Example usage for org.springframework.context Lifecycle interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.context Lifecycle interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.context Lifecycle interface-usage.


From source file com.armeniopinto.stress.control.sensorimotor.SensorimotorAgent.java

 * Implements communication with the sensorimotor component and maintains its status.
 * @author armenio.pinto

From source file com.joshlong.esb.springintegration.modules.services.amazon.sqs.SQSMessageMessageSource.java

 * @author <a href="mailto:josh@joshlong.com">Josh Long</a>
public class SQSMessageMessageSource implements MessageSource, Lifecycle, InitializingBean {
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SQSMessageMessageSource.class);
    private volatile AmazonSQS2Client amazonSQS2Client;

From source file org.archive.modules.deciderules.DecideRuleSequence.java

public class DecideRuleSequence extends DecideRule implements BeanNameAware, Lifecycle {
    final private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(DecideRuleSequence.class.getName());
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 3L;

    protected transient Logger fileLogger = null;

From source file org.archive.modules.recrawl.PersistOnlineProcessor.java

 * Common superclass for persisting Processors which directly store/load
 * to persistence (as opposed to logging for batch load later). 
 * @author gojomo
public abstract class PersistOnlineProcessor extends PersistProcessor implements Lifecycle {

From source file org.archive.crawler.framework.Scoper.java

 * Base class for Scopers.
 * Scopers test CrawlURIs against a scope.
 * Scopers allow logging of rejected CrawlURIs.
 * @author stack
 * @version $Date$, $Revision$

From source file org.archive.modules.recrawl.PersistLogProcessor.java

 * Log CrawlURI attributes from latest fetch for consultation by a later 
 * recrawl. Log must be imported into alternate data structure in order
 * to be consulted. 
 * @author gojomo

From source file com.joshlong.esb.springintegration.modules.services.amazon.sqs.SQSMessageSendingHandler.java

 * This class takes inbound messages and publishes them to the SQS service.
 * @author <a href="mailto:josh@joshlong.com">Josh Long</a>
public class SQSMessageSendingHandler implements MessageHandler, Lifecycle, InitializingBean {

From source file org.jbr.commons.container.SpringContainerManager.java

 * Manages a Spring Container.
 * @author <a href="mailto:brulejr@gmail.com">Jon Brule</a>

From source file org.archive.modules.recrawl.BdbContentDigestHistory.java

 * Bdb content digest history store. Must be a toplevel bean in
 * crawler-beans.cxml in order to receive {@link Lifecycle} events.
 * @see AbstractContentDigestHistory
 * @contributor nlevitt

From source file com.joshlong.esb.springintegration.modules.net.sftp.SFTPMessageSource.java

 * this creates the message source that ultimately 'see's files on a local directory and forwards them on to the bus.
 * These files are asynchronously deposited into a folder via the SFTP synchronizer. This code is <i>very</i> influenced
 * by the #FtpFileSource class.
 * @author <a href="mailto:josh@joshlong.com">Josh Long</a>