Example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory SmartInitializingSingleton interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.beans.factory SmartInitializingSingleton interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory SmartInitializingSingleton interface-usage.


From source file io.pivotal.cla.config.GenerateAccessTokenConfig.java

 * @author Rob Winch
public class GenerateAccessTokenConfig implements SmartInitializingSingleton {

From source file org.springframework.integration.hazelcast.HazelcastLocalInstanceRegistrar.java

 * This class creates an internal configuration {@link MultiMap} to cache Hazelcast instances' socket
 * address information which used Hazelcast event-driven inbound channel adapter(s). It
 * also enables a Hazelcast {@link com.hazelcast.core.MembershipListener} to listen for
 * membership updates.

From source file org.springframework.security.config.annotation.configuration.AutowireBeanFactoryObjectPostProcessor.java

 * Allows registering Objects to participate with an {@link AutowireCapableBeanFactory}'s
 * post processing of {@link Aware} methods, {@link InitializingBean#afterPropertiesSet()}
 * , and {@link DisposableBean#destroy()}.
 * @author Rob Winch

From source file org.springframework.boot.devtools.tunnel.client.TunnelClient.java

 * The client side component of a socket tunnel. Starts a {@link ServerSocket} of the
 * specified port for local clients to connect to.
 * @author Phillip Webb
 * @since 1.3.0

From source file org.springframework.integration.support.management.IntegrationManagementConfigurer.java

 * Configures beans that implement {@link IntegrationManagement}.
 * Configures counts, stats, logging for all (or selected) components.
 * @author Gary Russell
 * @author Artem Bilan

From source file org.springframework.integration.config.GlobalChannelInterceptorProcessor.java

 * Will apply global interceptors to channels (<channel-interceptor>).
 * @author Oleg Zhurakousky
 * @author Mark Fisher
 * @author Artem Bilan

From source file org.springframework.context.event.EventListenerMethodProcessor.java

 * Register {@link EventListener} annotated method as individual {@link ApplicationListener}
 * instances.
 * @author Stephane Nicoll
 * @author Juergen Hoeller

From source file org.springframework.kafka.core.KafkaAdmin.java

 * An admin that delegates to an {@link AdminClient} to create topics defined
 * in the application context.
 * @author Gary Russell

From source file org.springframework.jms.annotation.JmsListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.java

 * Bean post-processor that registers methods annotated with {@link JmsListener}
 * to be invoked by a JMS message listener container created under the cover
 * by a {@link org.springframework.jms.config.JmsListenerContainerFactory}
 * according to the attributes of the annotation.

From source file org.springframework.integration.config.IntegrationManagementConfigurer.java

 * Configures beans that implement {@link IntegrationManagement}.
 * Configures counts, stats, logging for all (or selected) components.
 * @author Gary Russell
 * @author Artem Bilan