Example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory InitializingBean interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.beans.factory InitializingBean interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory InitializingBean interface-usage.


From source file com.jostrobin.battleships.view.theme.ConfigurableTheme.java

 * @author rowyss
 *         Date: 27.12.11 Time: 14:19
public class ConfigurableTheme extends BaseTheme implements InitializingBean {

From source file com.sangupta.jerry.email.helper.GmailJavaMailSender.java

 * @author sangupta
public class GmailJavaMailSender extends JavaMailSenderImpl implements InitializingBean {

From source file com.smhdemo.common.datasource.generate.factory.init.InitDataSourceFactory.java

 * ??,?
 * @author ?

From source file fr.xebia.xke.test.jdbc.datasource.H2InitializingDriverManagerDataSource.java

 * <p>
 * H2 DB specific initializing <code>DriverManagerDataSource</code>. If values
 * aren't set for driver class name, url, username, or password defaults for an
 * in memory H2 DB are used.
 * </p>

From source file nl.clockwork.common.Log4jConfigurer.java

public class Log4jConfigurer implements InitializingBean {
    private String location;
    private long refreshInterval;

    public Log4jConfigurer(String location) {
        this.location = location;

From source file pl.bcichecki.rms.services.impl.EmergencyAdminServiceImpl.java

 * @author Bartosz Cichecki
public class EmergencyAdminServiceImpl implements EmergencyAdminService, InitializingBean {

    private UserEntity emergencyAdmin;

From source file it.scoppelletti.programmerpower.console.ConsoleApplicationInstanceDirectory.java

 * Implementazione dell&rsquo;interfaccia {@code ApplicationInstanceDirectory}.
 * @since 2.0.0

From source file com.opengamma.language.connector.UserMessagePayloadHandler.java

 * Delegating visitor for the top level messages. Each message type has a default visitor that can be overridden.
 * For example, to filter a set of messages, get the existing handler, register a new one and delegate to the
 * original from the new one. To handle custom messages, register the handler and message types.
public class UserMessagePayloadHandler implements UserMessagePayloadVisitor<UserMessagePayload, SessionContext>,

From source file com.tieto.tre.tietomerchendise.storefront.filters.btg.support.impl.DefaultUrlParsingStrategy.java

 * Default implementation of {@link UrlParsingStrategy}
public class DefaultUrlParsingStrategy implements UrlParsingStrategy, InitializingBean {
    private String regex;
    private Pattern pattern;

From source file org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.scim.ScimUserBootstrap.java

 * Convenience class for provisioning user accounts from {@link UaaUser} instances.
 * @author Luke Taylor
 * @author Dave Syer