Example usage for org.springframework.core.convert.converter ConditionalGenericConverter interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.core.convert.converter ConditionalGenericConverter interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.core.convert.converter ConditionalGenericConverter interface-usage.


From source file org.fenixedu.bennu.spring.converters.LocalizedStringConverter.java

public class LocalizedStringConverter implements ConditionalGenericConverter {

    private final JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();

    public Set<ConvertiblePair> getConvertibleTypes() {

From source file org.fenixedu.bennu.spring.DomainObjectConverter.java

 * Converts a string to a DomainObject
 * @author Srgio Silva (sergio.silva@tecnico.ulisboa.pt)

From source file jp.xet.baseunits.spring.StringCalendarDateGenericConverter.java

 * {@link GenericConverter} implementation from {@link String} to {@link TimePoint}.
 * @author daisuke
 * @since 2.10

From source file org.fenixedu.bennu.spring.converters.UserFromUsernameConverter.java

 * Converts a string to a User object
 * This converter will try to get the User object by using the source value as an username.
 * If it does not find any matches, it will try to retrieve the User object by using the source value as an externalId, otherwise
 * returns null.

From source file sample.data.mock.MockConversionService.java

 * Allows using Mock {@link CrudRepository} instances (i.e. using Mockito) and still support converting from a String to
 * a domain object. This is used internally by Spring on methods like
 * {@link MessageController#view(sample.data.Message)}
 * @author Rob Winch

From source file org.synyx.hades.extensions.converter.GenericDaoConverter.java

 * {@link org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter} to convert
 * arbitrary input into domain classes managed by Hades DAOs. The implementation
 * uses a {@link ConversionService} in turn to convert the source type into the
 * domain class' id type which is then converted into a domain class object by
 * using a Hades {@link GenericDao}.

From source file in.edu.dsu.cit15.lms.appengine.objectify.converter.OfyEntityClassConverter.java

 * {@link Converter} to convert arbitrary input into domain classes.
 * The implementation uses a {@link ConversionService} to convert the source type
 * into the domain class' id type which is then converted into a domain class
 * object by executing an Objectify query via the {@link OfyService}.

From source file com.googlecode.spring.appengine.objectify.converter.OfyEntityClassConverter.java

 * {@link Converter} to convert arbitrary input into domain classes.
 * The implementation uses a {@link ConversionService} to convert the source type
 * into the domain class' id type which is then converted into a domain class
 * object by executing an Objectify query via the {@link OfyService}.

From source file ru.mystamps.web.controller.converter.LinkEntityDtoGenericConverter.java

public class LinkEntityDtoGenericConverter implements ConditionalGenericConverter {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LinkEntityDtoGenericConverter.class);

    private final CategoryService categoryService;

From source file org.opentides.bean.converter.StringToBaseEntityConverter.java

 * Generic converter for all BaseEntity classes.
 * This converter assumes that a corresponding service that extends 
 * BaseCrudService is declared. For example, SystemCodes.class has 
 * SystemCodesService.