Java org.springframework.beans.factory.xml BeanDefinitionParserDelegate fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.springframework.beans.factory.xml BeanDefinitionParserDelegate fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.springframework.beans.factory.xml BeanDefinitionParserDelegate.

The text is from its open source code.


org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.



BeanDefinitionParserDelegate(XmlReaderContext readerContext)
Create a new BeanDefinitionParserDelegate associated with the supplied XmlReaderContext .


BeanDefinitionHolderdecorateBeanDefinitionIfRequired(Element ele, BeanDefinitionHolder originalDef)
Decorate the given bean definition through a namespace handler, if applicable.
intgetAutowireMode(String attrValue)
Parse the given autowire attribute value into AbstractBeanDefinition autowire constants.
Get the XmlReaderContext associated with this helper instance.
voidinitDefaults(Element root)
Initialize the default settings assuming a null parent delegate.
voidinitDefaults(Element root, @Nullable BeanDefinitionParserDelegate parent)
Initialize the default lazy-init, autowire, dependency check settings, init-method, destroy-method and merge settings.
booleanisDefaultNamespace(@Nullable String namespaceUri)
Determine whether the given URI indicates the default namespace.
booleanisDefaultNamespace(Node node)
Determine whether the given node indicates the default namespace.
booleannodeNameEquals(Node node, String desiredName)
Determine whether the name of the supplied node is equal to the supplied name.
AbstractBeanDefinitionparseBeanDefinitionAttributes(Element ele, String beanName, @Nullable BeanDefinition containingBean, AbstractBeanDefinition bd)
Apply the attributes of the given bean element to the given bean * definition.
BeanDefinitionHolderparseBeanDefinitionElement(Element ele, @Nullable BeanDefinition containingBean)
Parses the supplied element.
BeanDefinitionHolderparseBeanDefinitionElement(Element ele)
Parses the supplied element.
voidparseConstructorArgElements(Element beanEle, BeanDefinition bd)
Parse constructor-arg sub-elements of the given bean element.
BeanDefinitionparseCustomElement(Element ele)
Parse a custom element (outside of the default namespace).
voidparseLookupOverrideSubElements(Element beanEle, MethodOverrides overrides)
Parse lookup-override sub-elements of the given bean element.
voidparseMetaElements(Element ele, BeanMetadataAttributeAccessor attributeAccessor)
Parse the meta elements underneath the given element, if any.
voidparsePropertyElement(Element ele, BeanDefinition bd)
Parse a property element.
voidparsePropertyElements(Element beanEle, BeanDefinition bd)
Parse property sub-elements of the given bean element.
ObjectparsePropertySubElement(Element ele, @Nullable BeanDefinition bd)
Parse a value, ref or collection sub-element of a property or constructor-arg element.
voidparseQualifierElements(Element beanEle, AbstractBeanDefinition bd)
Parse qualifier sub-elements of the given bean element.
voidparseReplacedMethodSubElements(Element beanEle, MethodOverrides overrides)
Parse replaced-method sub-elements of the given bean element.