Example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory.support BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.beans.factory.support BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.beans.factory.support BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor interface-usage.


From source file sample.MyBeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor.java

 * Spring Security needs to be able to detect bean definitions and modify /
 * create bean definitions based upon the other bean definitions. Here is a very
 * simplified example that illustrates what might need to be done.
 * @author Rob Winch

From source file org.jdal.beans.RoleBeanDefinitionConfigurer.java

 * Configure {@link BeanDefinition} with {@link BeanDefinition#ROLE_INFRASTRUCTURE} by bean name.
 * @author Jose Luis Martin
 * @since 2.0

From source file de.acosix.alfresco.utility.common.spring.PropertyAlteringBeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor.java

 * {@link BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor Bean definition registry post processor} to alter a property of a bean definition with adapted
 * configuration before instantiation without requiring an override that may conflict with custom Spring configuration. Instances of this
 * class can be used to adapt Spring lifecycle interfaces-implementing beans before they are discovered (except other bean definition
 * registry post processors). Due to the early Spring lifecycle phase that instances of this class are used in, property placeholders can
 * not be used to configure properties.

From source file de.axelfaust.alfresco.hackathon.cmisserver.repo.beans.PatternBasedBeanRemovingFactoryPostProcessor.java

 * @author Axel Faust, <a href="http://www.prodyna.com">PRODYNA AG</a>
public class PatternBasedBeanRemovingFactoryPostProcessor implements BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor {

    protected List<String> excludeBeanNames = Collections.emptyList();

From source file de.acosix.alfresco.utility.common.spring.ImplementationClassReplacingBeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor.java

 * {@link BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor Bean definition registry post processor} to alter the implementation class of a bean
 * definition without requiring an override that may conflict with custom Spring configuration. Instances of this class can be used to adapt
 * Spring lifecycle interfaces-implementing beans before they are discovered (except other bean definition
 * registry post processors). Due to the early Spring lifecycle phase that instances of this class are used in, property placeholders can
 * not be used to configure properties.

From source file de.axelfaust.alfresco.hackathon.cmisserver.repo.beans.BeanDefinitionRemovingRegistryPostProcessor.java

 * This post processor is designed to allow us to remove a configurable list of beans that should not be instantiated in a reduced Alfresco
 * Repository. This is a bean definition registry post processor variant of the almost identical
 * {@link BeanDefinitionRemovingFactoryPostProcessor} - using this class instead of the other allows for removing beans that are themselves
 * Spring listeners (and thus initialized before the factory post processor can get to them), but at the cost of not having support for
 * property value placeholder substitution applied to the configuration of this post processor.

From source file com.github.wnameless.spring.bulkapi.BulkApiConfig.java

 * {@link BulkApiConfig} implements the
 * {@link BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor} which helps the user to load
 * {@link BulkApiController} and {@link BulkApiExceptionHandlerAdvice} after
 * adding the {@link EnableBulkApi @EnableBulkApi} annotation to the Web App.

From source file org.wso2.msf4j.spring.MSF4JBeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor.java

 * MSF4JBeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor is used by Spring to add default HTTP and/or HTTPS transports.
 * @since 2.0.0

From source file sample.RedisServerBean.java

 * Runs an embedded Redis instance. This is only necessary since we do not want
 * users to have to setup a Redis instance. In a production environment, this
 * would not be used since a Redis Server would be setup.
 * @author Rob Winch

From source file com.github.xdcrafts.flower.spring.impl.DefaultActionDefinitionFactory.java

 * Factory that defines set of default actions.
public class DefaultActionDefinitionFactory implements BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor {

    private String namespace;