Example usage for org.springframework.expression.spel.support StandardEvaluationContext subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.expression.spel.support StandardEvaluationContext subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.expression.spel.support StandardEvaluationContext subclass-usage.


From source file io.dyn.el.ScopedEvaluationContext.java

 * @author Jon Brisbin <jon@jbrisbin.com>
public class ScopedEvaluationContext extends StandardEvaluationContext {

    private List<EvaluationContext> parentContexts = new ArrayList<>();

From source file org.shredzone.commons.view.util.ViewPathEvaluationContext.java

 * An {@link EvaluationContext} that offers additional string functions.
 * <dl>
 *   <dt><code>simplify</code></dt>
 *   <dd>simplifies a unicode string so it can be used in URLs (see {@link PathUtils#simplify(String)})</dd>

From source file grails.plugin.cache.web.filter.LazyParamAwareEvaluationContext.java

 * Evaluation context class that adds a method parameters as SpEL
 * variables, in a lazy manner. The lazy nature eliminates unneeded
 * parsing of classes byte code for parameter discovery.
 * <p>To limit the creation of objects, an ugly constructor is used

From source file org.icescrum.core.security.MethodScrumEvaluationContext.java

 * Internal security-specific EvaluationContext implementation which lazily adds the
 * method parameter values as variables (with the corresponding parameter names) if
 * and when they are required.
 * @author Luke Taylor

From source file org.springframework.security.access.expression.method.MethodSecurityEvaluationContext.java

 * Internal security-specific EvaluationContext implementation which lazily adds the
 * method parameter values as variables (with the corresponding parameter names) if and
 * when they are required.
 * @author Luke Taylor

From source file org.shredzone.cilla.web.fragment.manager.FragmentContext.java

 * An {@link EvaluationContext} for {@link FragmentValue} annotated parameters.
 * @author Richard "Shred" Krber

From source file org.springjutsu.validation.spel.NamedScopeEvaluationContext.java

 * Acts as Multiple SPEL Evaluation Contexts from a single instance.
 * Allows multiple "scopes" to each be given a name.
 * When searching for properties within the Evaluation Context, the
 * named scopes will be searched in the order they were registered.
 * If the property being sought is qualified with the scope name, then

From source file com.px100systems.util.SpringELCtx.java

 * Unified Spring EL context with all supplemental static functions
 * @version 0.3 <br>Copyright (c) 2015 Px100 Systems. All Rights Reserved.<br>
 * @author Alex Rogachevsky