Example usage for org.springframework.context MessageSource interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.context MessageSource interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.context MessageSource interface-usage.


From source file org.vaadin.spring.i18n.CompositeMessageSource.java

 * Message source that resolves the messages by querying the {@link org.vaadin.spring.i18n.MessageProvider}s in
 * the application context. The resolved messages are cached by default. The caching can be turned off.
 * @author Petter Holmstrm (petter@vaadin.com)

From source file net.solarnetwork.web.support.MessagesSource.java

 * Extension of MessageSource to allow for getting all messages.
 * <p>Adapted from {@code magoffin.matt.xweb.util.MessagesSource}.</p>
 * @author matt

From source file org.jdal.beans.MessageSourceWrapper.java

 * Simple access to a Spring {@link MessageSource}
 * @author Jose Luis Martin
 * @since 1.0

From source file net.solarnetwork.web.support.ReloadableResourceBundleMessagesSource.java

 * Extension of {@link ReloadableResourceBundleMessagesSource} to allow finding
 * all keys for all messages.
 * <p>
 * Adapted from {@code magoffin.matt.xweb.util.ResourceBundleMessagesSource}.

From source file com.foilen.smalltools.spring.messagesource.UsageMonitoringMessageSource.java

public class UsageMonitoringMessageSource implements MessageSource {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UsageMonitoringMessageSource.class);

    static protected String format(String value, Object[] args) {
        if (args != null) {

From source file net.solarnetwork.node.util.PrefixedMessageSource.java

 * Delegating {@link MessageSource} that dynamically removes a pre-configured
 * prefix
 * from all message codes.
 * <p>

From source file net.solarnetwork.node.util.TemplatedMessageSource.java

 * Delegating {@link MessageSource} that dynamically extracts a pre-configured
 * regular expression match from all message codes.
 * <p>
 * The inspiration for this class was to support messages for objects that might

From source file org.agatom.springatom.core.locale.SMessageSource.java

 * <p>SMessageSource interface.</p>
 * @author kornicameister
 * @version 0.0.2
 * @since 0.0.1

From source file com.acc.storefront.web.theme.StorefrontResourceBundleSource.java

 * CustomResourceBundleThemeSource. Supports site and theme specific resource bundles. Uses a
 * ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource to load the theme file. Delegates to a message source if the theme specific
 * file cannot be found.
public class StorefrontResourceBundleSource implements ThemeSource, ResourceLoaderAware, MessageSource {

From source file pl.orange.opl.storefront.web.theme.StorefrontResourceBundleSource.java

 * CustomResourceBundleThemeSource. Supports site and theme specific resource bundles. Uses a
 * ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource to load the theme file. Delegates to a message source if the theme specific
 * file cannot be found.
public class StorefrontResourceBundleSource implements ThemeSource, ResourceLoaderAware, MessageSource {