Java SpringContextBootstrappingInitializer fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java SpringContextBootstrappingInitializer fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for SpringContextBootstrappingInitializer.

The text is from its open source code.

Subclass has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.




ConfigurableApplicationContextcreateApplicationContext(String[] basePackages, String[] configLocations)
Creates (constructs and configures) an instance of the ConfigurableApplicationContext based on either the specified base packages containing @Configuration, @Component or JSR 330 annotated classes to scan, or the specified locations of context configuration meta-data files.
Gets a reference to the Spring ApplicationContext constructed, configured and initialized inside the GemFire Server-based JVM process.
voidinit(Properties parameters)
ConfigurableApplicationContextinitApplicationContext( ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext)
Initializes the given ApplicationContext by registering this SpringContextBootstrappingInitializer as an ApplicationListener and registering a runtime shutdown hook.
voidonApplicationEvent(ApplicationContextEvent event)
Gets notified when the Spring ApplicationContext gets created and refreshed by GemFire, once the <initializer> block is processed and the SpringContextBootstrappingInitializer Declarable component is initialized.
Tregister(T listener)
Registers a Spring ApplicationListener to be notified when the Spring ApplicationContext is created by GemFire when instantiating and initializing Declarables declared inside the <initializer> block inside Pivotal GemFire's cache.xml file.
booleanregister(Class annotatedClass)
Registers the specified Spring annotated POJO class, which will be used to configure and initialize the Spring ApplicationContext.
voidsetBeanClassLoader(ClassLoader beanClassLoader)
Sets the ClassLoader used by the Spring ApplicationContext, created by this Pivotal GemFire Initializer, when creating bean definition classes.
Tunregister(T listener)
Un-registers the Spring ApplicationListener from this SpringContextBootstrappingInitializer in order to stop receiving ApplicationEvents on Spring context refreshes.
booleanunregister(Class annotatedClass)
Un-registers the specified Spring annotated POJO class used to configure and initialize the Spring ApplicationContext.