Example usage for org.springframework.context ResourceLoaderAware interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.context ResourceLoaderAware interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.context ResourceLoaderAware interface-usage.


From source file org.springframework.osgi.bundle.BundleFactoryBean.java

 * {@link Bundle} installer.
 * <p/> This {@link FactoryBean} allows customers to use Spring to drive bundle management. Bundles states can be
 * modified using the <code>action</code> (defaults to <em>start</em>) and <code>destroyAction</code> (not set by
 * default) parameters.

From source file org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerAccessor.java

 * Common base class for accessing a Quartz Scheduler, i.e. for registering jobs,
 * triggers and listeners on a {@link org.quartz.Scheduler} instance.
 * <p>For concrete usage, check out the {@link SchedulerFactoryBean} and
 * {@link SchedulerAccessorBean} classes.

From source file org.springframework.scripting.support.ScriptFactoryPostProcessor.java

 * {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanPostProcessor} that
 * handles {@link org.springframework.scripting.ScriptFactory} definitions,
 * replacing each factory with the actual scripted Java object generated by it.
 * <p>This is similar to the

From source file org.springframework.security.web.authentication.preauth.j2ee.WebXmlMappableAttributesRetriever.java

 * This <tt>MappableAttributesRetriever</tt> implementation reads the list of defined J2EE
 * roles from a <tt>web.xml</tt> file and returns these from {
 * {@link #getMappableAttributes()}.
 * @author Ruud Senden

From source file org.springframework.xd.module.core.ModuleFactory.java

 * Determines the type of {@link Module} to create from the Module's metadata and creates a module instance. Also,
 * resolves {@link org.springframework.xd.module.options.ModuleOptions} in the process.
 * @author David Turanski
 * @author Ilayaperumal Gopinathan

From source file org.springframework.xml.xsd.commons.CommonsXsdSchemaCollection.java

 * Implementation of the {@link XsdSchemaCollection} that uses Apache WS-Commons XML Schema.
 * <p/>
 * Setting the {@link #setInline(boolean) inline} flag to <code>true</code> will result in all referenced schemas
 * (included and imported) being merged into the referred schema. When including the schemas into a WSDL, this greatly
 * simplifies the deployment of the schemas.

From source file org.springmodules.email.dispatcher.AbstractEmailDispatcher.java

 * A template based based class for email dispatchers. A {@link org.springmodules.template.TemplateResolver} is used
 * to resolve the appropriate template based on the email name. Then the template is executed with the email model,
 * and the output of that execution is parsed using a {@link EmailParser} into an {@link org.springmodules.email.Email} object which is sent
 * using the configured {@link org.springframework.mail.MailSender}.

From source file org.springmodules.workflow.osworkflow.configuration.ConfigurationBean.java

 * Supports Spring-style configuration of OSWorkflow resources. <p/> Workflow
 * descriptor resources are configured through the
 * <code>workflowLocations</code> property. This property accepts a
 * <code>Properties</code> instance and treats the key of each entry as the
 * workflow name and the value as the resource path. All standard Spring

From source file org.squashtest.tm.web.internal.context.ReloadableSquashTmMessageSource.java

 * This specialization of {@link ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource} registers <strong>message.properties</strong>
 * files from fragments looking up into standardized folders "/WEB-INF/messages/<wizard-name>/"
 * @author Gregory Fouquet

From source file org.training.storefront.web.theme.StorefrontResourceBundleSource.java

 * CustomResourceBundleThemeSource. Supports site and theme specific resource bundles. Uses a
 * ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource to load the theme file. Delegates to a message source if the theme specific
 * file cannot be found.
public class StorefrontResourceBundleSource implements ThemeSource, ResourceLoaderAware, MessageSource {