Example usage for org.springframework.context.event ApplicationEventMulticaster interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.context.event ApplicationEventMulticaster interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.context.event ApplicationEventMulticaster interface-usage.


From source file com.foo.example.AbstractBean.java

public abstract class AbstractBean implements Runnable, ApplicationListener<ApplicationEvent>, InitializingBean,
        ApplicationEventPublisher, ApplicationEventMulticaster {
    protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

From source file com.netflix.genie.core.events.GenieEventBusImpl.java

 * An event bus implementation for the Genie application to use.
 * @author tgianos
 * @since 3.1.2

From source file org.alfresco.repo.management.SafeApplicationEventMulticaster.java

 * Abstract implementation of the {@link ApplicationEventMulticaster} interface,
 * providing the basic listener registration facility.
 * <p>
 * Doesn't permit multiple instances of the same listener by default, as it

From source file org.mule.module.spring.events.MuleEventMulticaster.java

 * <code>MuleEventMulticaster</code> is an implementation of a Spring
 * ApplicationEventMulticaster. This implementation allows Mule event to be sent and
 * received through the Spring ApplicationContext. This allows any Spring bean to
 * receive and send events from any transport that Mule supports such as Jms, Http,
 * Tcp, Pop3, Smtp, File, etc. All a bean needs to do to receive and send events is