Example usage for org.springframework.context ApplicationContextAware interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.context ApplicationContextAware interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.context ApplicationContextAware interface-usage.


From source file org.openspaces.esb.mule.seda.OpenSpacesSedaModel.java

 * An OS queue connector. Holding the actual {@link org.openspaces.core.GigaSpace} instance that will
 * be used to communicate with the Space by the {@link OpenSpacesSedaService}.
 * <p>If the giga space reference is defined ({@link #setGigaSpace(String)}, will use it to find the
 * {@link org.openspaces.core.GigaSpace} instance defined. If it is not defined, will try to get

From source file com.qpark.eip.core.spring.EipWsChannelInterceptorInitializer.java

 * Adds all {@link EipWsChannelInterceptor}s to the
 * {@link AbstractMessageChannel}s having names ending with
 * <i>WsChannelRequest</i> or <i>WsChannelResponse</i>.
 * @author bhausen

From source file org.openspaces.esb.mule.eventcontainer.OpenSpacesConnector.java

 * An OpenSpaces mule connector holding Spring application context which is later used
 * by the receiver and the dispatcher to lookup registered beans within the application
 * context. For example, the dispatcher looks up a <code>GigaSpace</code> instance in order
 * to send the code using it.

From source file ch.qos.logback.ext.spring.ApplicationContextHolder.java

 * A special bean which may be defined in the Spring {@code ApplicationContext} to make the context available statically
 * to objects which, for whatever reason, cannot be wired up in Spring (for example, logging appenders which must be
 * defined in XML or properties files used to initialize the logging system).
 * <p/>
 * To use this holder, <i>exactly one</i> bean should be declared as follows:

From source file no.dusken.aranea.AbstractTest.java

 * Abstract test class that configures the environment
@ContextConfiguration({ "/META-INF/integrationTest.xml" })
@TransactionConfiguration(transactionManager = "transactionManager", defaultRollback = true)

From source file com.shengpay.commons.bp.cxf.JaxWsSpringClientProxyFactoryBean.java

 * ClassWS1?jaxws:client?2?JaxWsProxyFactoryBeanClient?
 * Proxy?
 *  ??HTTP?CXF? -?
 * deprecated - using cxf-custom.xml?

From source file org.activiti.explorer.cache.UserCacheFactoryBean.java

 * Factory bean for creating the user-cache.
 * @author Frederik Heremans
public class UserCacheFactoryBean implements FactoryBean<UserCache>, ApplicationContextAware {

From source file org.geoserver.wps.DefaultWebProcessingService.java

 * Default Web Processing Service class
 * @author Lucas Reed, Refractions Research Inc
public class DefaultWebProcessingService implements WebProcessingService, ApplicationContextAware {

From source file org.robinku.commons.remote.cxf.JaxWsSpringClientProxyFactoryBean.java

 * ClassWS1?jaxws:client?2?JaxWsProxyFactoryBeanClient?
 * Proxy?
 *  ??HTTP?CXF? -?
 * deprecated - using cxf-custom.xml?

From source file com.google.code.struts2.test.junit.StrutsSpringSessionTest.java

 * ***Note:  This class taken from struts ASF repo where it is in package org.apache.struts***
 * <p>
 * User: mcucchiara
 * Date: 04/08/11
 * Time: 16.50