the HTTP server
 * that is included in Sun's JRE 1.6. Starts the HTTP server on initialization and stops it on destruction. Exposes the
 * resulting {@link com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer} object.
 * <p>

From source file org.jasig.portal.xml.xpath.XPathPoolImpl.java

 * Implementation of {@link XPathOperations} that uses a {@link GenericKeyedObjectPool} to pool compiled {@link XPathExpression}
 * instances.
 * @author Eric Dalquist
 * @version $Revision$

From source file ch.algotrader.adapter.ib.IBSession.java

 * Represents on IB (socket) connection.
 * @author <a href="mailto:aflury@algotrader.ch">Andy Flury</a>
@InitializationPriority(value = InitializingServiceType.BROKER_INTERFACE)

From source file org.springframework.kafka.core.DefaultKafkaProducerFactory.java

 * The {@link ProducerFactory} implementation for the {@code singleton} shared {@link Producer}
 * instance.
 * <p>
 * This implementation will produce a new {@link Producer} instance
 * for provided {@link Map} {@code configs} and optional {@link Serializer} {@code keySerializer},

From source file com.alacoder.lion.rpc.springsupport.RefererConfigBean.java

public class RefererConfigBean<T> extends RefererConfig<T>
        implements FactoryBean<T>, BeanFactoryAware, InitializingBean, DisposableBean {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8381310907161365567L;

    private transient BeanFactory beanFactory;