Example usage for org.springframework.core Ordered interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.core Ordered interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.core Ordered interface-usage.


From source file org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.RegistrationBean.java

 * Base class for Servlet 3.0+ based registration beans.
 * @author Phillip Webb
 * @since 1.4.0
 * @see ServletRegistrationBean

From source file org.springframework.cloud.bootstrap.encrypt.EnvironmentDecryptApplicationInitializer.java

 * Decrypt properties from the environment and insert them with high priority so they
 * override the encrypted values.
 * @author Dave Syer

From source file org.springframework.cloud.bootstrap.encrypt.EnvironmentDecryptApplicationListener.java

 * @author Dave Syer
public class EnvironmentDecryptApplicationListener
        implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext>, Ordered {

From source file org.springframework.cloud.client.discovery.health.DiscoveryClientHealthIndicator.java

 * @author Spencer Gibb
public class DiscoveryClientHealthIndicator
        implements DiscoveryHealthIndicator, Ordered, ApplicationListener<InstanceRegisteredEvent<?>> {

From source file org.springframework.cloud.config.server.environment.VaultEnvironmentRepository.java

 * @author Spencer Gibb
 * @author Mark Paluch
public class VaultEnvironmentRepository implements EnvironmentRepository, Ordered {

From source file org.springframework.cloud.dataflow.server.config.DefaultEnvironmentPostProcessor.java

 * Contributes the values from {@code META-INF/dataflow-server-defaults.yml} and
 * {@code dataflow-server.yml} if it exists, before any of Spring Boot's normal
 * configuration contributions apply. This has the effect of supplying overridable
 * defaults to the various Spring Cloud Data Flow Deployer SPI implementations that in
 * turn override the defaults provided by Spring Boot.

From source file org.springframework.cloud.deployer.admin.server.config.DefaultEnvironmentPostProcessor.java

 * Contributes the values from {@code META-INF/dataflow-server-defaults.yml} and
 * {@code dataflow-server.yml} if it exists, before any of Spring Boot's normal
 * configuration contributions apply. This has the effect of supplying overridable defaults to the
 * various Spring Cloud Data Flow Deployer SPI implementations that in turn override the defaults
 * provided by Spring Boot.

From source file org.springframework.cloud.function.web.flux.request.FluxHandlerMethodArgumentResolver.java

 * Converter for request bodies of type <code>Flux<String></code>.
 * @author Dave Syer

From source file org.springframework.cloud.gateway.filter.ForwardRoutingFilter.java

public class ForwardRoutingFilter implements GlobalFilter, Ordered {

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ForwardRoutingFilter.class);

    private final ObjectProvider<DispatcherHandler> dispatcherHandlerProvider;

From source file org.springframework.cloud.gateway.filter.GatewayMetricsFilter.java

public class GatewayMetricsFilter implements GlobalFilter, Ordered {

    private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

    private final MeterRegistry meterRegistry;