Example usage for org.springframework.context ApplicationListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.context ApplicationListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.context ApplicationListener interface-usage.


From source file org.jimsey.projects.turbine.condenser.StompSubscribeEvent.java

 * Hooks into subscription events to/from stomp. Only works for direct connections, not when using a broker.
 * @author the-james-burton

From source file org.geoserver.wps.resource.WPSResourceManager.java

 * A WPS process has to deal with various temporary resources during the execution, be streamed and
 * stored inputs, Sextante temporary files, temporary feature types and so on.
 * This class manages the lifecycle of these resources, register them here to have their lifecycle
 * properly managed

From source file com.aol.advertising.qiao.management.metrics.StatsManager.java

public class StatsManager implements ApplicationListener<StatsEvent> {
    protected Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
    protected StatsCollector collector;
    protected StatsCalculator calculator;
    protected ScheduledExecutorService scheduler;

From source file net.sourceforge.vulcan.spring.SpringEventPool.java

@ManagedResource(objectName = "vulcan:name=eventPool")
public final class SpringEventPool implements EventPool, ApplicationListener {
    List<Event> events = new ArrayList<Event>();
    int maxSize = 20;


From source file ch.ralscha.extdirectspring.controller.MethodRegistrar.java

 * Spring application listener that listens for ContextRefreshedEvent events. If such an
 * event is received the listener will scan for ExtDirectMethod annotated methods in the
 * current ApplicationContext. Found methods will be cached in the {@link MethodInfoCache}
 * . The class also reports warnings and errors of misconfigured methods.

From source file org.fineract.module.stellar.listener.StellarAdjustOfferEventListener.java

public class StellarAdjustOfferEventListener implements ApplicationListener<StellarAdjustOfferEvent> {

    private final AccountBridgeRepository accountBridgeRepository;
    private final StellarAdjustOfferEventRepository stellarAdjustOfferEventRepository;
    private final HorizonServerUtilities horizonServerUtilities;

From source file org.geoserver.wps.gs.GeorectifyConfiguration.java

 * @author Daniele Romagnoli, GeoSolutions SAS
 * @author Andrea Aime, GeoSolutions SAS
public class GeorectifyConfiguration implements ApplicationListener {

From source file org.messic.server.api.dlna.DLNAServer.java

public class DLNAServer implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationContextEvent> {
    private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DLNAServer.class);

    private MusicService musicService;

From source file cloudfoundry.norouter.f5.F5Initializer.java

 * @author Mike Heath
public class F5Initializer implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> {

From source file com.hmsinc.epicenter.model.permission.impl.AuditEventListener.java

 * Simple event listener that generates AuditEvents for Acegi events.
 * @author shade
 * @version $Id: AuditEventListener.java 1568 2008-04-18 13:08:44Z steve.kondik $