Java ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource.

The text is from its open source code.

Subclass has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.



voidaddBasenames(String... basenames)
Add the specified basenames to the existing basename configuration.
Clear the resource bundle caches of this MessageSource and all its ancestors.
StringgetMessage(String code, @Nullable Object[] args, Locale locale)
StringgetMessage(String code, @Nullable Object[] args, @Nullable String defaultMessage, Locale locale)
voidsetAlwaysUseMessageFormat(boolean alwaysUseMessageFormat)
Set whether to always apply the MessageFormat rules, parsing even messages without arguments.
voidsetBasename(String basename)
Set a single basename, following the basic ResourceBundle convention of not specifying file extension or language codes.
voidsetBasenames(String... basenames)
Set an array of basenames, each following the basic ResourceBundle convention of not specifying file extension or language codes.
voidsetCacheSeconds(int cacheSeconds)
Set the number of seconds to cache loaded properties files.
voidsetCommonMessages(@Nullable Properties commonMessages)
Specify locale-independent common messages, with the message code as key and the full message String (may contain argument placeholders) as value.
voidsetDefaultEncoding(@Nullable String defaultEncoding)
Set the default charset to use for parsing properties files.
voidsetFallbackToSystemLocale(boolean fallbackToSystemLocale)
Set whether to fall back to the system Locale if no files for a specific Locale have been found.
voidsetParentMessageSource(@Nullable MessageSource parent)
voidsetPropertiesPersister(@Nullable PropertiesPersister propertiesPersister)
Set the PropertiesPersister to use for parsing properties files.
voidsetResourceLoader(@Nullable ResourceLoader resourceLoader)
Set the ResourceLoader to use for loading bundle properties files.
voidsetUseCodeAsDefaultMessage(boolean useCodeAsDefaultMessage)
Set whether to use the message code as default message instead of throwing a NoSuchMessageException.