Example usage for org.springframework.context ApplicationContext getEnvironment

List of usage examples for org.springframework.context ApplicationContext getEnvironment


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.context ApplicationContext getEnvironment.


Environment getEnvironment();

Source Link


Return the Environment associated with this component.


From source file:org.springframework.xd.dirt.server.admin.AdminServerApplication.java

public ApplicationListener<?> xdInitializer(ApplicationContext context) {
    XdConfigLoggingInitializer delegate = new XdConfigLoggingInitializer(false);
    return new SourceFilteringListener(context, delegate);

From source file:org.teiid.spring.autoconfigure.TeiidServer.java

private ModelMetaData buildModelFromDataSource(String dsBeanName, String driverName, ApplicationContext context,
        boolean createInitTable) throws AdminException {

    ModelMetaData model = new ModelMetaData();
    model.setName(dsBeanName);/* w  ww . jav  a2 s  . c om*/

    // note these can be overridden by specific ones in the configuration
    // TODO: need come up most sensible properties for this.
    model.addProperty("importer.useQualifiedName", "false");
    model.addProperty("importer.tableTypes", "TABLE,VIEW");

    SourceMappingMetadata source = new SourceMappingMetadata();

    String translatorName = ExternalSource.findTransaltorNameFromDriverName(driverName);
    String dialect = ExternalSource.findDialectFromDriverName(driverName);
    if (dialect != null) {
        model.addProperty(DIALECT, dialect);

    // load the translator class

    // add the importer properties from the configuration
    // note that above defaults can be overridden with this too.
    Collection<? extends PropertyDefinition> importProperties = getAdmin()
            .getTranslatorPropertyDefinitions(source.getTranslatorName(), TranlatorPropertyType.IMPORT);
    importProperties.forEach(prop -> {
        String key = prop.getName();
        String value = context.getEnvironment().getProperty("spring.datasource." + dsBeanName + "." + key);
        if (value == null) {
            value = context.getEnvironment().getProperty("spring.xa.datasource." + dsBeanName + "." + key);
        if (value != null) {
            model.addProperty(key, value);


    // This is to avoid failing on empty schema
    if (createInitTable) {
        model.addSourceMetadata("NATIVE", "");
        model.addSourceMetadata("DDL", "create foreign table dual(id integer);");
    return model;

From source file:org.teiid.spring.autoconfigure.TeiidServer.java

boolean findAndConfigureViews(VDBMetaData vdb, ApplicationContext context,
        PhysicalNamingStrategy namingStrategy) {
    ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider provider = new ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider(
            false);// ww w  .ja v a  2 s  .com
    provider.addIncludeFilter(new AnnotationTypeFilter(javax.persistence.Entity.class));
    provider.addIncludeFilter(new AnnotationTypeFilter(javax.persistence.Embeddable.class));
    provider.addIncludeFilter(new AnnotationTypeFilter(SelectQuery.class));
    provider.addIncludeFilter(new AnnotationTypeFilter(UserDefinedFunctions.class));

    String basePackage = context.getEnvironment().getProperty(TeiidConstants.ENTITY_SCAN_DIR);
    if (basePackage == null) {
        logger.warn("\"" + TeiidConstants.ENTITY_SCAN_DIR
                + "\" is NOT set, scanning entire classpath for @Entity classes.");
        logger.warn("consider setting this property to avoid time consuming scanning");
        basePackage = "*";

    // check to add any source models first based on the annotations
    boolean load = false;
    Set<BeanDefinition> components = provider.findCandidateComponents(basePackage);
    for (BeanDefinition c : components) {
        try {
            Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(c.getBeanClassName());
            ExcelTable excelAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(ExcelTable.class);

            if (excelAnnotation != null) {
                addExcelModel(vdb, clazz, excelAnnotation);
                load = true;
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            logger.warn("Error loading entity classes");

    ModelMetaData model = new ModelMetaData();
    MetadataFactory mf = new MetadataFactory(VDBNAME, VDBVERSION,
            SystemMetadata.getInstance().getRuntimeTypeMap(), model);

    if (components.isEmpty()) {
        if (isRedirectUpdatesEnabled(context)) {
            // when no @entity classes are defined then this is service based, sniff the
            // metadata
            // from Teiid models that are defined and build Hibernate metadata from it.
            buildVirtualBaseLayer(vdb, context, mf);
        } else {
            return false;

    Metadata metadata = getMetadata(components, namingStrategy, mf);
    UDFProcessor udfProcessor = new UDFProcessor(metadata, vdb);
    for (BeanDefinition c : components) {
        try {
            Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(c.getBeanClassName());
            Entity entityAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(Entity.class);
            SelectQuery selectAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(SelectQuery.class);
            TextTable textAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(TextTable.class);
            JsonTable jsonAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(JsonTable.class);
            ExcelTable excelAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(ExcelTable.class);
            UserDefinedFunctions udfAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(UserDefinedFunctions.class);

            if (textAnnotation != null && entityAnnotation != null) {
                new TextTableView(metadata).buildView(clazz, mf, textAnnotation);
            } else if (jsonAnnotation != null && entityAnnotation != null) {
                new JsonTableView(metadata).buildView(clazz, mf, jsonAnnotation);
            } else if (selectAnnotation != null && entityAnnotation != null) {
                new SimpleView(metadata).buildView(clazz, mf, selectAnnotation);
            } else if (excelAnnotation != null && entityAnnotation != null) {
                new ExcelTableView(metadata).buildView(clazz, mf, excelAnnotation);
            } else if (udfAnnotation != null) {
                udfProcessor.buildFunctions(clazz, mf, udfAnnotation);
            } else if (selectAnnotation == null && entityAnnotation != null) {
                new EntityBaseView(metadata, vdb, this).buildView(clazz, mf, entityAnnotation);

            // check for sequence
            if (entityAnnotation != null) {
                udfProcessor.buildSequence(clazz, mf, entityAnnotation);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            logger.warn("Error loading entity classes");

    // check if the redirection is in play
    if (isRedirectUpdatesEnabled(context)) {
        String redirectedDSName = getRedirectedDataSource(context);
        try {
            // rename current view model to something else

            DataSource redirectedDS = (DataSource) ((SBConnectionFactoryProvider) getConnectionFactoryProviders()
            String driverName = getDriverName(redirectedDS);
            if (driverName == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Redirection of updates enabled, however datasource"
                        + " configured for redirection is not recognized.");

            RedirectionSchemaBuilder mg = new RedirectionSchemaBuilder(context, redirectedDSName);
            // if none of the annotations defined, create layer with tables from all data
            // sources
            if (mf.getSchema().getTables().isEmpty()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Redirection of updates enabled, however there are no "
                        + "@Entity found. There must be atleast one @Entity for this feature to work.");

            // now add the modified model that does the redirection
            ModelMetaData exposedModel = mg.buildRedirectionLayer(mf, EXPOSED_VIEW);

            // we need to create the schema in the redirected data source to store the
            // ephemeral data, will use
            // hibernate metadata for schema generation techniques.
            ModelMetaData redirectedModel = vdb.getModel(redirectedDSName);
            assert (redirectedModel != null);
            String dialect = redirectedModel.getPropertyValue(DIALECT);
            if (dialect == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Redirection is enabled, however data source named \"" + redirectedDSName
                                + "\" cannot be used with schema initialization, choose a different data source"
                                + "as there are no schema generation facilities for this data source.");
            new RedirectionSchemaInitializer(redirectedDS, redirectedDSName, getDialect(dialect), metadata,
                    this.metadataSources.getServiceRegistry(), mf.getSchema(), context).init();

            // reload the redirection model as it has new entries now after schema
            // generation.
            try {
                vdb.addModel(buildModelFromDataSource(redirectedDSName, driverName, context, false));
            } catch (AdminException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Error adding the source, cause: " + e.getMessage());
            load = true;
        } catch (BeansException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Redirection is enabled, however data source named \""
                    + redirectedDSName + "\" is not configured. Please configure a data source.");
    if (!mf.getSchema().getTables().isEmpty()) {
        load = true;
        String ddl = DDLStringVisitor.getDDLString(mf.getSchema(), null, null);
        model.addSourceMetadata("DDL", ddl);
    return load;

From source file:org.teiid.spring.autoconfigure.TeiidServer.java

boolean isRedirectUpdatesEnabled(ApplicationContext context) {
    return Boolean.parseBoolean(context.getEnvironment().getProperty(REDIRECTED));

From source file:org.teiid.spring.autoconfigure.TeiidServer.java

public String getRedirectedDataSource(ApplicationContext context) {
    return context.getEnvironment().getProperty(TeiidConstants.REDIRECTED + ".datasource", "redirected");