Example usage for org.springframework.beans PropertyValue getValue

List of usage examples for org.springframework.beans PropertyValue getValue


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.beans PropertyValue getValue.


public Object getValue() 

Source Link


Return the value of the property.


From source file:uk.org.ponder.rsac.support.BeanDefUtil.java

static RSACBeanInfo convertBeanDef(BeanDefinition origdef, String beanname,
        ConfigurableListableBeanFactory factory, MethodAnalyser abdAnalyser, BeanDefConverter converter) {
    RSACBeanInfo rbi = new RSACBeanInfo();
    AbstractBeanDefinition def = getMergedBeanDefinition(factory, beanname, origdef);
    MutablePropertyValues pvs = def.getPropertyValues();
    PropertyValue[] values = pvs.getPropertyValues();
    for (int j = 0; j < values.length; ++j) {
        PropertyValue thispv = values[j];
        Object beannames = BeanDefUtil.propertyValueToBeanName(thispv.getValue(), converter);
        boolean skip = false;
        // skip recording the dependency if it was unresolvable (some
        // unrecognised
        // type) or was a single-valued type referring to a static dependency.
        // NB - we now record ALL dependencies - bean-copying strategy
        // discontinued.
        if (beannames == null
        // || beannames instanceof String
        // && !blankcontext.containsBean((String) beannames)
        ) {// w ww  . j  a va 2 s .  c  om
            skip = true;
        if (!skip) {
            rbi.recordDependency(thispv.getName(), beannames);
    // NB - illegal cast here is unavoidable.
    // Bit of a problem here with Spring flow - apparently the bean class
    // will NOT be set for a "factory-method" bean UNTIL it has been
    // instantiated
    // via the logic in AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory l.376:
    // protected BeanWrapper instantiateUsingFactoryMethod(
    AbstractBeanDefinition abd = def;
    rbi.factorybean = abd.getFactoryBeanName();
    rbi.factorymethod = abd.getFactoryMethodName();
    rbi.initmethod = abd.getInitMethodName();
    rbi.destroymethod = abd.getDestroyMethodName();
    rbi.islazyinit = abd.isLazyInit();
    rbi.dependson = abd.getDependsOn();
    rbi.issingleton = abd.isSingleton();
    rbi.isabstract = abd.isAbstract();
    rbi.aliases = factory.containsBeanDefinition(beanname) ? factory.getAliases(beanname)
            : StringArrayParser.EMPTY_STRINGL;
    if (abd.hasConstructorArgumentValues()) {
        ConstructorArgumentValues cav = abd.getConstructorArgumentValues();
        boolean hasgeneric = !cav.getGenericArgumentValues().isEmpty();
        boolean hasindexed = !cav.getIndexedArgumentValues().isEmpty();
        if (hasgeneric && hasindexed) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("RSAC Bean " + beanname
                    + " has both indexed and generic constructor arguments, which is not supported");
        if (hasgeneric) {
            List cvalues = cav.getGenericArgumentValues();
            rbi.constructorargvals = new ConstructorArgumentValues.ValueHolder[cvalues.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < cvalues.size(); ++i) {
                rbi.constructorargvals[i] = (ConstructorArgumentValues.ValueHolder) cvalues.get(i);
        } else if (hasindexed) {
            Map cvalues = cav.getIndexedArgumentValues();
            rbi.constructorargvals = new ConstructorArgumentValues.ValueHolder[cvalues.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < cvalues.size(); ++i) {
                rbi.constructorargvals[i] = (ConstructorArgumentValues.ValueHolder) cvalues.get(new Integer(i));
    if (rbi.factorymethod == null) {
        // Core Spring change at 2.0M5 - ALL bean classes are now irrevocably
        // lazy!!
        // Package org.springframework.beans
        // introduced lazy loading (and lazy validation) of bean classes in
        // standard bean factories and bean definition readers
        AccessMethod bcnaccess = abdAnalyser.getAccessMethod("beanClassName");
        if (bcnaccess != null) {
            String bcn = (String) bcnaccess.getChildObject(abd);
            if (bcn != null) {
                rbi.beanclass = ClassGetter.forName(bcn);
                if (rbi.beanclass == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class name " + bcn + " for bean definition with name "
                            + beanname + " cannot be resolved");
        } else {
            // all right then BE like that! We'll work out the class later.
            // NB - beandef.getBeanClass() was eliminated around 1.2, we must
            // use the downcast even earlier now.
            rbi.beanclass = abd.getBeanClass();
    return rbi;

From source file:org.springmodules.cache.config.ConfigAssert.java

 * Asserts the given set of property values contains the expected property
 * value./*  www . j  av a  2 s . c  o  m*/
 * @param propertyValues
 *          the given set of property values
 * @param expectedPropertyValue
 *          the expected property value
public static void assertPropertyIsPresent(MutablePropertyValues propertyValues,
        PropertyValue expectedPropertyValue) {

    String propertyName = expectedPropertyValue.getName();
    PropertyValue actualPropertyValue = propertyValues.getPropertyValue(propertyName);

    Assert.assertNotNull("Property " + StringUtils.quote(propertyName) + " not found", actualPropertyValue);

    Object expectedValue = expectedPropertyValue.getValue();
    Object actualValue = actualPropertyValue.getValue();
    String message = "<Property " + StringUtils.quote(propertyName) + ">";

    assertEquals(message, expectedValue, actualValue);

From source file:me.springframework.di.spring.SpringConfigurationLoader.java

 * Loads a {@link MutableInstance} from one of the {@link BeanDefinition}s
 * provided by the {@link BeanDefinitionRegistry} passed in.
 * //from   www . j  ava 2  s .c  om
 * @param instance
 *            A {@link MutableInstance} to be populated.
 * @param definition
 *            A {@link BeanDefinition}, providing the meta data.
private static void load(MutableInstance instance, BeanDefinition definition, MutableContext context) {
    instance.setId("source" + counter++);
    if (ConfigurableBeanFactory.SCOPE_SINGLETON.equals(definition.getScope())) {
    if (ConfigurableBeanFactory.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE.equals(definition.getScope())) {
    if (definition instanceof AbstractBeanDefinition) {
        instance.setInitMethod(((AbstractBeanDefinition) definition).getInitMethodName());
        instance.setDestroyMethod(((AbstractBeanDefinition) definition).getDestroyMethodName());
    if (!definition.getConstructorArgumentValues().isEmpty()) {
        List<MutableConstructorArgument> arguments = new ArrayList<MutableConstructorArgument>();
        for (Object object : definition.getConstructorArgumentValues().getGenericArgumentValues()) {
            MutableConstructorArgument argument = new MutableConstructorArgument(instance);
            ValueHolder holder = (ValueHolder) object;
            argument.setSource(loadSource(context, argument, holder.getValue()));
    Set<MutablePropertySetter> setters = new HashSet<MutablePropertySetter>();
    for (Object object : definition.getPropertyValues().getPropertyValueList()) {
        MutablePropertySetter setter = new MutablePropertySetter(instance);
        PropertyValue value = (PropertyValue) object;
        setter.setSource(loadSource(context, setter, value.getValue()));

    // added by woj
    if (definition instanceof AbstractBeanDefinition) {
        instance.setAutowireMode(((AbstractBeanDefinition) definition).getResolvedAutowireMode());
    } else {

From source file:org.orderofthebee.addons.support.tools.repo.caches.CacheLookupUtils.java

 * Resolves the {@link CacheStatistics cache statistics} of the {@link TransactionalCache transactional cache} instance that facades a
 * specific {@link SimpleCache shared/*  ww w .  j  a  v  a2  s . c  o  m*/
 * cache} and provides it in a more script-friendly representation.
 * @param sharedCacheName
 *            the name of the shared cache
 * @return a facade to a snapshot of the cache statistics
public static AlfrescoCacheStatsFacade resolveStatisticsViaTransactional(final String sharedCacheName) {
    ParameterCheck.mandatoryString("sharedCacheName", sharedCacheName);

    LOGGER.debug("Trying to resolve transactional cache for shared cache {}", sharedCacheName);

    String txnCacheName = null;

    final WebApplicationContext applicationContext = ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext();

    if (applicationContext instanceof ConfigurableApplicationContext) {
        final ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = ((ConfigurableApplicationContext) applicationContext)
        final String[] txnCacheBeanNames = applicationContext.getBeanNamesForType(TransactionalCache.class,
                false, false);

        // this is a rather ugly reference lookup, but so far I see no other way
        for (final String txnCacheBeanName : txnCacheBeanNames) {
            final BeanDefinition txnCacheDefinition = beanFactory.getBeanDefinition(txnCacheBeanName);

            final PropertyValue sharedCacheValue = txnCacheDefinition.getPropertyValues()
            final PropertyValue nameValue = txnCacheDefinition.getPropertyValues().getPropertyValue("name");
            if (nameValue != null && sharedCacheValue != null) {
                final Object sharedCacheRef = sharedCacheValue.getValue();
                if (sharedCacheRef instanceof RuntimeBeanReference) {
                    final String sharedCacheBeanName = ((RuntimeBeanReference) sharedCacheRef).getBeanName();

                    Object nameValueObj = nameValue.getValue();
                    if (nameValueObj instanceof TypedStringValue) {
                        nameValueObj = ((TypedStringValue) nameValueObj).getValue();

                    if (EqualsHelper.nullSafeEquals(sharedCacheBeanName, sharedCacheName)) {
                        if (txnCacheName != null) {
                            LOGGER.info("Shared cache {} is referenced by multiple transactional caches",
                            txnCacheName = null;
                        txnCacheName = String.valueOf(nameValueObj);
                        LOGGER.debug("Resolved transactional cache {} for shared cache {}", txnCacheName,
                    } else {
                        try {
                            final DefaultSimpleCache<?, ?> defaultSimpleCache = applicationContext
                                    .getBean(sharedCacheBeanName, DefaultSimpleCache.class);
                            if (EqualsHelper.nullSafeEquals(defaultSimpleCache.getCacheName(),
                                    sharedCacheName)) {
                                if (txnCacheName != null) {
                                            "Shared cache {} is referenced by multiple transactional caches",
                                    txnCacheName = null;
                                txnCacheName = String.valueOf(nameValueObj);
                                LOGGER.debug("Resolved transactional cache {} for shared cache {}",
                                        txnCacheName, sharedCacheName);
                        } catch (final BeansException be) {
                            // ignore - can be expected e.g. in EE or with alternative cache implementations

        if (txnCacheName == null) {
            LOGGER.debug("Unable to resolve unique transactional cache for shared cache {}", sharedCacheName);
    } else {
                "Application context is not a configurable application context - unable to resolve transactional cache");

    AlfrescoCacheStatsFacade facade = null;
    if (txnCacheName != null) {
        final CacheStatistics cacheStatistics = applicationContext.getBean("cacheStatistics",
        try {
            final Map<OpType, OperationStats> allStats = cacheStatistics.allStats(txnCacheName);
            facade = new AlfrescoCacheStatsFacade(allStats);
        } catch (final NoStatsForCache e) {
            facade = new AlfrescoCacheStatsFacade(Collections.emptyMap());

    return facade;

From source file:com.mtgi.analytics.aop.config.v11.BtManagerBeanDefinitionParser.java

 * called by nested tags to push inner beans into the enclosing {@link BehaviorTrackingManagerImpl}.
 * @return <span>true if the inner bean was added to an enclosing {@link BehaviorTrackingManagerImpl}.  Otherwise, the bean definition
 * is not nested inside a &lt;bt:manager&gt; tag and therefore will have to be registered as a global bean in the application
 * context.</span>/* ww  w.  ja v a  2s.c o m*/
protected static boolean registerNestedBean(BeanDefinitionHolder nested, String parentProperty,
        ParserContext parserContext) {
    //add parsed inner bean element to containing manager definition; e.g. persister or SessionContext impls.
    CompositeComponentDefinition parent = parserContext.getContainingComponent();
    if (parent instanceof ManagerComponentDefinition) {
        //we are nested; add to enclosing bean def.
        ManagerComponentDefinition mcd = (ManagerComponentDefinition) parent;
        BeanDefinition managerDef = parserContext.getContainingBeanDefinition();

        MutablePropertyValues props = managerDef.getPropertyValues();
        PropertyValue current = props.getPropertyValue(parentProperty);
        boolean innerBean = true;

        if (current != null) {
            //if the original value is a reference, replace it with an alias to the nested bean definition.
            //this means the nested bean takes the place of the default definition
            //in other places where it might be referenced, as well as during mbean export
            Object value = current.getValue();
            DefaultListableBeanFactory factory = mcd.getTemplateFactory();
            if (value instanceof RuntimeBeanReference) {
                String ref = ((RuntimeBeanReference) value).getBeanName();

                if (factory.getBeanDefinition(ref) == nested.getBeanDefinition()) {
                    //the nested definition is the same as the default definition
                    //by reference, so we don't need to make it an inner bean definition.
                    innerBean = false;
        if (innerBean)
            props.addPropertyValue(parentProperty, nested);
        return true;
    //bean is not nested inside bt:manager
    return false;

From source file:org.uimafit.component.initialize.ConfigurationParameterInitializer.java

 * Initialize a component from an {@link UimaContext} This code can be a little confusing
 * because the configuration parameter annotations are used in two contexts: in describing the
 * component and to initialize member variables from a {@link UimaContext}. Here we are
 * performing the latter task. It is important to remember that the {@link UimaContext} passed
 * in to this method may or may not have been derived using reflection of the annotations (i.e.
 * using {@link ConfigurationParameterFactory} via e.g. a call to a AnalysisEngineFactory.create
 * method). It is just as possible for the description of the component to come directly from an
 * XML descriptor file. So, for example, just because a configuration parameter specifies a
 * default value, this does not mean that the passed in context will have a value for that
 * configuration parameter. It should be possible for a descriptor file to specify its own value
 * or to not provide one at all. If the context does not have a configuration parameter, then
 * the default value provided by the developer as specified by the defaultValue element of the
 * {@link ConfigurationParameter} will be used. See comments in the code for additional details.
 * @param component the component to initialize.
 * @param context a UIMA context with configuration parameters.
 *///from   w ww .  j  a v  a 2 s .  co  m
public static void initialize(final Object component, final UimaContext context)
        throws ResourceInitializationException {
    MutablePropertyValues values = new MutablePropertyValues();
    List<String> mandatoryValues = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (Field field : ReflectionUtil.getFields(component)) { // component.getClass().getDeclaredFields())
        if (ConfigurationParameterFactory.isConfigurationParameterField(field)) {
            org.uimafit.descriptor.ConfigurationParameter annotation = field

            Object parameterValue;
            String parameterName = ConfigurationParameterFactory.getConfigurationParameterName(field);

            // Obtain either from the context - or - if the context does not provide the
            // parameter, check if there is a default value. Note there are three possibilities:
            // 1) Parameter present and set
            // 2) Parameter present and set to null (null value)
            // 3) Parameter not present (also provided as null value by UIMA)
            // Unfortunately we cannot make a difference between case 2 and 3 since UIMA does 
            // not allow us to actually get a list of the parameters set in the context. We can
            // only get a list of the declared parameters. Thus we have to rely on the null
            // value.
            parameterValue = context.getConfigParameterValue(parameterName);
            if (parameterValue == null) {
                parameterValue = ConfigurationParameterFactory.getDefaultValue(field);

            if (parameterValue != null) {
                values.addPropertyValue(field.getName(), parameterValue);

            // TODO does this check really belong here? It seems that
            // this check is already performed by UIMA
            if (annotation.mandatory()) {

                //               if (parameterValue == null) {
                //                  final String key = ResourceInitializationException.CONFIG_SETTING_ABSENT;
                //                  throw new ResourceInitializationException(key,
                //                        new Object[] { configurationParameterName });
                //               }
            //            else {
            //               if (parameterValue == null) {
            //                  continue;
            //               }
            //            }
            //            final Object fieldValue = convertValue(field, parameterValue);
            //            try {
            //               setParameterValue(component, field, fieldValue);
            //            }
            //            catch (Exception e) {
            //               throw new ResourceInitializationException(e);
            //            }

    DataBinder binder = new DataBinder(component) {
        protected void checkRequiredFields(MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
            String[] requiredFields = getRequiredFields();
            if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(requiredFields)) {
                Map<String, PropertyValue> propertyValues = new HashMap<String, PropertyValue>();
                PropertyValue[] pvs = mpvs.getPropertyValues();
                for (PropertyValue pv : pvs) {
                    String canonicalName = PropertyAccessorUtils.canonicalPropertyName(pv.getName());
                    propertyValues.put(canonicalName, pv);
                for (String field : requiredFields) {
                    PropertyValue pv = propertyValues.get(field);
                    boolean empty = (pv == null || pv.getValue() == null);
                    // For our purposes, empty Strings or empty String arrays do not count as
                    // empty. Empty is only "null".
                    //                  if (!empty) {
                    //                     if (pv.getValue() instanceof String) {
                    //                        empty = !StringUtils.hasText((String) pv.getValue());
                    //                     }
                    //                     else if (pv.getValue() instanceof String[]) {
                    //                        String[] values = (String[]) pv.getValue();
                    //                        empty = (values.length == 0 || !StringUtils.hasText(values[0]));
                    //                     }
                    //                  }
                    if (empty) {
                        // Use bind error processor to create FieldError.
                        getBindingErrorProcessor().processMissingFieldError(field, getInternalBindingResult());
                        // Remove property from property values to bind:
                        // It has already caused a field error with a rejected value.
                        if (pv != null) {
    binder.setRequiredFields(mandatoryValues.toArray(new String[mandatoryValues.size()]));
    if (binder.getBindingResult().hasErrors()) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("Errors initializing [" + component.getClass() + "]");
        for (ObjectError error : binder.getBindingResult().getAllErrors()) {
            if (sb.length() > 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(sb.toString());

From source file:org.bytesoft.bytetcc.supports.dubbo.validator.ProtocolConfigValidator.java

public void validate() throws BeansException {
    MutablePropertyValues mpv = this.beanDefinition.getPropertyValues();
    PropertyValue pv = mpv.getPropertyValue("port");
    Object value = pv == null ? null : pv.getValue();
    if (pv == null || value == null) {
        throw new FatalBeanException(
                "The value of the attribute 'port' (<dubbo:protocol port='...' />) must be explicitly specified.");
    } else if ("-1".equals(value)) {
        throw new FatalBeanException(
                "The value of the attribute 'port' (<dubbo:protocol port='...' />) must be explicitly specified and not equal to -1.");
    }//  w  w w .  jav  a2s. co  m

From source file:org.synyx.hades.dao.orm.DaoInterfaceAwareBeanPostProcessor.java

 * Returns the class which is configured in the given {@link PropertyValue}.
 * In case it is not a {@link TypedStringValue} or the value contained
 * cannot be interpreted as {@link Class} it will return null.
 * /*from   w w w. j  av a  2  s.  c  o  m*/
 * @param propertyValue
 * @return
private Class<?> getClassForPropertyValue(PropertyValue propertyValue) {

    Object value = propertyValue.getValue();
    String className = null;

    if (value instanceof TypedStringValue) {
        className = ((TypedStringValue) value).getValue();
    } else if (value instanceof String) {
        className = (String) value;
    } else if (value instanceof Class<?>) {
        return (Class<?>) value;
    } else {
        return null;

    try {
        return ClassUtils.resolveClassName(className,
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        return null;

From source file:org.bytesoft.bytejta.supports.spring.TransactionEndpointPostProcessor.java

public void initializeCoordinator(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory, BeanDefinition protocolDef,
        String compensableBeanId) throws BeansException {
    MutablePropertyValues mpv = protocolDef.getPropertyValues();
    PropertyValue pv = mpv.getPropertyValue("port");
    if (pv == null || pv.getValue() == null) {
        throw new FatalBeanException("Attribute 'port' of <dubbo:protocol ... /> is null.");
    }//from  w  ww .  j a  va 2  s  .c  om

    String host = CommonUtils.getInetAddress();
    String port = String.valueOf(pv.getValue());
    String identifier = String.format("%s:%s", host, port);

    BeanDefinition beanDef = beanFactory.getBeanDefinition(compensableBeanId);
    beanDef.getPropertyValues().addPropertyValue("identifier", identifier);

From source file:de.luzzifa.spring.test.CustomBeanPostProcessor.java

public PropertyValues postProcessPropertyValues(PropertyValues pvs, PropertyDescriptor[] pds, Object bean,
        String beanName) throws BeansException {
    final List<PropertyValue> original = getOriginalPropertyValuesList(pvs);
    final List<PropertyValue> deepCopy = new ArrayList<>(original.size());
    boolean cloneNecessary = false;

    for (PropertyValue pv : original) {
        final Object originalValue = pv.getValue();
        if ("${stringList}".equals(originalValue)) {
            final Object newPropertyValue = getNewPropertyValue();
            final PropertyValue npv = new PropertyValue(pv, newPropertyValue);
            deepCopy.add(npv);/*from w ww . j a  va 2s  .c o  m*/
            cloneNecessary = true;
        } else {

    if (cloneNecessary) {
        // Set our (possibly massaged) deep copy.
        pvs = new MutablePropertyValues(deepCopy);
    return pvs;