Example usage for org.springframework.dao DuplicateKeyException toString

List of usage examples for org.springframework.dao DuplicateKeyException toString


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.dao DuplicateKeyException toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Returns a short description of this throwable.


From source file:com.poscoict.license.web.controller.ExceptionControllerAdvice.java

public ModelAndView handleDuplicateKeyException(DuplicateKeyException ex) {
    ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView(DEFAULT_ERROR_VIEW);
    mv.addObject("name", ex.getClass().getSimpleName());
    mv.addObject("message", "?  ?. ?? ? .");
    return mv;//w ww.  j av  a  2s.co  m

From source file:com.trenako.web.controllers.RollingStocksController.java

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String create(@ModelAttribute @Valid RollingStockForm form, BindingResult bindingResult, ModelMap model,
        RedirectAttributes redirectAtts) {

    MultipartFile file = form.getFile();
    RollingStock rs = form.buildRollingStock(valuesService, secContext, new Date());

    if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
        model.addAttribute(rejectForm(form, valuesService));
        return "rollingstock/new";
    }//w w w  .j ava2 s .  c  om

    try {
        if (!file.isEmpty()) {
            imgService.saveImageWithThumb(UploadRequest.create(rs, file), 100);

        redirectAtts.addFlashAttribute("message", ROLLING_STOCK_CREATED_MSG);
        redirectAtts.addAttribute("slug", rs.getSlug());
        return "redirect:/rollingstocks/{slug}";
    } catch (DuplicateKeyException duplEx) {
        model.addAttribute(newForm(rs, valuesService));
        model.addAttribute("message", ROLLING_STOCK_DUPLICATED_VALUE_MSG);
        return "rollingstock/new";
    } catch (DataAccessException dataEx) {
        model.addAttribute(newForm(rs, valuesService));
        model.addAttribute("message", ROLLING_STOCK_DATABASE_ERROR_MSG);
        return "rollingstock/new";

From source file:eu.dasish.annotation.backend.rest.PrincipalResource.java

 * It is a convenience method limiting proliferation of user profiles, however
 * the method is currently not used till security issues will be discussed with the LAT 
 * system administrators.//from  w w  w  .  j av  a2s  .com
 * @param remoteId a shibboleth remote id, which will be set as a basic-authentication remote id as well.
 * @param password a shibboleth password which will be set as a basic-authentication password.
 * @return a message about amount of records; which must be 2 if everything goes well: 
 * 1 record for the "principal" table, 1is for the "authorities" tabl.
 * @throws IOException if sending an error fails.
public String registerShibbolizedPrincipalAsNonShibb(@FormParam("remoteId") String remoteId,
        @FormParam("password") String password) throws IOException {
    try {
        int result = dbDispatcher.addSpringUser(remoteId, password, shaStrength, remoteId);
        return result
                + " record(s) has been added. Must be 2: 1 record for the principal, another for the authorities table.";
    } catch (DuplicateKeyException e) {
        return e.toString();