Java RootBeanDefinition fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java RootBeanDefinition fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for RootBeanDefinition.

The text is from its open source code.


RootBeanDefinition(@Nullable Class beanClass)
Create a new RootBeanDefinition for a singleton.
RootBeanDefinition(String beanClassName)
Create a new RootBeanDefinition for a singleton, providing constructor arguments and property values.
RootBeanDefinition(RootBeanDefinition original)
Create a new RootBeanDefinition as deep copy of the given bean definition.
RootBeanDefinition(BeanDefinition original)
Create a new RootBeanDefinition as deep copy of the given bean definition.
Create a new RootBeanDefinition, to be configured through its bean properties and configuration methods.
RootBeanDefinition(@Nullable Class beanClass, @Nullable Supplier instanceSupplier)
Create a new RootBeanDefinition for a singleton bean, constructing each instance through calling the given supplier (possibly a lambda or method reference).
RootBeanDefinition(@Nullable Class beanClass, String scope, @Nullable Supplier instanceSupplier)
Create a new RootBeanDefinition for a scoped bean, constructing each instance through calling the given supplier (possibly a lambda or method reference).
RootBeanDefinition(@Nullable Class beanClass, int autowireMode, boolean dependencyCheck)
Create a new RootBeanDefinition for a singleton, using the given autowire mode.
RootBeanDefinition(@Nullable Class beanClass, @Nullable ConstructorArgumentValues cargs, @Nullable MutablePropertyValues pvs)
Create a new RootBeanDefinition for a singleton, providing constructor arguments and property values.
RootBeanDefinition(String beanClassName, ConstructorArgumentValues cargs, MutablePropertyValues pvs)
Create a new RootBeanDefinition for a singleton, providing constructor arguments and property values.


voidaddQualifier(AutowireCandidateQualifier qualifier)
Register a qualifier to be used for autowire candidate resolution, keyed by the qualifier's type name.
voidcopyQualifiersFrom(AbstractBeanDefinition source)
Copy the qualifiers from the supplied AbstractBeanDefinition to this bean definition.
ObjectgetAttribute(String name)
Return the class of the wrapped bean (assuming it is resolved already).
Return the current bean class name of this bean definition.
Return constructor argument values for this bean (never null ).
Return the dependency check code.
Return the bean names that this bean depends on.
Return the name of the destroy method.
Return the factory bean name, if any.
Return a factory method, if any.
Return the name of the initializer method.
Return a callback for creating an instance of the bean, if any.
Return information about methods to be overridden by the IoC container.
Return the originating BeanDefinition, or null if none.
Return property values for this bean (never null ).
Return the resolved autowire code, (resolving AUTOWIRE_AUTODETECT to AUTOWIRE_CONSTRUCTOR or AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE).
Return a description of the resource that this bean definition came from (for the purpose of showing context in case of errors).
Return the target type of this bean definition, if known (either specified in advance or resolved on first instantiation).
Return whether this definition specifies a bean class.
Return if there are constructor argument values defined for this bean.
Return if there are property values values defined for this bean.
Return whether this bean is "abstract", i.e.
Indicate whether the configured destroy method is the default.
Indicate whether the configured init method is the default.
booleanisExternallyManagedConfigMember(Member configMember)
booleanisExternallyManagedDestroyMethod(String destroyMethod)
booleanisExternallyManagedInitMethod(String initMethod)
booleanisFactoryMethod(Method candidate)
Check whether the given candidate qualifies as a factory method.
Return whether this bean should be lazily initialized, i.e.
Return whether to resolve constructors in lenient mode or in strict mode.
Return whether to allow access to non-public constructors and methods.
Return whether this a Prototype, with an independent instance returned for each call.
Return whether this a Singleton, with a single shared instance returned from all calls.
Return whether this bean definition is 'synthetic', that is, not defined by the application itself.
voidoverrideFrom(BeanDefinition other)
Override settings in this bean definition (presumably a copied parent from a parent-child inheritance relationship) from the given bean definition (presumably the child).
Validate and prepare the method overrides defined for this bean.
voidregisterExternallyManagedConfigMember(Member configMember)
ClassresolveBeanClass(@Nullable ClassLoader classLoader)
Determine the class of the wrapped bean, resolving it from a specified class name if necessary.
voidsetAbstract(boolean abstractFlag)
Set if this bean is "abstract", i.e.
voidsetAttribute(String name, @Nullable Object value)
voidsetAutowireCandidate(boolean autowireCandidate)
Set whether this bean is a candidate for getting autowired into some other bean.
voidsetAutowireMode(int autowireMode)
Set the autowire mode.
voidsetBeanClass(@Nullable Class beanClass)
Specify the class for this bean.
voidsetBeanClassName(@Nullable String beanClassName)
Specify the bean class name of this bean definition.
voidsetConstructorArgumentValues(ConstructorArgumentValues constructorArgumentValues)
Specify constructor argument values for this bean.
voidsetDependencyCheck(int dependencyCheck)
Set the dependency check code.
voidsetDependsOn(@Nullable String... dependsOn)
Set the names of the beans that this bean depends on being initialized.
voidsetDestroyMethodName(@Nullable String destroyMethodName)
Set the name of the destroy method.
voidsetFactoryBeanName(@Nullable String factoryBeanName)
Specify the factory bean to use, if any.
voidsetFactoryMethodName(@Nullable String factoryMethodName)
Specify a factory method, if any.
voidsetInitMethodName(@Nullable String initMethodName)
Set the name of the initializer method.
voidsetLazyInit(boolean lazyInit)
Set whether this bean should be lazily initialized.
voidsetOriginatingBeanDefinition(BeanDefinition originatingBd)
Set the originating (e.g.
voidsetPrimary(boolean primary)
Set whether this bean is a primary autowire candidate.
voidsetPropertyValues(MutablePropertyValues propertyValues)
Specify property values for this bean, if any.
voidsetRole(int role)
Set the role hint for this BeanDefinition .
voidsetScope(@Nullable String scope)
Set the name of the target scope for the bean.
voidsetSource(@Nullable Object source)
Set the configuration source Object for this metadata element.
voidsetSynthetic(boolean synthetic)
Set whether this bean definition is 'synthetic', that is, not defined by the application itself (for example, an infrastructure bean such as a helper for auto-proxying, created through ).
voidsetTargetType(ResolvableType targetType)
Specify a generics-containing target type of this bean definition, if known in advance.
voidsetTargetType(@Nullable Class targetType)
Specify the target type of this bean definition, if known in advance.
Validate this bean definition.