Example usage for org.springframework.context EnvironmentAware interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.context EnvironmentAware interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.context EnvironmentAware interface-usage.


From source file com.taptech.spoonscore.config.apidoc.SwaggerConfiguration.java

 * Swagger configuration.
 * Warning! When having a lot of REST endpoints, Swagger can become a performance issue. In that
 * case, you can use a specific Spring profile for this class, so that only front-end developers
 * have access to the Swagger view.

From source file ph.edu.emis.jobtracker.config.apidoc.SwaggerConfiguration.java

 * Swagger configuration.
 * Warning! When having a lot of REST endpoints, Swagger can become a performance issue. In that
 * case, you can use a specific Spring profile for this class, so that only front-end developers
 * have access to the Swagger view.

From source file com.fulliautomatix.csrs.config.apidoc.SwaggerConfiguration.java

 * Swagger configuration.
 * Warning! When having a lot of REST endpoints, Swagger can become a performance issue. In that
 * case, you can use a specific Spring profile for this class, so that only front-end developers
 * have access to the Swagger view.

From source file com.dynamicguy.solrpress.config.apidoc.SwaggerConfiguration.java

 * Swagger configuration.
 * Warning! When having a lot of REST endpoints, Swagger can become a performance issue. In that
 * case, you can use a specific Spring profile for this class, so that only front-end developers
 * have access to the Swagger view.

From source file de.kumpelblase2.jhipsterwebsocket.config.apidoc.SwaggerConfiguration.java

 * Swagger configuration.
 * Warning! When having a lot of REST endpoints, Swagger can become a performance issue. In that
 * case, you can use a specific Spring profile for this class, so that only front-end developers
 * have access to the Swagger view.

From source file org.obiba.mica.config.MailConfiguration.java

public class MailConfiguration implements EnvironmentAware {

    private static final String ENV_SPRING_MAIL = "spring.mail.";

    private static final String DEFAULT_HOST = "";

From source file org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.config.EnvironmentPropertiesFactoryBean.java

import org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean;
import org.springframework.context.EnvironmentAware;
import org.springframework.core.env.ConfigurableEnvironment;
import org.springframework.core.env.EnumerablePropertySource;
import org.springframework.core.env.Environment;
import org.springframework.core.env.PropertySource;

From source file org.obiba.mica.config.ssl.SslContextFactoryImpl.java

 * Build a {@code SSLContext} based on the system keystore.
public class SslContextFactoryImpl implements SslContextFactory, EnvironmentAware {

From source file com.hr.config.apidoc.SwaggerConfiguration.java

 * Springfox Swagger configuration.
 * Warning! When having a lot of REST endpoints, Springfox can become a performance issue. In that
 * case, you can use a specific Spring profile for this class, so that only front-end developers
 * have access to the Swagger view.

From source file org.obiba.mica.config.EsConcurrencyConfiguration.java

public class EsConcurrencyConfiguration implements EnvironmentAware {

    private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_MAX_JOIN_QUERIES = 4;