Example usage for org.springframework.core.env ConfigurableEnvironment getPropertySources

List of usage examples for org.springframework.core.env ConfigurableEnvironment getPropertySources


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.core.env ConfigurableEnvironment getPropertySources.


MutablePropertySources getPropertySources();

Source Link


Return the PropertySources for this Environment in mutable form, allowing for manipulation of the set of PropertySource objects that should be searched when resolving properties against this Environment object.


From source file:com.devnexus.ting.web.config.DefaultApplicationContextInitializer.java

public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext) {

    final CloudEnvironment env = new CloudEnvironment();
    if (env.getInstanceInfo() != null) {
        LOGGER.info("cloud API: " + env.getCloudApiUri());
    } else {//from w  w w  .j  av  a  2 s . co  m
        final String profile = System.getProperty("ting-spring-profile");

        if (profile == null) {
            LOGGER.info("System property 'ting-spring-profile' not set. Setting active profile to '{}'.",
        } else {

    final ConfigurableEnvironment environment = applicationContext.getEnvironment();

    if (environment.acceptsProfiles(SpringProfile.STANDALONE)) {
        final String tingHome = environment.getProperty(Apphome.APP_HOME_DIRECTORY);
        final ResourcePropertySource propertySource;
        final String productionPropertySourceLocation = "file:" + tingHome + File.separator
                + SystemInformationUtils.TING_CONFIG_FILENAME;
        try {
            propertySource = new ResourcePropertySource(productionPropertySourceLocation);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Unable to get ResourcePropertySource '" + productionPropertySourceLocation + "'", e);
        LOGGER.info("Properties for standalone mode loaded [" + productionPropertySourceLocation + "]");
    } else {
        final String demoPropertySourceLocation = "classpath:ting-demo.properties";
        final ResourcePropertySource propertySource;
        try {
            propertySource = new ResourcePropertySource(demoPropertySourceLocation);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Unable to get ResourcePropertySource '" + demoPropertySourceLocation + "'", e);
        LOGGER.info("Properties for demo mode loaded [" + demoPropertySourceLocation + "]");

    final boolean mailEnabled = environment.getProperty("mail.enabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
    final boolean twitterEnabled = environment.getProperty("twitter.enabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
    final boolean websocketEnabled = environment.getProperty("websocket.enabled", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);

    if (mailEnabled) {
    if (twitterEnabled) {
    if (websocketEnabled) {


From source file:io.spring.initializr.web.autoconfigure.CloudfoundryEnvironmentPostProcessor.java

public void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment, SpringApplication springApplication) {

    Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    String uri = environment.getProperty("vcap.services.stats-index.credentials.uri");
    if (StringUtils.hasText(uri)) {
        UriComponents uriComponents = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(uri).build();
        String userInfo = uriComponents.getUserInfo();
        if (StringUtils.hasText(userInfo)) {
            String[] credentials = userInfo.split(":");
            map.put("initializr.stats.elastic.username", credentials[0]);
            map.put("initializr.stats.elastic.password", credentials[1]);
        }// www.ja va2 s .c o  m

        addOrReplace(environment.getPropertySources(), map);

From source file:it.scoppelletti.programmerpower.console.spring.ConsoleApplicationRunner.java

 * Inizializza il contesto dell&rsquo;applicazione.
 * /* w  w  w. ja  va 2 s  . c  o m*/
 * @param  ui Interfaccia utente.
 * @return    Oggetto.
private GenericApplicationContext initApplicationContext(UserInterfaceProvider ui) {
    SingletonBeanRegistry beanRegistry;
    GenericApplicationContext ctx = null;
    GenericApplicationContext applCtx;
    XmlBeanDefinitionReader reader;
    ConfigurableEnvironment env;
    PropertySource<?> propSource;
    MutablePropertySources propSources;

    try {
        ctx = new GenericApplicationContext();
        reader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(ctx);

        beanRegistry = ctx.getBeanFactory();
        beanRegistry.registerSingleton(ConsoleApplicationRunner.BEAN_NAME, this);
        beanRegistry.registerSingleton(UserInterfaceProvider.BEAN_NAME, ui);

        env = ctx.getEnvironment();

        // Acquisisco gli eventuali profili configurati prima di aggiungere
        // quello di Programmer Power


        propSources = env.getPropertySources();

        propSources.addFirst(new ConsolePropertySource(ConsolePropertySource.class.getName(), this));

        propSource = BeanConfigUtils.loadPropertySource();
        if (propSource != null) {

        applCtx = ctx;
        ctx = null;
    } finally {
        if (ctx != null) {
            ctx = null;

    return applCtx;

From source file:org.carewebframework.ui.spring.FrameworkAppContext.java

 * Constructor for creating an application context. Disallows bean overrides by default.
 * /*from   ww  w  .  jav  a 2 s .co  m*/
 * @param desktop The desktop associated with this application context. Will be null for the
 *            root application context.
 * @param testConfig If true, use test profiles.
 * @param locations Optional list of configuration file locations. If not specified, defaults to
 *            the default configuration locations ({@link #getDefaultConfigLocations}).
public FrameworkAppContext(Desktop desktop, boolean testConfig, String... locations) {
    this.desktop = desktop;
    ConfigurableEnvironment env = getEnvironment();
    Set<String> aps = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    Collections.addAll(aps, env.getActiveProfiles());

    if (desktop != null) {
        desktop.setAttribute(APP_CONTEXT_ATTRIB, this);
        final Session session = desktop.getSession();
        final ServletContext sc = session.getWebApp().getServletContext();
        final WebApplicationContext rootContext = WebApplicationContextUtils
        setDisplayName("Child XmlWebApplicationContext " + desktop);
        this.ctxListener = new ContextClosedListener();
        getParent().getBean(APPLICATION_EVENT_MULTICASTER_BEAN_NAME, ApplicationEventMulticaster.class)
        // Set up profiles (remove root profiles merged from parent)
        Collections.addAll(aps, testConfig ? Constants.PROFILES_DESKTOP_TEST : Constants.PROFILES_DESKTOP_PROD);
    } else {
        AppContextFinder.rootContext = this;
        Collections.addAll(aps, testConfig ? Constants.PROFILES_ROOT_TEST : Constants.PROFILES_ROOT_PROD);
        env.getPropertySources().addLast(new LabelPropertySource(this));
        env.getPropertySources().addLast(new DomainPropertySource(this));

    env.setActiveProfiles(aps.toArray(new String[aps.size()]));
    setConfigLocations(locations == null || locations.length == 0 ? null : locations);

From source file:com.devnexus.ting.DefaultApplicationContextInitializer.java

public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext) {

    final CloudEnvironment env = new CloudEnvironment();
    if (env.getInstanceInfo() != null) {
        LOGGER.info("Running in the cloud - API: " + env.getCloudApiUri());
    } else {//from   w  w w . j a  v  a2 s .com

        final Apphome apphome = SystemInformationUtils.retrieveBasicSystemInformation();
        SpringContextMode springContextMode;

        LOGGER.info("DevNexus Apphome: " + apphome);

        if (SystemInformationUtils.existsConfigFile(apphome.getAppHomePath())) {
            springContextMode = SpringContextMode.ProductionContextConfiguration;
        } else {
            springContextMode = SpringContextMode.DemoContextConfiguration;


    final ConfigurableEnvironment environment = applicationContext.getEnvironment();

    if (environment.acceptsProfiles(SpringProfile.STANDALONE)) {
        final String tingHome = environment.getProperty(Apphome.APP_HOME_DIRECTORY);
        final PropertySource<?> propertySource;
        final YamlPropertySourceLoader yamlPropertySourceLoader = new YamlPropertySourceLoader();

        final String productionPropertySourceLocation;
        final Apphome apphome = SystemInformationUtils.retrieveBasicSystemInformation();
        if (apphome.getAppHomeSource() == AppHomeSource.USER_DIRECTORY) {
            productionPropertySourceLocation = "file:" + apphome.getAppHomePath() + File.separator
                    + SystemInformationUtils.TING_CONFIG_FILENAME;
        } else {
            productionPropertySourceLocation = "file:" + tingHome + File.separator
                    + SystemInformationUtils.TING_CONFIG_FILENAME;

        try {
            propertySource = yamlPropertySourceLoader.load("devnexus-standalone",
                    new DefaultResourceLoader().getResource(productionPropertySourceLocation), null);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Unable to get ResourcePropertySource '" + productionPropertySourceLocation + "'", e);
        LOGGER.info("Properties for standalone mode loaded [" + productionPropertySourceLocation + "].");
    } else {
        LOGGER.info("Using Properties for demo mode.");

    final String emailProviderAsString = environment.getProperty("devnexus.mail.emailProvider");
    final EmailProvider emailProvider = EmailProvider.valueOf(emailProviderAsString.trim().toUpperCase());
    final boolean twitterEnabled = environment.getProperty("devnexus.twitter.enabled", Boolean.class,
    final boolean websocketEnabled = environment.getProperty("devnexus.websocket.enabled", Boolean.class,
    final boolean payPalEnabled = environment.containsProperty("PAYPAL_MODE");

    LOGGER.info("Uses Settings:" + "\nEmail Provider: " + emailProvider + "\nTwitter Enabled: " + twitterEnabled
            + "\nPayPal Enabled: " + payPalEnabled + "\nWebsocket Enabled: " + websocketEnabled);

    if (EmailProvider.SENDGRID.equals(emailProvider)) {
    } else if (EmailProvider.SMTP.equals(emailProvider)) {
    } else if (EmailProvider.AMAZON_SES.equals(emailProvider)) {
    } else if (EmailProvider.NONE.equals(emailProvider)) {
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown EmailProvider: " + emailProvider);

    if (!EmailProvider.NONE.equals(emailProvider)) {

    if (twitterEnabled) {
    if (websocketEnabled) {
    if (payPalEnabled) {
        switch (environment.getProperty("PAYPAL_MODE")) {
        case "live":
    if (environment.getProperty("DEVELOPMENT_MODE", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE)) {

From source file:org.alfresco.bm.api.v1.RestAPITest.java

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    gson = new Gson();

    // Create a mock DB to connect to
    mockDBFactory = new MongoDBForTestsFactory();
    mongoHost = mockDBFactory.getMongoHost();
    String database = mockDBFactory.getObject().getName();

    // Create an application context (don't start, yet)
    ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(new String[] { PATH_APP_CONTEXT }, false);

    // Pass our properties to the new context
    Properties ctxProperties = new Properties();
    {/*from  w ww .ja  v a2s  .  c o m*/
        ctxProperties.put(PROP_MONGO_CONFIG_HOST, mongoHost);
        ctxProperties.put(PROP_MONGO_CONFIG_DATABASE, database);
        ctxProperties.put(PROP_APP_RELEASE, RELEASE);
        ctxProperties.put(PROP_APP_SCHEMA, "" + SCHEMA);
        ctxProperties.put(PROP_APP_INHERITANCE, "COMMON, TEST");
        ctxProperties.put(PROP_TEST_RUN_MONITOR_PERIOD, "" + 20000);
        ctxProperties.put(PROP_SYSTEM_CAPABILITIES, "Java");
        ctxProperties.put(PROP_APP_CONTEXT_PATH, "/");
        ctxProperties.put(PROP_APP_DIR, ".");
    ConfigurableEnvironment ctxEnv = ctx.getEnvironment();
    ctxEnv.getPropertySources().addFirst(new PropertiesPropertySource("RestAPITest", ctxProperties));
    // Override all properties with system properties
    ctxEnv.getPropertySources().addFirst(new PropertiesPropertySource("system", System.getProperties()));
    // Start the context now

    // Get beans
    dao = ctx.getBean(MongoTestDAO.class);
    appDB = dao.getDb();
    TestServiceImpl testService = ctx.getBean(TestServiceImpl.class);
    LogService logService = ctx.getBean(LogService.class);
    this.testRunServicesCache = ctx.getBean(TestRunServicesCache.class);
    api = new TestRestAPI(dao, testService, logService, testRunServicesCache);

From source file:org.alfresco.bm.test.TestRun.java

 * Called to ensure that the application context is started.
 * <p/>//from   w  ww . j  a va2  s.  c o  m
 * Note that we only pull out the test and test run names at this point so that we don't end up
 * using stale data.
private synchronized void start() {
    DBObject runObj = getRunObj(true);
    if (runObj == null) {
        // Nothing much we can do here

    // Check the application context
    if (testRunCtx != null) {
        // There is nothing to do, the context is already available

    // INFO logging as this is a critical part of the whole application
    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
        logger.info("Starting test run application context: " + runObj);

    ObjectId testObjId = (ObjectId) runObj.get(FIELD_TEST);
    ObjectId runObjId = (ObjectId) runObj.get(FIELD_ID);
    String run = (String) runObj.get(FIELD_NAME);
    // We need to build the test run FQN out of the test run details
    DBObject testObj = testDAO.getTest(testObjId, false);
    if (testObj == null) {
        logger.warn("The test associated with the test run has been removed: " + runObj);
        logger.warn("The test run will be stopped and deleted: " + id);
    String test = (String) testObj.get(FIELD_NAME);
    String release = (String) testObj.get(FIELD_RELEASE);
    Integer schema = (Integer) testObj.get(FIELD_SCHEMA);
    String testRunFqn = test + "." + run;

    // Extract the current properties for the run
    Set<String> propsToMask = new HashSet<String>(7);
    Properties testRunProps = new Properties();
        testRunProps.put(PROP_DRIVER_ID, driverId);
        testRunProps.put(PROP_TEST, test);
        testRunProps.put(PROP_TEST_RUN, run);
        testRunProps.put(PROP_TEST_RUN_ID, id.toString());
        testRunProps.put(PROP_TEST_RUN_FQN, testRunFqn);

        BasicDBList propObjs = (BasicDBList) runObj.get(FIELD_PROPERTIES);
        for (Object obj : propObjs) {
            DBObject propObj = (DBObject) obj;
            String propName = (String) propObj.get(FIELD_NAME);
            String propDef = (String) propObj.get(FIELD_DEFAULT);
            String propValue = (String) propObj.get(FIELD_VALUE);
            if (propValue == null) {
                propValue = propDef;
            testRunProps.put(propName, propValue);
            // Check on the masking for later reporting
            boolean mask = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) propObj.get(FIELD_MASK));
            if (mask) {

    // Create the child application context WITHOUT AUTOSTART
    // TODO: This is hard coded to "config/spring/test-context.xml".  It should be one of the
    //       test definition properties and have the same as default.
    ClassPathXmlApplicationContext testRunCtx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
            new String[] { PATH_TEST_CONTEXT }, false);
    // When running stand-alone, there might not be a parent context
    if (parentCtx != null) {
    // Push cluster properties into the context (must be done AFTER setting parent context)
    ConfigurableEnvironment ctxEnv = testRunCtx.getEnvironment();
    ctxEnv.getPropertySources().addFirst(new PropertiesPropertySource("run-props", testRunProps));
    ctxEnv.getPropertySources().addFirst(new PropertiesPropertySource("system-props", System.getProperties()));

    // Complete logging of what is going to be used for the test
    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
        String nl = "\n";
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024);
        sb.append("Test run application context starting: ").append(nl).append("   Run ID:       ").append(id)
                .append(nl).append("   Test Name:    ").append(test).append(nl).append("   Run Name:     ")
                .append(run).append(nl).append("   Driver ID:    ").append(driverId).append(nl)
                .append("   Release:      ").append(release).append(nl).append("   Schema:       ")
                .append(schema).append(nl).append("   Test Run Properties:   ").append(nl);
        for (Object propNameObj : testRunProps.keySet()) {
            String propName = (String) propNameObj;
            String propValue = testRunProps.getProperty(propName);
            if (propsToMask.contains(propName) || propName.toLowerCase().contains("username")
                    || propName.toLowerCase().contains("password")) {
                propValue = MASK;
            sb.append("      ").append(propName).append("=").append(propValue).append(nl);
        sb.append("   System Properties:   ").append(nl);
        for (Object propNameObj : System.getProperties().keySet()) {
            String propName = (String) propNameObj;
            String propValue = System.getProperty(propName);
            if (propsToMask.contains(propName) || propName.toLowerCase().contains("username")
                    || propName.toLowerCase().contains("password")) {
                propValue = MASK;
            sb.append("      ").append(propName).append("=").append(propValue).append(nl);

    // Now refresh (to load beans) and start
    try {
        this.testRunCtx = testRunCtx;
        // 2015-08-04 fkbecker: store definitions first - for refresh() or start() may fail, too. 
        this.test = test;
        this.run = run;
        this.release = release;
        this.schema = schema;


        // Make sure that the required components are present and of the correct type
        // There may be multiple beans of the type, so we have to use the specific bean name.
        CompletionEstimator estimator = (CompletionEstimator) testRunCtx.getBean("completionEstimator");
        EventProcessor startEventProcessor = (EventProcessor) testRunCtx.getBean("event.start");

        // Register the driver with the test run
        testDAO.addTestRunDriver(runObjId, driverId);

        // Log the successful startup
        logService.log(driverId, test, run, LogLevel.INFO,
                "Successful startup of test run '" + testRunFqn + "'.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Throwable root = ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(e);
        if (root != null && (root instanceof MongoException || root instanceof IOException))
        // 2015-08-04 fkbecker IOException also thrown by FTP file service if host not reachable ...
        // FIXME 
        String msg1 = "Failed to start test run application '" + testRunFqn + "': " + e.getCause().getMessage();
        //String msg2 = "Set the test run property '" + PROP_MONGO_TEST_HOST + "' (<server>:<port>) as required.";
        // We deal with this specifically as it's a simple case of not finding the MongoDB
        logService.log(driverId, test, run, LogLevel.ERROR, msg1);
        //logService.log(driverId, test, run, LogLevel.ERROR, msg2);
        String stack = ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e);
        logger.error("Failed to start test run application '" + testRunFqn + "': ", e);
        String error = "Failed to start test run application '" + testRunFqn + ". \r\n" + stack;
        logService.log(driverId, test, run, LogLevel.ERROR, error);